• Most new users don't bother reading our rules. Here's the one that is ignored almost immediately upon signup: DO NOT ASK FOR FANEDIT LINKS PUBLICLY. First, read the FAQ. Seriously. What you want is there. You can also send a message to the editor. If that doesn't work THEN post in the Trade & Request forum. Anywhere else and it will be deleted and an infraction will be issued.
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Fanedit Covers By Zarius

Zarius said:
macmilln said:
Zarius said:
Revised Last Jedi fanedit cover. Front supplied by the gifted @"macmilln" 


Would you like me to make an alt with a red outline on the Star Wars and FE Logos? To match with TLJ.

Sure, that'd fit better :)

Ford Awakens cover using @"macmilln" 's design

Hulk: Civil War DVD cover with @"macmilln"  artwork

Zarius said:
Hulk: Civil War DVD cover with @"macmilln"  artwork


The back says "Running time: 240 minutes" but the edit is only 2:22h (142m). Just thought I'd let you know.
Sorry about that, that's what I get for being bad at working out timing mathematics.

Put together a very basic potential cover for a MIB edit currently being tried out

Alternative front cover for my Sherlock edit

Starting to put together a few simplistic wrestling covers

Decided to make a more original cover for my End of Time fanedit

A couple of covers I've made for some blog-exclusive edits


Cover for a fanfilm edit I put together

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