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Captain Planet & The Planeteers: 'Mission to Save Earth'-An Alternative Source


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By Your Two Episodes Combined...I am Your 'Season One' finale!

Captain Planet, being quite episodic in nature, had about six or so seasons. Arguably it's best years were probably the original 65 episode or so run, but none of those seasons had proper 'finales'...but they came ever so close to one. Arguably the best of those was 'Summit to Save Earth', where the original spirt of the Earth Zarn pretty much wipes the floor with the Planeteers with the help of the eco-villains and takes over the planet. By the story's end, the Planeteers vanquish Zarn and COP 22 turns out to be a success (lol)

So while season two has that, the first season has a couple of candidates for a strong finale...the original Mission to Save Earth (introducing Captain Pollution), Two Futures Parts One and Two (a 'for want of a nail' scenario), and Heat Wave, which sees Doctor Blight attack Hope Island.

I watched some of them lately, Heat Wave really is the best one despite being so short, but the others I felt suffered from having little to no real 'finality' to them with the eco villains. At least you can make the argument Doctor Blight could have died at sea in Heat Wave.

Two episodes from earlier in the first season however, work pretty well at providing the 'big kicks' of season finales...high stakes, the feeling the heroes could be tempted with absolute corruptible power, and the villains coming together for a big gamble and getting all caught at the end. Those were "Don't Drink The Water" and "The Conqueror", the first is the show's first real multi-villain crossover with a plot far superior to that of "Mission to Save Earth", the latter is the first appearance of Zarn, my favourite CP villain.

I have tried out a few test edits on this so far, one clocks in at 19 minutes, the other part manages 27 minutes, both edits include "Planeteer Alert" and end credits.

For the sake of a title, I've used the title cards for parts one and two of "Mission to Save Earth" even if the edit has nothing to do with the original story, but I think it fits it far better as Zarn is tempting them with the power of the iron fist and sends them on a mission to 'save' the planet from nuclear armament.

Hopefully this serves as a worthy candidate for a season one finale, and if not, at least a rollicking good bit of 90s cheese.
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Had a second stab at part two and managed to whittle it down to 19 minutes, same as part one.

Also came up with a better title
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When all is done, the edit will be available in the following formats

-A specially filtered 'VHS' Turner Entertainment Home Video version with both episodes playing back to back (approx 40 minutes)
-Standard, unfiltered episodes that can be download individually.
DVD to VHS conversion comparison (that's my first go at this)

password: fanedit
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Is this meant to be a series finale, as if Season 1 is all that existed?
Is this meant to be a series finale, as if Season 1 is all that existed?
No, this is meant to be a first season finale. I consider the follow-up 'Summit To Save Earth' the second season finale (and that can arguably be a candidate for series finale by itself without the need for editing)
I can't tell if the audio is out of sync or the animation is just a lot worse than I remembered it. I'm guessing the latter.
I can't tell if the audio is out of sync or the animation is just a lot worse than I remembered it. I'm guessing the latter.
When I ripped the DVDs, the audio was exactly like that, a little out of it with the animation. In some areas, the lip-synch is perfectly fine.
The VHS version is ready for previewing if anyone cares. Drop me a line if you want it.
I'm interested but based on that short clip (and watching on my phone) I can't really tell what the VHS filter is doing. Maybe it would be more clear on a bigger screen.
Thanks for previewing the edit @asterixsmeagol , I'm glad the audio problems aren't my fault and are just typical 90s animation at play. The VHS filter not quite working out quite as well is a bummer. The reason it looked more authentic at the beginning was because I used the start of an actual VHS tape and everything afterwards was custom filtered.
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