- Fanedit Search
- Legend (1985)
3 results - showing 1 - 3
Movies and Television Preservations
April 01, 2024
521 1 1
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Fanedit Running Time:
89 minutes
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Between remastering the International Cut (a.k.a. European Theatrical Cut) and reconstructing the US network broadcast cut, I'm sure many of you know that Ridley Scott's 1985 fantasy film, Legend, is one of my favorite films. Having done those edits within the past few months, I decided to reconstruct the UK broadcast television cut for completion sake. The UK television cut, from what I read, is an oddity like the US television cut: whereas the US television cut is essentially the American theatrical print with the Director's Cut (though known only as a workprint during its original creation) version of two sequences with their original music, the UK television cut is also the American theatrical print, with the Tangerine Dream soundtrack, but with the shots of the chef chopping the man on the table omitted, which is quite interesting. Why would the American print be used for UK broadcast instead of the International Cut? Who could really know for certain at this point, but it's still an interesting choice that I wanted to preserve, and do so I have.
For curiosity, posterity and completion sake, I am proud to present Legend: The U.K. TV Cut.
For curiosity, posterity and completion sake, I am proud to present Legend: The U.K. TV Cut.
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Movies and Television Preservations
March 10, 2024
420 1 3
Faneditor Name:
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
95 minutes
Subtitles Available:
Available in HD:
Legend: The U.S. TV Cut is another personal passion project that has a special place in my heart. I have very fond memories associated with this film, and they have followed me into adulthood, compelling me to do this project. My interest in creating this project would be ignited when I came across a site dedicated to the film and saw various mentions of the TV Cut; the site even had a complete breakdown of the TV Cut written up! After giving a thorough readthrough of the breakdown, I had it in my mind that I was going to recreate this cut to the best of my ability.
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Movies and Television Preservations
January 07, 2024
908 1 3
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Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
94 minutes
Subtitles Available:
Available in HD:
After reconstructing the TV cut of Legend and finally replacing an old DVD I had of the Euro cut, I decided I wanted to update the 11-year-old HD transfer of the European theatrical cut using the Arrow Video restoration. This idea was also spurred on by the fact that Arrow Video had the footage for Euro Cut on hand and included bits and pieces of it in a bonus feature available on their set, but weren't allowed to release a restoration of the cut because of rights issues and no cooperation on the part of a certain House of Mouse. So I am glad to present the European theatrical cut of Legend restored.
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3 results - showing 1 - 3