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Ahsoka (Spoilers within)


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Well, new trailer dropped so why not make an official thread for it.

After Obi-Wam I'm more than hesitant. The dialogue and delivery aren't helping. It looks really polished and clean. Hoping they get a bit grittier in their look.

Share your thoughts, hopes, worries, indifferences, etc.
One ongoing issue with these Star Wars shows, including Rebels, is the problem of a fairly large number of Jedi and force users popping up on every corner. This is a blatant and glaring contradiction with the OT indicating Vader wiped them out, while also diminishing his character. Do we really need more of them to tell a compelling story? Why do we need more inquisitors?

Andor gave us a solid narrative without having to force the issue of having a force user on every block. I want this to be an excellent show, but the trailer is giving me nostalgia-baiting vibes. I am concerned we will be getting recycled plots.

I would also hope we are given a Thrawn character who can actually achieve meaningful victories to justify the character’s reputation. In the Rebels show, he was defeated repeatedly by force using animals and even a tree. Let us hope we can get something a bit less childish than that. (I do understand that Rebels was primarily made for children).

On a positive note, I thought Rosario Dawson was solid in her brief appearances in The Mandalorian and BOBF (with some stale dialogue). I hope she succeeds as she appears to have really embraced the role.
I'm a huge fan of the Thrawn Trilogy and its Thrawn. Up until Andor, the OT and the Thrawn Trilogy were the only Star Wars material I genuinely loved. (Shadows of the Empire, Solo and Mando S1-2 were fairly okay, and I tried Rebels, but bailed after two seasons.)

So, I don't know what to make of all this. I know Zahn has written many more books about Thrawn, but I don't like the idea of him not being a true believing Imperial, but instead some long-con double agent for his own mysterious species, one bit. Thrawn's character of an evil Sherlock Holmes was a great idea on its own, and the fact that he was a non-human in an Empire that (per Zahn's trilogy) actively discriminated against non-humans made him even more fascinating and enigmatic. To say "nah, just kidding, he had his own devious agenda all along" strikes me as far less interesting.

Similarly, as for Inquisitors, I think the idea of creepy Dark Side monks helping The Emperor and Vader track down Jedi survivors is a fantastic one, but I agree with HonestAbe that for them to wield lightsabers and fight Jedi ruins everything. I've always thought the "Rule of Two" was stupid, but Inquisitors with lightsabers seems to utterly break that rule while nominally keeping it in place, which is even worse.

Anyhow, Boba Fett was undone by the desire to make Fett a hero, Kenobi was undone because it should never have existed in the first place (at least in any form in which Obi-Wan pals around with Leia and encounters Anakin again), and Mando S3 was undone by a boring story about a whole tribe of bounty hunters I've got no particular reason to care about. Being a direct continuation of Rebels doesn't bode well to me at all for Ahsoka, but it does have Ray Stevenson and a badass Force user more or less unbound by continuity limitations for the first time in a D+ live action series, so... maybe it'll be good? 🤷‍♂️
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I tried Rebels, but bailed after two seasons.
Funny you should say that. The same happened to me but I forced myself a little bit. Twilight of the Apprentice is when the series finally gets good, and Seasons 3 & 4, while nothing groundbreaking, are much better than the first two seasons, sans the one Zeb-Agent Kallus episode. Stick with it, I think you’d at least mildly enjoy it.
^ Thanks, but no thanks. I don't like the look of the animation. (I much prefer the Clone Wars style, but can't stand the PT representation of the war as good clones vs. bad droids, so I can't get into that series, either.) I don't like the Ghost crew. From what I've heard, Thrawn is badly mishandled: he can experience minor setbacks, but he shouldn't repeatedly lose battles/confrontations; he should have a terrifying upwards/winning trajectory until he's killed (and I mean killed, not taken who-knows-where by whales). He should also actively be working on an audacious and spectacular plan, not just middle-managing random battles here and there. (Sure, he probably did middle management at times during his career, but those times probably shouldn't be put on screen.)

I want to see Leia take her first steps as a Rebel leader, not appear in just one episode. I'm not interested in overly weird mythological Force stuff like living embodiments/avatars of the Light and Dark sides, or walkable pathways that function as time travel. (The less explained/expounded upon the Force, the better - temples and visions are fine, but let's keep it at that.) I'd like to see Vader and the Emperor working together. I'd like to see Prince Xixor, not for Black Sun to just get a passing mention. 🙃
Dave Filoni delivers!
A solid two chapter opening. As someone only vaguely familiar with the animated series CLONE WARS and REBELS, I thought this opening worked well introducing these characters to the uninitiated. It has a deliberate NEW HOPE/PHANTOM MENACE vibe, as you feel you are part of a larger tapestry while the story still stands on its own.
But now I really want to go back and watch the cartoons! lol
Good stuff!
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I don't really mind where they're going with this, but the pacing, direction, Ahsoka's characterization, dialogue were all yucky and clunky, personally
My son watched the first two episodes while I was making dinner so I wasn’t fully focused. But I thought it was okay. I’m not wild about more map McGuffins and people in SW not dying (is Force ghost Qui Gon just like did they let me die!?). But the performances all seemed solid and I’m interested to see where it goes. I had zero investment in any of the animated stuff, but they did a good job of getting me into this story. Andor is still more the tone I’m looking for, but this seems off to a good start to me.
I’m not wild about more map McGuffins
This is what I came here to say, but in a much larger font and probably bold.

Seriously, why do they keep recycling this find-hidden-widget-to-see-the-secret-map-to-where-the-guy-is-hiding trope? Don't the various writers talk to each other?

I thought part one was bland, and stretched to an uncomfortable 55mins. Part two was better. Looks like Steph Green only got one episode, so who knows where we go from here.
I’ve only watched the first 10 minutes …so-called opening crawl. is complete superfluous.

Shit, and then tells you nothing that you don’t find out later., If you’re gonna do a crawl do it properly and have it mean something.m extra…

We get the same information later, when her cuffs are removed (avoiding spoilers))


I just finished episode 3 and I am thankfully glad it was relatively short.... Whew.
Let’s see if I have the SW fandom right.

- Prequels: Lucas is ruined my childhood; he should’ve given the keys to the castle to someone else.

- Sequels: I can’t believe Lucas gave away the keys to the castle; he never would’ve made drivel like this.

-Mandalorian: This is amazing, Filoni gets it, but it needs more Jedi and lightsaber battles.

-Ashoka: Filoni is a hack!

I’ve never been enamored with the Filoni-verse, but this seems to have more space battles, Jedi action, and lightsaber battles in the first three episodes than any of the D+ shows so far. I think it’s fine and a fine way to spend a half hour per week with my son. But he absolutely adores it so far.
D+ needs to decide if it’s just creating content or actually looking to respectfully expand the vision.

Vision is the operative word, naturally.

Interview a bunch of writers or others with visions of the SW universe. Then hire the best etc.

Stop makin algorithm driven content… it’s incestuous and eventually it’s like a snake eating it’s own tail..

I’m waiting to see when the diminishing returns and poor review translate to an MCU/DC cross over or TREK/SW… that’s the death knell…

Happened before with the Universal monsters.

Dracula and Frankenstein in the same movie and eventually they team up with Abbott and Costello…

I can see it now….

Deadpool 4: Kal-El’s Skywalker Jihad to Vulcan- Part 1. Coming to theatres and Streaming Memorial Day 2028!
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