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Captain Khajiit's Basic Guide to Decoding Video and Audio

Well, I re-ripped, different disk drive, and got a different error with DGIndex. Field Order Transition Detected.

Here's a screenshot of it:


I clicked "Yes" (Correct the field order transition) and got a txt file with this in it:

D2V Fix Output

Field order transition: 0 -> 2
900 5 0 2828757592 0 0 0 30 30 90 b0 b0 a0 b0 b0 a0 b0 b0 a0 b0 b0 a0
900 5 0 2828770712 0 0 0 d2 ff
900 5 0 2828757592 0 0 0 30 30 90 b0 b0 a0 b0 b0 a0 b0 b0 a0 b0 b0 a1
900 5 0 2828770712 0 0 0 d2 ff

It did, however, create two files, one is VideoFile.d2v and one is VideoFile.d2v.bad, the latter of which it told me is the original, unfixed file. Do you think it's ok to proceed with VideoFile.d2v from here or should I have clicked "No"?
What you have reported proves that a bad rip was the source of the initial error.

You should indeed have clicked Yes in response to the new error message: it's always better to generate a "fixed" .d2v because, as you've found, DGIndex generates the one that it would have produced anyway, so you might as well have both.

The DGIndex message of which you produced a screengrab gives you the correct information.  It's not possible to tell which is right automatically, and I can't tell you either; refer to the manual.  You probably have an orphaned field in there somewhere.  Try stacking the "fixed" and "bad" outputs.

bad=Mpeg2Source("bad.d2v")#whatever file-path
fix=Mpeg2Source("fixed.d2v")#whatever file-path

You'll have to examine the video(s) and make a decision.

EDIT: In order to IVTC well, you should fix the field-order transition.
I updated the guide to add L-SMASH-Works, which at last provides a semi-consistent free solution for interlaced AVC (and, for all intents and purposes, supersedes FFMS2).  This means that the long-incomplete section is at last complete; therefore, the guide is finished – at least for the time being.  Enjoy.
Eac3to can now decode DTS-HD MA using a built-in decoder.  I have updated the guide accordingly.
Captain Khajiit said:
Eac3to can now decode DTS-HD MA using a built-in decoder.  I have updated the guide accordingly.

Thank you for the update!  Do you think you could please update the section for BeHappy as well?  The differences with the newest version are easy enough to figure out, but it never hurts for the guide to match what people will currently see when they get the program.  More specifically for me right now, is there a trick to get BeHappy to recognize the 8 tracks in a 7.1 DTS?  The methods I'm accustomed to using all give me 6 mono wavs, including BeHappy when pointed at a track that should give me 8.
I'll consider updating the instructions for BeHappy, but that section is effectively obsolete, and I'm leaving it in just to give people the gist.  It's not a priority, so I might not get round to it, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure about BeHappy, but you should be able to decode your 7.1 to eight WAVs with eac3to's new DTS decoder.  Give it a try.  You should be able to demux the track from the disc and decode it in a single step.
A new version of eac3to has been released.
madshi said:
* added support for UHD Blu-Ray playlists and clip infos
* added support for h265/HEVC bitstream parsing
* added support for m2ts h265/HEVC splitting
* added support for MKV h265/HEVC splitting
* added support for h265/HEVC framerate modifications
* added detection for Dolby Vision Enhancement Layer
The next version of eac3to is now up.

madshi said:
* fixed: "min/maxPlayListRuntime" worked for listing, but not processing

* fixed a couple of HEVC bitstream bugs
* added new parameter "-minPlayListRuntime=0:15:00"
* added new parameter "-maxPlayListRuntime=4:00:00"
* added support for ".264" and ".265" file extensions
Some have reported difficulties getting L-SMASH=Works to function. I've updated that section of the guide and tried to spell everything out carefully in the hope that people will have better luck in future.  I recommend that people persevere with it: it's a useful tool, especially for those without DGIndexNV.
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