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  1. Blue Owl

    TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME - The Missing Season

    Check out the article on 25yearslatersite.com: https://www.25yearslatersite.com/2024/06/05/a-new-fan-edit-of-fire-walk-with-me-called-the-missing-season-makes-the-film-into-a-mini-series/ Blue Owl youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@blue-owl-0 There are more than an hour and a half of...
  2. Smoker1

    Sin City - Chronological Extended suggestion

    Suggest doing a Sin City Extended, and Dame to Kill For Version, in Chronological Order if possible. That way, have both in 1 Edit
  3. Ninja-Trix

    AVATAR: Final Cut 3D

    Not long ago, I had been working on an uncut version of James Cameron's AVATAR but that project was plagued by hard drive crashes, software licenses expiring, and a load of other crap that made me quit the project entirely. However, a very kind member of the community contacted me directly with...
  4. JosephDQuinn

    Captain Marvel: The Supreme Cut

    This is my first post on this site ever so I apologize in advance if I'm doing something wrong. Anyway, lets cut to the chase! I had a few issues with Captain Marvel. Not the issues most people have (I actually really like Brie Larson in the role). My issue is with the editing. I saw a great...
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