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extended cut

  1. DsqrDStudio

    Star Wars Episode III: Vengeance of the Dark Side - A FanFixed Extended Edition of Revenge of the Sith

    UPDATE: This edit is now available in Dolby Vision HDR with 7.1 Dolby TrueHD Surround Sound! Hello there! Thank you very much for visiting this thread and checking out my work! When “Revenge of the Sith” first hit theaters, fans and critics welcomed the streamlined story and propulsive energy...
  2. Blue Owl

    TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME - The Missing Season

    Check out the article on 25yearslatersite.com: https://www.25yearslatersite.com/2024/06/05/a-new-fan-edit-of-fire-walk-with-me-called-the-missing-season-makes-the-film-into-a-mini-series/ Blue Owl youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@blue-owl-0 There are more than an hour and a half of...
  3. halloween ends extended cut poster redesign.png

    halloween ends extended cut poster redesign.png

    Redesigned poster for my Halloween Ends Extended Cut.
  4. kidjupiter92

    Halloween Ends - Extended Cut

    Now that Halloween Ends has been available on home media since the end of December, I decided that I would attempt to put together an extended edition of Halloween Ends akin to Halloween Kills' Extended Cut. All deleted and extended scenes have been reintegrated into the film. Cutlist: The...
  5. korach1921

    What to do when adding stereo deleted scenes to 6/8-track movie?

    I'm currently trying to make an extended version of a film, but the deleted scenes are in stereo, while the movie is 5.1. What I've done so far is downmix the stereo to mono and add it to the center track, but that obviously means that every other track is silent for the duration of the scene...
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