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When I realized they were doing "Paintball 3" I groaned. But it turned out to be a pretty good Abed & Troy episode. By the end I felt they handled his departure really well. And nice touch naming the boat "Childish Tycoon".

Re: Colorado. I could've sworn there was at least 1 sure reference to Greendale being in CA. I guess I'll have to rewatch every episode to verify...

Although maybe I'm just thinking about Glendale Community College.
Damn, tonight's episode was excellent. Probably one of the best episodes of the entire series IMO.
While Annie's story could have been a bit better, the ending scene with Duncan was PURE GOLD! :-P
Did anyone catch this on the rolling ticker?

No! Troy still has to invent Dance Pants in 2019!
Catching up on episodes I neglected...

"App Developments and Condiments" - 9/10

Absolutely brilliant, the concept was smart and the execution felt fresh. They topped "Paintball II" without the pomp and "look at how awesome we are" flair.

"VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing" - 7/10

Excellent Abed/Annie storyline, lame Jeff/Britta/Shirley story. Solid jokes, flat jokes. Funny Vince Gilligan bit part.

"Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" - 10/10

I was pretty apprehensive about this one, but Abed's cold opening dialogue about the pressure of doing a sequel eased me in. This was the episode with the pomposity and panache and it didn't miss a beat, I loved every second of it. Jonathan Banks finally gets to shine, and IMO achieving BB levels of acting. And David Cross was amazeballs, as usual. Bravo.

Holy crap! I just saw the preview for the next episode of Community and it looks AWESOME! It's an animated episode done in the style of the G.I. Joe cartoon from the 80's!

Boom! Another clip from the G.I. Joe themed episode:

G.I. Jeff was ok, nothing too amazing but a lot of solid Community humor. 7/10
The two-part finale, Basic Story and Basic Sandwich, was pretty good, a nice way to end this wonderful season. 7/10
Let's just hope someone picks it up i.e. Hulu, Netflix, Amazon
There's probably a high chance that this isn't the end of Community really. I have a feeling that someone will end up picking it up. I actually wouldn't mind seeing Netflix picking it up for a Season 6 and the movie. That'd be fantastic. #SixSeasonsandaMovie
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