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Doctor Who

Davros could have easily been healed by the regeneration energy he absorbed in series 9
Oh I am not saying you can not change/heal Davros into a human looking character.

Of course you can. It is scifi, you can do anything.

I am just exploring the reasoning behind the change (if it indeed happens)?

To change one of the most visually scary/cool/iconic Whovian Monster Designs into a just another generic Space Nazi Mad Scientist...?
To me, that just sounds safe and boring. 🤷‍♂️

But hey, I am have been wrong MANY time before... lol
If there is a fantastic story that justifies the change, then I am all in. :)
I think having Davros defined by a wheelchair and/or disfiguration is problematic. Personaly,I was a little confused by the talk of this being Davros 'new look', as I thought he looked plenty enough like what I might expect Davros to look. I mean, we've already seen Davros as a child anyhow and he was able bodied and non-disfigured then. At some point, something happened, either by accident or self inflicted, but I feel like it's good to show that as just one facet of him.
I think/hope the idea is not to retcon but simply shelve the chair version for future appearances. I'm all for inclusivity and positive representation but there is a fuzzy line that is too far so I hope they don't pass it and get silly.
They updated An Adventure in Time and Space. Someone's been fiddling with the timeline, it would seem!

I'm unsure if this is too George Lucas-y, or incredibly forward-thinking and clever. Depends on whether the original has been replaced, I suppose.
So, I watched the Daleks in colour last night!

Colourisation was superb. Really was. I loved the opening titles, and the shot from the city to the TARDIS landing - this could easily cut straight from AUC Ep 1.

Opening stuff up to Ian in the Dalek, were fine.

Then everything happened very quickly. Too quickly. Rapid cuts between scenes - yes they served to up the pace, but I'm not sure if they all worked. The cuts between the city and Susan running in the forest just worked, not sure about the later back and forth cuts when Ian's party are crossing the ledge.

Music became constant and too loud.

I had no issue cutting Barbara's love storyline - after all this isn't 7 parts anymore. The point was to condense it down to one watchable chunk. But I do feel the second half was rushed and could've been spread to a 90 min edit.

The flashbacks were silly - but I suspect they were to cover up joins where they cut footage out.

I loved all the CGI - had no issues with it, although wondered about the addition of rain.

Despite all this, I *was* glued to my seat until the end. So I think for a younger audience it probably would work, but BBC4 was an odd choice if that's the intended group RTD was going for.

The montage at the end was breathtaking.

The Daleks in colour was beautiful. I love how the colour pallet was reminiscent of USTV series like Classic Star Trek and the Adam West Batman series The soundtrack was good, sometimes reminiscent of the 65 Cushing film at times.

The only bit I thought fought was the cutting of the lift scene, felt a tad montagey. Ironically I think I’ve only seen the serial 2 or 3 times but I’ve seen the film hundreds of times. The tv version is very different, and it looks superb in colour
Star Beast


It was *** on first watch, then boosted on a rewatch.

Just so much fun, and the pay-offs were great. The code to activate the Meta-Crisis in Donna was a steal from Captain America movies, but it was also spoiled for faithful readers of DWM in one of RTD's "letters from the showrunner" a year or so back and nobody caught on at the time.

And is Rose's shed the Memory TARDIS we see in Tales of the TARDIS? Or was it just an Easter egg?

It kept things simple, with existing and new audiences in mind, Miriam was great as The Meep, I wish more of the comic version had been included in it...Fudge needn't have been there at all, and what was with the cracks in the Earth magically reforming? A little bit of dialogue would have sufficed clearing that up there.

Loved Yasmin Finney's subpar acting actually being called out by Donna towards the end

Tennant dashing around the console room I feel would have burst into a Disney song if the mouse had full creative control.
I give it a ★★★★☆ too.
There were a couple things that I found a little bit much, but it's fine because Doctor Who is that kind of show anyway. I mean the bit about non binary was certainly a little bit much, and I'm non binary myself. It was like... OOOF on the one hand, but AMAZING on the other hand. There were some really strong moments though, like I wonder how many people felt that gut-punch when Sylvia used male pronouns for Rose by mistake. The kids on the street was bad, but they didn't matter. Sylvia is her Grandma, she matters a lot.
I really loved how they presented the sonic. it was pretty mental what he could do with it, but he didn't wave it round like he was in hogwarts. The Meep was awesome. I never even guessed for a moment that it might not be what it originally appeared.
I noticed a couple things that seemed to go by the wayside. Towards the beginning there seemed to be a reference to the Master. somebody mentioned a man with a goatee? Then the first time we saw UNIT at the landing site, I could have sworn I heard the voice of Kate Lethbridge-Stewart.
Overall, I was just so happy to be back here again. Doctor Who was always hit or miss, having great moments and moments of mediocrity, but that is the same as life. This wasn't absolutely amazing and I wouldn't want it to be. It was Doctor Who though, and for that I am grateful. I feel like I've gone back home.
I was DELIGHTED to find this available on Disney Plus. No hunting, which I'm used to, as a US fan. Anyway...

The bad:
1-This feels so much like a continuation of series 4 that I do think there is less here for new fans, not a great jumping on point for someone who wants to "get" everything without seeing what came before. The talking head previously on intro does some heavy lifting but I think it is simultaneously too much and not enough. I personally am not a new fan, so it doesn't bother me. I'm just not sure someone who hasn't spent the time with Donna will be brought to tears by the end like I was.
2-The Meep is a little bland after the midpoint, but serves its purpose as a vehicle for all this character stuff to happen that feels complete without pulling too much focus away from what we are here for: Donna.
3-Guns on the wheelchair I can accept. The big missiles, though, were a bit of a stretch, logically and budgetarily. Gave me a big silly smile.
4-The non-binary talk came out of nowhere, I feel conflicted about it. On the one hand the resolution being "nonbinary" serves as a beautiful metaphor. On the other hand, did the Doctor-Donna's residual memory completely shape and take over Rose's life and personality up until this point? That seems kinda dark, but a possibility given how the information was presented.

The good:
1- ___ is back! (insert here: the show, David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Donna the character, RTD, that tone!, etc)
2-The twist did work for me really well. I had the same thought about the car 14 had, but I didn't think it was plot relevant, I just laughed because I thought it was just that they couldn't afford laser scorch marks on a car. Turns out it was plot relevant lol.
3-Donna's alive!!!! plus her mom is a fun character now, her life is not easy but happy, and her brain is un-ruined! Holy crap, none of the RTD companions get happy endings, and I know it's not the ending yet, but it is so cathartic to see Donna with a good life.
4-The Tardis! I am convinced they didn't let David Tennant see the inside until they filmed it live. That reaction looks real.
5-Coffee "Oh my god I did it again!" god what a huge laugh that got out of me, the advanced and pristine new Tardis just demolished by a little drink spillage.
6-The setup for the rest of the specials is not overdone. "who's Meep's boss" and "Why did this face come back" are no "what is the Bad Wolf" but they don't have many episodes with Tennant so there isn't time for a grand sweeping season long mystery.
7-Thanks for reading this far. I will now reveal all the "bad" was actually good in disguise. 1- it brought me right back to series 4 and also brought me to tears, 2- The Meep was perfect for getting Donna into a spacey adventure, 3- it did make me smile, and 4- whatever, it was beautiful. Have a great day!
and what was with the cracks in the Earth magically reforming? A little bit of dialogue would have sufficed clearing that up there.
Oh yeah and that, what WAS up with that? If it's just going to magically be undone, why do it? Super weird. At least have like cracks and scars left over on the roads and stuff when it comes back.
I give it a ★★★★☆ too.
There were a couple things that I found a little bit much, but it's fine because Doctor Who is that kind of show anyway. I mean the bit about non binary was certainly a little bit much, and I'm non binary myself. It was like... OOOF on the one hand, but AMAZING on the other hand.
I'm glad you said this. Overall I really enjoyed the episode and thought that twist was a great bit of the story, but it was just so heavy handed. Although RTD hasn't historically been the most nuanced writer. I was also happy to see a wheelchair user, but she was similarly poorly written, in my opinion. Yasmin Finney was a great addition to the cast, and I hope we get more of her in the next special or the forthcoming series with Fifteenth Doctor. Other than some clumsy dialogue, my only real disappointment was the namechecking of Kate and Wilfred without showing them on screen. I don't know why Kate wasn't seen, maybe Beverley Cressman was unavailable. And obviously Wilf was missing because Bernard Cribbins passed away last year.
I enjoyed this more than previous Chibnall stuff. Just a fun, well plotted and emotional adventure. Instead of baffling convoluted nonsense. Granted we haven't met the new companion yet to compare but am I the only one thinking why isn't Rose Noble gonna be the new companion, she's so sweet. Massive laugh out loud when the drink got spilled.

Best Tardis console ever?

I was jazzed to discover in the BBC3 making of doc afterwards that it was based on a comic strip by my favourite 2000AD guys. Which was written 2-years before ET (which this episode at least seemed to reference). Worth seeing for the bit where Tennant is geeking out to meet Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons. The clip is on youtube (until it gets taken down):

So I went to watch the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, but I found out it had been cancelled and this was in its' place:

[Redacted idiotic comment by Warbler]

Don't worry, I'm leaving. bye.
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I don't think posting once a year on the site is going to be missed. Bye.
So they've kept what's going to happen in this Saturday's upcoming episode top secret, trailers are super vague, there's no advance review, there isn't even an in-vision commentary for the episode for i-player. It's been described as 'the weird one'.

Another clip

Having 'shipped Ten and Donna...I am very happy today
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