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Blu Ray Hangs as Black


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Hi all,

I'm currently troubleshooting the Blu Ray for my fan edit, Revenge of the Sith: Rebalanced. Unfortunately I've run into an issue that may be related to my 4k blu ray player, or may be something with the disc.

The issue is that where a blu ray typically pauses with a freeze-frame as it reaches a menu, on my player the disc instead goes to black, then reappears as the menu starts its loop. It plays normally both as a mounted disc image on my pc, as well as on my wife's pc as a burned disc. The issue only appears when I try to test it on the actual player in our TV room. Note that I've never seen this player briefly cut to black like this with other movies.

My question is this: Has anyone ever run into such an issue? Is there any way to prevent this happening through Encore? Could this just be a quirk of my player and the disc is actually fine?

Siliconmaster said:
 It plays normally both as a mounted disc image on my pc, as well as on my wife's pc as a burned disc. The issue only appears when I try to test it on the actual player in our TV room. Note that I've never seen this player briefly cut to black like this with other movies.

If you replicate the a/b test like you did for the pc's but instead with another blu ray player you'll probably have the answer you seek. :)
Very good point! The trick is that I only have the one actual standalone player. I'll certainly try to find someone else who has one so I can test it on theirs, but I figured I'd check here as well to see if anyone had run into that as an authoring issue, rather than a player one.

Update: Looks like this is a known issue related to Encore. The black-during-pauses problem is likely player-specific, but the pauses themselves are Encore's fault. BDEdit is often listed as a way to fix it, but the following is the closest I've gotten to finding actual instructions:


I'll update as I try this out.
Update: I successfully rebuilt the Blu Ray in Vegas DVD Architect. Testing shows that while there is still a brief pause-to-black on my player when navigating to a new menu, there is no longer a black pause between the fade up and the menu itself. This feels much, much more seamless, and I can live with the remaining issues related to my player. Most people won't have any issues at all now, as evidenced by testing on other blu ray players.

So, for general advice going forward, I recommend using Vegas DVD Architect instead of Encore, if possible. Note that DVDA can be more picky than Encore about formats, so I had to re-export my menus in MPEG2 rather than H264. The quality actually ended up better this time around, so that's a great side effect. The menus also had to be reformatted in photoshop before DVDA would accept them.
Were you able to encode with 5.1 or did it force a stereo mixdown?
Both programs accepted a 640kbps AC3 5.1 file for the menus and the movie itself. DVDA did get a little picky at first until I double-checked the project settings, but after that it worked fine. My biggest worry was that DVDA was going to try to re-encode my files. When I tried the H264 files I'd used in Encore, DVDA wanted to reprocess them. After switching to MPEG2, according to the "optimize" menu they're all fully accepted.

I did re-export the 5.1 mix with the MPEG2 version in case there was any metadata connecting the two out of Premiere, but in all likelihood I probably could have used the exact same AC3 file.
Could you share the media info for your final mpeg2 and blu ray iso/file? I had given up on trying to get DVDA to create a disc with 5.1.
Sure! I'm using an older version of Premiere CC, so some settings may be different in the current program. I believe they removed some of the Dolby Digital functionality due to licensing issues. If that's in part what you were running into, then you might be able to download an earlier version through the Adobe CC parent application.

Here are my export settings:

Premiere Video Settings

Premiere Audio Settings

DVDA Settings

I would have gone a full 40Mbps, but every time I tried, Premiere exported a 35Mbps file instead. Might be a limitation in the software. Let me know if you have any questions or need more information.
Thanks!  We'll it looks like it may be possible after all. What version of DVDA are you using?
I'm using a 30 day trial of DVDA version 7, build 54. Thankfully I'd done all the initial prep work in Encore so I figured I had more than enough time to finish the project within the trial period.
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