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9/11 Consecution


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This edit begins on a calm Tuesday morning in New York City. The date? September 11, 2001. This edit portrays the hijacks of Flight 11, 175, 93 and 77; planes hitting the north and south towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and crashing in the Pennsylvania field. The immediate reaction by law enforcement and first responders is and confusion and chaos. The FAA orders the grounding of all air traffic while the towers collapse. It was sheer chaos on the streets of New York, and this edit aims to capture this tone and atmosphere. The edit ends with the the immediate aftermath of the attacks, enactment of the PATRIOT Act, invasion of the Afghanistan, and campaigns to trick the American people and international community to approve of the invasion of Iraq. I incorporate Movies, TV Shows, documentaries, news reports, amateur camcorder footage, interviews, and dramatic enactments. This edit culminates with the invasion of Iraq, with a 'LETS GET THE TERRORISTS!' vibe.


There is SO MUCH 9/11 media, I wanted to tell the entire story start to finish. I quickly realized this would be too much for one single edit, so I broke it up into three separate edits: Prologue to 9/11 (tbd), 9/11 Consecution (this edit), and Aftermath of 9/11 (tbd)
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I plan on creating an edit that follows the entire series of events leading up to and following 9/11. It will likely be split up into two separate portions: 'before 9/11' and 'after 9/11'.

The 'before 9/11' portion will focus on the years and months prior to 9/11, starting with the USS Cole and 1993 WTC bombings. During the months immediately prior to 9/11, the CIA was tracking several Al Qaeda operatives who had entered America illegitimately and were receiving flight training. The CIA prepared several intelligence reports indicating that Al Qaeda was planning an attack on American soil in the immediate future. Such reports were titled “Bin Laden Attacks May be Imminent”, “Bin Laden and Associates Making Near-Term Threats”, and “Bin Laden Planning High-Profile Attacks”. They warned of a “severe blow”, and Al Qaeda was broadcasting that America is about to “witness important surprises”, a “calamitous level event”, and “something very, very, very, very big”. However, one of the most significant reports was a Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”, which was delivered to President Bush on August 6, 2001. The PDB warned of suspicious activity consistent with preparations for a terrorist attack in the United States, including training of operatives and surveillance of targets. Despite these warning signs, FBI Head of Counter-terrrorism Dale Watson only had two analysts investigating the threat posed by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Unsurprisingly, America was unable to effectively connect the dots and prevent the attacks.

As my education and expertise is in criminal intelligence, I find these various shortcomings shocking. However, considering America considered themselves untouchable at the time, it is no surprise them PDBs were not taken seriously. If anyone were to attack America, the attack would come from overseas instead of from within their own borders, or so they thought. The 'after 9/11' portion shall focus on the immediate aftermath of the attacks, reaction by law enforcement and first responders, change in policy, international relations, invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, $40 billion enrichment of Halliburton from Iraq's oil, war profiteering and America's military industrial complex, and ultimately the killing of Usama Bin Laden.

Possible movies and TV shows I will be pulling from include: Vice, United 93, Zero Dark Thirty, The Looming Tower, The Report, W., Generation Kill. Also I hope to integrate various news reports and bulletins.

Any ideas feel free to comment below! This edit will surely take a while and be a slow burn, but I am looking forward!
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It might be cool to use some provocative music to score this.
I think im going for a very straight, factual, serious tone, but feel free to make music suggestions
I thought of something like this years back but it seemed too much of a dark subject to tackle . I was going to incorporate the World Trade Center movie and maybe 'Remember Me with' Robert Pattinson.

I was going to do a similar consecution edit about JFK ..using JFK, Parkland, Jackie, The Kennedy's & 11/22/63 mini-series. but it seems like such a tall order when i can't even get my current edits finished. Plus I've got some tip top artwork for the poster (y)
I've actually had some very rough ideas for an American Sniper edit that focuses on the effect of 9/11 on American mentality. I know there is some 9/11 media out there but it feels like a weirdly untapped well given how influential the events were to the whole world. Maybe just because people felt it was two sore of a topic, but most people under 30 can't even remember 9/11, so it's definitely not 'too soon' anymore in my opinion.
most people under 30 can't even remember 9/11

Nobody my age (24) seems to know America invaded the wrong country after 9/11, and occupied it for nearly 20 years.

The rabbit hole goes deep, once you realize Cheney had a map of Iraq's good oil fields in his back pocket even before 9/11, and a list of which oil companies would be interested in which fields "should they become available" - including Halliburton, which he was CEO of. Halliburton later profited $40 billion from Iraq's oil.

Vice has a pretty good scene where himself, Colin Powell, and SecDef Rumsfeld discuss convincing the American people Iraq had WMDs (using pictures of piles of debris) and ties to Al Qaeda to get them to support an invasion of Iraq. Turns out the WMD cover story was made up, there were no links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, and Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. Oops!
@greenturnedblue , do you plan to make this edit by yourself or invite a group of fellow faneditors to make shorts within the project? The "consecution" title doesn't make that clear.

As someone who was in Manhattan on that day: please tread carefully with this topic that is very much part of living memory.

On a less uncomfortable note: Are you familiar with World War 3 Illustrated? Well researched stories since 1980, that leave the reader with room to form their own opinion.

Nobody my age (24) seems to know America invaded the wrong country after 9/11, and occupied it for nearly 20 years.

The rabbit hole goes deep, once you realize Cheney had a map of Iraq's good oil fields in his back pocket even before 9/11, and a list of which oil companies would be interested in which fields "should they become available" - including Halliburton, which he was CEO of. Halliburton later profited $40 billion from Iraq's oil.

Vice has a pretty good scene where himself, Colin Powell, and SecDef Rumsfeld discuss convincing the American people Iraq had WMDs (using pictures of piles of debris) and ties to Al Qaeda to get them to support an invasion of Iraq. Turns out the WMD cover story was made up, there were no links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, and Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. Oops!
I'm 40 and got to watch all this madness unfold over the course of my entire adult life, including when I skipped college class to watch Colin Powell annihilate his sterling reputation in front of the UN.

GTB, your edit sounds like a fascinating way to document the changes in the world (both real and filmic), particularly since 9/11 was inspired by the images of Hollywood disaster movies themselves. The fact that Richard Clarke's damning testimony before the 9/11 commission wasn't the immediate death knell of the GWB administration just shows how powerful the pro-war propaganda was in those years.

I made a United 93 edit that incorporated material from the Naudet Brothers' 9/11 documentary and some other contemporary material. I wasn't completely satisfied with it technically so I didn't post it publicly but if you'd like to have a look to see if there's any ideas in it that might be useful I'd be happy to send a link your way, GTB. Either way, I'm excited to see how your edit turns out.
@greenturnedblue , do you plan to make this edit by yourself or invite a group of fellow faneditors to make shorts within the project? The "consecution" title doesn't make that clear.

As someone who was in Manhattan on that day: please tread carefully with this topic that is very much part of living memory.

On a less uncomfortable note: Are you familiar with World War 3 Illustrated? Well researched stories since 1980, that leave the reader with room to form their own opinion.

It is a consecution in the sense it is a series of clips from different media (film, TV shows, news broadcasts, various speeches) strung together in chronological order to create a massive timeline of events. I am the only editor.

Thank you for your advice, I understand this is a sensitive topic for many and I will tread carefully.
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made a United 93 edit that incorporated material from the Naudet Brothers' 9/11 documentary and some other contemporary material. I wasn't completely satisfied with it technically so I didn't post it publicly but if you'd like to have a look to see if there's any ideas in it that might be useful I'd be happy to send a link your way, GTB
That would be amazing! That sounds very intriguing and pretty similar to what I am on doing with my edit
It is a consecution in the sense it is a bunch of different media (film, TV shows, news broadcasts, various speeches) strung together in chronological order to create a massive timeline of events. I am the only editor.

Thank you for your advice, I understand this is a sensitive topic for many and I will tread carefully.
A real consecution then. The term has been misused for anthologies of short edits on this site for a long time.
I think that it's worth integrating footage of the Naudet Brothers 9/11 documentary in this edit, which is available officially on VHS and DVD. This film is one of three images of Flight 11 impacting the North Tower.
So far I have a rough cut of the first hour and a half. I am using the movies United 93, Vice, World Trade Center, and Zero Dark Thirty. TV shows The Looming Tower and Generation Kill. Also many news reports and Bush/Cheney interviews and speeches. If anyone wants to chime in with additional media I should consider pulling from, or wants to preview the rough cut feel free to comment or pm me
I think that it's worth integrating footage of the Naudet Brothers 9/11 documentary in this edit, which is available officially on VHS and DVD. This film is one of three images of Flight 11 impacting the North Tower.
There's upscaled raw footage that's recently surfaced on YouTube that'd be perfect for editing projects.
Have you considered using some of Norm Macdonald's 9/11 satirical commentary? Or something from Michael Moore's Farenheight 9/11?
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