I'm a huge fan of the Thrawn Trilogy and its Thrawn. Up until
Andor, the OT and the Thrawn Trilogy were the only
Star Wars material I genuinely loved. (
Shadows of the Empire,
Solo and Mando S1-2 were fairly okay, and I tried
Rebels, but bailed after two seasons.)
So, I don't know what to make of all this. I know Zahn has written many more books about Thrawn, but I don't like the idea of him not being a true believing Imperial, but instead some long-con double agent for his own mysterious species, one bit. Thrawn's character of an evil Sherlock Holmes was a great idea on its own, and the fact that he was a non-human in an Empire that (per Zahn's trilogy) actively discriminated against non-humans made him even more fascinating and enigmatic. To say "nah, just kidding, he had his own devious agenda all along" strikes me as far less interesting.
Similarly, as for Inquisitors, I think the idea of creepy Dark Side monks helping The Emperor and Vader track down Jedi survivors is a fantastic one, but I agree with
HonestAbe that for them to wield lightsabers and fight Jedi ruins everything. I've always thought the "Rule of Two" was stupid, but Inquisitors with lightsabers seems to utterly break that rule while nominally keeping it in place, which is even worse.
Boba Fett was undone by the desire to make Fett a hero,
Kenobi was undone because it should never have existed in the first place (at least in any form in which Obi-Wan pals around with Leia and encounters Anakin again), and
Mando S3 was undone by a boring story about a whole tribe of bounty hunters I've got no particular reason to care about. Being a direct continuation of
Rebels doesn't bode well to me at all for
Ahsoka, but it
does have Ray Stevenson and a badass Force user more or less unbound by continuity limitations for the first time in a D+ live action series, so... maybe it'll be good?