• Most new users don't bother reading our rules. Here's the one that is ignored almost immediately upon signup: DO NOT ASK FOR FANEDIT LINKS PUBLICLY. First, read the FAQ. Seriously. What you want is there. You can also send a message to the editor. If that doesn't work THEN post in the Trade & Request forum. Anywhere else and it will be deleted and an infraction will be issued.
  • If this is your first time here please read our FAQ and Rules pages. They have some useful information that will get us all off on the right foot, especially our Own the Source rule. If you do not understand any of these rules send a private message to one of our staff for further details.
  • Please read our Rules & Guidelines

    Want to get your edit approved? Read these tips

Article: Steven Soderbergh Recuts 2001

Hey Addiesin, I read all of this, indeed. I've actually beenvisiting the whole site and many many forum pages in regard af info I was on th elook for, includng a personnal edit project I have. That being said, I'm still interested in that specific info and haveb't been able to find it on my own. If I indeed have missed something while reading those 3 pieces, my bad.

But, hey, I think I might just have found it by myself now ;)
cicerobuck said:
Hey Addiesin, I read all of this, indeed. I've actually beenvisiting the whole site and many many forum pages in regard af info I was on th elook for, includng a personnal edit project I have. That being said, I'm still interested in that specific info and haveb't been able to find it on my own. If I indeed have missed something while reading those 3 pieces, my bad.

But, hey, I think I might just have found it by myself now ;)

Well the answer is pretty clearly in the Using This Site page, so you can PM someone if you continue to have problems finding the answer or re-read more closely it and find the part about info.
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