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KJRS 0002: LEGEND (1985) US TV Cut HD Reconstruction


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  • Original Movie Title: Legend (1985)
  • Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
  • Fanedit Type: Movie & Television Preservation
  • Original Release Date: 1985
  • Original Running Time: 89 mins
  • Fanedit Release Date: 2023
  • Fanedit Running Time: 95 mins
  • Time Cut: N/A
  • Time Added: 5
  • Available in HD? Yes

Like my Explorers: Definitive Cut and Scream: Director's Cut releases, Legend: The U.S. TV Cut is another personal passion project that has a special place in my heart. Ridley Scott's 1985 fantasy film, Legend, was another film I was introduced to in my childhood by my father. I have very fond memories associated with this film, and they have followed me into adulthood, compelling me to do this project.

Being a fan of Legend since I was a kid, I naturally learned of the various cuts of the film that have existed over years and acquired each cut when I could. There was one cut that had eluded me for years: The U.S. Television Cut. By the time I had started hunting for it, Legend wasn't playing on TV much anymore, and I couldn't find any trace of it online to watch. My interest in creating this project would be ignited when I came across a site dedicated to the film and saw various mentions of the TV Cut; the site even had a complete breakdown of the TV Cut written up! After giving a thorough readthrough of the breakdown, I had it in my mind that I was going to recreate this cut to the best of my ability.

I completed this project two years ago, and originally released it over on fanres, and after revisiting Legend recently, I decided to give this project a gentle update and share it with you all here.

Video: Legend: U.S. TV Cut is reconstructed using the recently restored U.S. theatrical cut and Director's Cut of Legend found in the Arrow Video Limited Edition blu-ray set. The reconstruction is presented in the film's original 2.35:1 aspect ratio instead of the 1.33:1 aspect ratio of the original TV Cut. Legend: The U.S. TV Cut clocks in at 95 mins.

- Voiceover added to the opening crawl prologue.
- Longer version of Jack meeting Gump replaces the U.S. theatrical version.
- Longer Meg Mucklebones encounter replaces the U.S. theatrical version.
- "Shit" is cut out of Pox's line after he reacts to Darkness taking the alicorn horn from him.

PM for download.
Yes. I actually just realized that I didn't, so I'll be doing that when I have free time.
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