is the original and largest online database of quality fanedits. We are a community of nerds, geeks, cinephiles, and all-around awesome human beings (the human part might be occasionally questionable). Because fanediting operates in the gray-area of copyright laws, we have developed a set of rules and guidelines for this site. We love film, and want to ensure that we support the industry and show respect to the talented people who bring stories to life on the big screen. Please take the time to read the rules and guidelines, and if you have any questions, you can get in touch with one of our helpful staff members.
Without further ado, here is your team:
- Site Owner: Reave
- Site Admin: ThrowgnCpr, Q2
- Discord Admin: TV’s Frink
- Front Page: The Scribbling Man
- Academy Liaison: DominicCobb
- Moderator: DigModiFicaTion, lapis molari
Check out a brief summary of our rules HERE.
For a more thorough and detailed explanation of our rules look HERE.