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Beer Appreciation Thread

Malthus said:
I'm British

There are more of us??

TM2YC said:
You could always get into Cider instead

The Scribbling Man said:
I'm not sure cucumber beers should be a thing.

In spite of this post, I'm gonna go ahead continuing to not know that they are a thing.
Had the “best beer in the world” Westvleteren XII tonight. It was damn good. I don’t think it’s the beet beer in the world, but it may be the best quadruple in the world, though narrowly.
Moe_Syzlak said:
Westvleteren XII. I don’t think it’s the beet beer in the world, but it may be the best

That would be this...

I'll never appreciate beer.

'Tis funny, but despite being one of the lighter alcoholic drinks, beer's the one I react worst to. I find the taste absolutely revolting, I can't drink it without becoming congested, and I get angry on it — and I'm typically a happy drunk.
Duragizer said:
I'll never appreciate beer.

'Tis funny, but despite being one of the lighter alcoholic drinks, beer's the one I react worst to. I find the taste absolutely revolting, I can't drink it without becoming congested, and I get angry on it — and I'm typically a happy drunk.

Some simply don't like beer, and that's fine.  More for me.  I had a friend who hated beer, but insisted on trying absolutely every new beer she ran across, in the hopes that she'd finally run across the style she liked.  She'd take a swig, make her beer face, and cross another one off her list.  Once, she took a swig out of my beer, made her beer face, squeezed a lime into it, took another swig, made the face again, and handed it back.  Under normal circumstances, squeezing a lime into my beer is a very serious offense, but she was a very good friend, so I just politely declined to take the beer back.  So it just remained undrunk, too beery for her, too limey for me.

Could still be a style thing, though.  I hate IPA's, so for the past several years, it's meant I hate about 85% of the beer selection at the store.  I really can't wait for stouts and porters to come back into fashion again (I'm not sure bocks were ever fashionable but yum).  I'm even out of style with the harder stuff.  Can't stand gin, can't stand whiskey, can't stand mojitos, but mix me something bright orange with rum and an umbrella in it and I'm all yours.  And that stuff hasn't been in style since Miami Vice was on the air.  Luckily, there's always wine.  If it's red, I'll drink it, unless it's one of those stupid oaky reds.
I used to love beer but for some reason I got to where I didn't anymore. Not sure why, maybe drank too much of it.
Just a friendly reminder that this is the beer APPRECIATION thread. If you aren't appreciating it, it's off topic ;)
We are in Italy. We’re supposed to be hiking in the Dolemites, but heavy rains and storms meant we had to find something else to do. We headed to Venice, which we’d heard was empty. It is very empty and easy to social distance. My birra of choice here:


It’s a fine bock.
Mini keg of Farmer's Blonde from my local brewery
The Scribbling Man said:
I do have a Founder's Backwoods Bastard at home though (nearly 12% ABV), which I'll definitely be cracking out this week.
Founder's is a great little brewery just over from my dad's town.  Bastard is my fav beer from them so far!  Quite rich, though.
The Scribbling Man said:
Had a Brewdog Elvis Juice last night and it was pretty good. I generally find a lot of Brewdog's stuff to be a bit "meh" (had a Dead Pony as well and wasn't a fan), but I really dug the Elvis.
The Scribbling Man said:
Current tap list at my local watering hole:


I'll probably pop in and try Jai Alai (14) sometime soon.
Cigar City is a great little brewery from my home state.  I used to think everything they made was gold, but they've since made a lot of just decent (but very light and drinkable) beers.  I'm not huge on IPAs, so the Jai Alai didn't do it for me.  I'd be damned if I could taste that it was over 4%ABV though.

I'm currently in Costa Rica, which has a surprisingly robust craft beer scene.  If you can find anything from Treintaycinco, almost all their beers are quite good!
Round two...
Blow out by Mikkeller
What beer is that? Beer Geek by mikkeller is fantastic.

Had this fella last night:


A classic from an excellent brewery (probably my favourite). Only my second time having this one though, and it didn't have quite the same impact this time round.
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