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Alexander - The Spence Edit


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by Spence
What is it about? By removing all the weak parts from teh movie, this is supposed to show you what made Alexander to be the Great.

original film name: Alexander
new film name :Alexander - The Spence Edit
film studio name :Warner Bros.
edit crew name :Spence
Date Original Film Was Released: December 2004
Date Edit Was Released :July 2006
Original Runtime :2 hrs. 45 min.
New Runtime :2 hrs. 15 min.
Amount of time Cut/Added :30 min. removed

Cuts removed/added/extended :

1. Scenes making Alexander appear weak are removed.
2. The bisexuality is removed because it was handled badly.
3. Anthony Hopkins is removed.

Extras: Prologue and Epilogue scenes with Anthony Hopkins as a seperate feature.
Conceptual improvements/advancements of edit over original:

No narration. The film is now in chronological order.
It's a lot more exciting and makes us understand why Alexander was so "great".
Time needed for the edition:a month planning:a month prior editing:2 1/2 weeks sound editing:2 1/2 weeks trailer:
DVD layout and features:

1. Static menu.
2. Chapter Stops.

persons involved: Spence
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