• Most new users don't bother reading our rules. Here's the one that is ignored almost immediately upon signup: DO NOT ASK FOR FANEDIT LINKS PUBLICLY. First, read the FAQ. Seriously. What you want is there. You can also send a message to the editor. If that doesn't work THEN post in the Trade & Request forum. Anywhere else and it will be deleted and an infraction will be issued.
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    Cast your votes in our WAVE 3 FEOTM Reboot, which will catch us up on 2024: WAVE 3 MEGATHREAD


  1. poster 12 RE13.png

    poster 12 RE13.png

    V 2.0
  2. Poster 6 Curse.png

    Poster 6 Curse.png

    v 2.0
  3. ND poster.png

    ND poster.png

  4. poster 5 Evil Dead Rise.png

    poster 5 Evil Dead Rise.png

  5. poster 4 Evil Dead.png

    poster 4 Evil Dead.png

  6. poster 3 Army of Darkness.png

    poster 3 Army of Darkness.png

  7. poster 2 Dead by Dawn.png

    poster 2 Dead by Dawn.png

  8. poster 1 The Evil Dead.png

    poster 1 The Evil Dead.png

  9. Ray Danger

    Frankenstein [raymix] Series (4 films + soundtrack & MV) V 1.1

    _________________________________ _________________________________ Main Project Intentions & Info: This project aims to bring tighter editing, improved pacing & stronger continuity to 3 films in Universal's Frankenstein franchise & a tribute film from FOX. Frankenstein - Bride of...
  10. Ray Danger

    Halloween [raymix] Series (8 films + soundtrack) V 1.1

    _________________________________ _________________________________ Main Project Intentions & Info: This project aims to bring tighter editing & stronger continuity to 8 of the films in the Halloween movie series. This series features 5 branching timelines. I've included a guide showing the...
  11. Ray Danger

    The Terminator [raymix] Duology (2 films + soundtrack) V 1.1

    _________________________________ _________________________________ Main Project Intentions & Info: My goal was to create alternate versions of the first two Terminator films that don't explain the plot & character motivations upfront, but instead let the story unfold naturally as the films...
  12. Ray Danger

    A Nightmare on Elm Street [raymix] Series (6 films + documentaries, OST & MV) V 2.0

    _________________________________ _________________________________ Main Project Intentions & Info: This project aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to 6 of the films in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Opening credits are removed & a new "A (directors...
  13. Ray Danger

    Friday the 13th [raymix] Series (12 films + documentaries & soundtrack) V 2.0

    _________________________________ _________________________________ Main Project Intentions & Info: This project aims to bring stronger continuity, tighter editing & improved pacing to all 12 films in the Friday the 13th movie series. I've worked out a new timeline that makes everything easy...
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