11 edits to vote for this month:
King Kong: Eighth Wonder of the World by Belgarath |
Plumbing is Our Game by DonkeyKonga |
Battle of Britain: Second Flight by ParanoidAndroid |
The Six Million Dollar Man Retcon HD Redux: Cyborg Begins by BionicBob |
The Hobbit: The Faithful Edit by CoolGuy209 |
Star Wars Episode III: The Phantom Apprentice (The Clone Wars Series Finale) by NOTFLIX |
Batman Forever: Virtual Workprint – HD Rebuild by Bobson Dugnutt |
Flux Capacitor….Fluxing! by Phase3 |
Venom: The Marvel Cut by Josephdquinn |
The Dark Knight Returns: A B-Movie Mini-Edit by Bailey |
Batman v Superman: False God by Sin Pausa |
Voting closes on October 1st.
- Voting is limited to active members who have been registered for more than a month and have a minimum of 5 posts.
- Users are not allowed to vote for their own edit. (This includes any and all those with a faneditor credit on the IFDB page, regardless of contribution)
- Users are not allowed to solicit votes by PMing others or promoting the poll in other forums or social sites.
Anyone found voting for their own edit or soliciting votes will have their edit disqualified from the poll. No exceptions.
To vote, please visit the poll in our forums.