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    Cast your votes in our WAVE 3 FEOTM Reboot, which will catch us up on 2024: WAVE 3 MEGATHREAD

daedal Wins June 2023 FEOTM

Congratulations, @daedal! Your mentor almost caught up to you! You were a pleasure to work with and the honor is well deserved!

Doodle, if I had known that was the real prize, I may have entered my own edit. I'll take an oatmeal stout, please.
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Congrats, @daedal! Jackie Brown may be one of my least favorite Tarantino films, but I trust that those who watched this have seen a vast improvement. Good job!
Congratulations! Must be a daunting task to edit any Tarantino movie haha
Congratulations! Must be a daunting task to edit any Tarantino movie haha
I don't know, you tell me ;)
but seriously thanks a lot. I didn't know anything about the red apple crew project when I started editing Jackie Brown. I can't wait to see how @futon88 did it!
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