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Night of the Walking Dead by ranger613


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Hello everyone,

I have just completed my first FanEdit, The Walking Dead: Ranger Cut (originally titled "Walker Cut").
This is a TV-to-Movie Edit of Seasons 1 And 2 of AMC's The Walking Dead (a total runtime of 875 minutes) into a 170-minute zombie epic.

The story of Officer Rick Grimes who wakes up after a coma during the zombie apocalypse on a quest to find his family is a good one, no doubt, and while Season 1 had a pretty solid arc, Season 2 can be trying even for the most die-hard of fans with its agonizingly slow pace and, somewhat incredibly, the relative absence of Walkers (Zombies).

The goal of this edit was not to cram every detail of the series into a limited time-frame, but to create a version of the Walking Dead story which would appeal to both fans of the show and newbies alike.

In approaching this cut, I first reviewed all the episodes to see how I could put together the best version of the story while doing justice to the series' themes and fanbase. I did not want it to be choppy or overflowing, I wanted it to retain its sometimes deliberate pace; I wanted it to retain the human conflict, I wanted all the awesome zombie battles. The final result is what I hope you will find to be a very entertaining film. Its not meant to rush you through the series, but instead serve as the ultimate go-to version which distills the story in the most interesting way possible.

Please let me know what you think of this concept, questions, or concerns. I appreciate all feedback very much!

This edit is COMPLETE. Please PM me to get links to help review thanks.

This sounds awesome and arised my curiosity :). I wonder how you managed to fit a runtime of 875 min into 170 min. There is a fanedit of season 1 here that lasts 199 min :).

Apparently, it required some serious cuts to have one epic story which flows correctly. I'm looking forward to it.

Let's see the cutlist so I caN tell you what I think.
I'm intrigued. That's a hell of a workload you set out for yourself. I can't wait to see it. :D
Hi guys,

Zagadka said:
This sounds awesome and arised my curiosity :). I wonder how you managed to fit a runtime of 875 min into 170 min. There is a fanedit of season 1 here that lasts 199 min :).

Apparently, it required some serious cuts to have one epic story which flows correctly. I'm looking forward to it.

Let's see the cutlist so I caN tell you what I think.

I'm posting the cutlist down below. Thank you very much for your support. I agree with you, my goal was not "how can I fit the entire TV show in a 3 hour slot", but "What is the best story I can tell with all this material", something that can stand on its own--What is a Walking Dead movie that would make you leave thinking 'That was a good Movie!'. The 199 minute cut, like you said, is of Season 1 only, but I felt that was a bit too long for just the Season 1 arc. Also, Season 1 itself did not have an "epic" quality story, at least not after the first 2 episodes. Having said that, I do know how hard it must've been to make that cut and congratulate the editor! Thanks again and hope to hear more from you.

Aztek463 said:
I'm intrigued. That's a hell of a workload you set out for yourself. I can't wait to see it. :D

Haha yes indeed! I LIKE the show, but I admit that it has many, many flaws-- poor pacing and terrible character moments at times. This version is composed of what I felt really worked in the show and could constitute a good movie, but the Walking Dead fandom is huge, and like any cult or popular TV show, there are things the general fanbase love which I worked back into it-- classic moments like the "Well Walker" and "Cherokee Rose" which I cut back into the film. It's a balance of awesome zombie battles and strategically placed "character moments" which let you zone out a bit during a 3 hour movie. Most importantly, it had to flow well, and in the end, even though I'm not super happy with a 170 minute runtime, I feel its the only way the film flows coherently without bombarding the audience with too much info. Thanks again and hope to hear more from you.
Here is the cutlist for the RANGER Cut of the Walking Dead (I retitled the 'Walker Cut' to the Ranger Cut because having 2 "Walks" in the title didn't sound good haha)

Final Running Time: 172 minutes
Original runtime: 875 minutes
Minutes CUT: 703 minutes (11.7 hours)

SPOILER ALERT: The following cutlist contains significant spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2 of the Walking Dead. If you have not seen the show and would like to experience this film spoiler-free, I hope you will wait for it to be posted as I cut this version specifically for those new to the show and as a good lead-in to Season 3. Please note that I did not list every single cut, but the most significant ones. Here goes:

From Season 1 (Ep 1-6)-cut to approximately 62 minutes in this version:

-Cold opening of Rick in the hospital, delirious. The preceding shootout where he is injured is seen briefly in flashback. Conversation with Shane cut.
-At Rick’s home, he has a brief vision of a photo of his wife and son. Wandering aimlessly in neighborhood cut.
-Another major change here is the elimination of Morgan and his son completely. These scenes helped Rick understand the world around him as he recovered, but I felt that it worked just as well if Rick simply geared up on his own and left to find his family, alone. It gave a greater sense of isolation and despair. It also makes him look more confident and reflective as a leader.
-The mercy killing of the park crawler and the junior officer are cut.
-The pilot’s Zombie girl sequence is moved forward to this point, making this the first zombie we see him kill.
-All scenes with the campsite survivors are cut, so essentially no one answer Rick’s radio and there are no cutaways from him, making Rick the only human we see for the first 15 minutes of the film (except the flashback)
- After meeting Glen in Atlanta, Rick gets the idea to use smell as camouflage immediately after the fight with Merle. Glen’s sewer crawling is cut. Rick’s converstation with Andrea is cut. Merle’s conversation with T-Dog is cut. Again, all scenes of Lori, Shane and the other survivors are cut.
-The monologue before Rick hacks up the corpse for guts is cut. Also the line “We need more guts” for comic relief is cut.
-Glen’s impersonation of zombie to avoid suspicion is cut t make the scene more serious.
-During the escape, Glen’s escape scene in the Challenger is cut for timing and tone
-The first scene of the camp survivors in the film is of Rick and company arriving there.
-The campfire scene that night where Rick tells his story is shortened. Shane admonishing Carol’s husband Ed at the campfire is cut.
-Rick and his wife in the tent—the scene ends after he tells her how he found them. The photo album and Shane stalking the camp is cut.
-Daryl’s introduction is left mostly intact, except now there is no reference to him wanting to go back. All references of going back into the city for Merle is cut. The group does Not do this in this version, leaving Merle’s fate a mystery. The rooftop scene with Merle trying to escape was also cut as it detracted from the main story. All scenes of the group in the city looking for Merle and their encounter with the gang is cut.
-The frog catching scene with Shane is kept in, as it shows Shane’s relationship with Carl and Lori, also implying their affair. Shane’s beatdown of Ed and the domestic violence during laundry is cut. The scenes of Bill digging holes and being restrained is cut.
-During the fish fry, T-Dog’s brief monologue from the earlier campfire scene is cut in (to show that Rick and co. Are still at camp), and Dale’s lengthy (and weird) monologue is shortened significantly.
-The zombie attack on the camp is recut to be faster paced, intercutting between Shane’s group and Rick’s group, further implying they were always there. A brief shot of a man getting his face chomped by a walker is inserted (this scene is from Ep 9 of Season 2, is of Randall’s colleague who is shot down by Hershel being attacked by walkers).
-All the funeral scenes are cut. Glen’s outburst at Daryl is cut. Andrea’s killing of zombified Amy is shortened.
-The entire subplot of Bill revealed to have been bitten, the ensuing arguments, succumbing to the fever and eventually being left behind are all cut.These were interesting but did not move the story forward.
-Shane and Rick’s conversation in the woods is left intact, foreshadowing Shane’s later attack on Rick.
-The campside discussion to leave for the CDC is shortened. All other discussions about where to go, what to do between other characters are cut.
-The group’s journey to the CDC is rescored using the Walking Dead theme instead of the Sunshine theme in the original. Also, there is an added Voiceover of Rick on the Radio explaining their move and that the dead own the city.
-The entire CDC segment is cut. These scenes, though somewhat popular, did not do anything for the story I feel. Also, the super high tech facility felt out of place considering the ragtag mood and tone of the film so far. Too much exposition means I had to cut it, so we’ll never know why the zombies came to be, which is more interesting anyway. Also, what Dr Jenner whispered to Rick is revealed by the Governor in Season 3, and it isn’t a revelation that will end the world.

From Season 2: cut to approx. 110 minutes in this version

-Instead of running into the roadblock after the CDC in the series, in this version the group runs into the block en route to the center. Some dialogue is cut but the herd passing scene is kept intact. The scene of Andrea and Darryl killing walkers are intercut with each other for pacing and tension.
-After Rick kills the two zombies who chase Sophia, all the group work on the highway is cut to focus on Darryl tracking her with Rick. Gutting the walker to examine its stomach is shortened. Carl getting the knife set is cut. Shane’s subplot of wating to leave the group, by himself and later with Andrea, is all cut.
-The entire group sans Dale and T-Dog go looking for Sophia, and it is implied this is the same day. All Dale and T-Dog conversations on the highway is cut.
-The tent with the dead body is cut. The church scene is intact but ends after Rick cries out for Sophia after killing the zombies.
-The team is seen divided into two groups. Carl’s shooting is left intact while Daryl and Lori’s scenes are cut.
-After Hershel stablilizes Carl, Maggie’s retrieval of Lori and bringing her to the farm is cut into a montage. The horseback rescue itself is intact.
-Shane and Otis breaking into the school is presented completely in linear fashion, without flashbacks like in the original. Shane falling down and telling Otis to leave him is cut. During this timeframe, all of Carl’s scenes, ie the seizure etc, are cut. All the highway scenes are also cut.
-Shane’s lie about what happened to Otis is cut. A later scene of Carl waking up to have a heart to heart with his exhausted dad is brought forward to this point. Scene ends after Rick gives him his hat.
-Daryl’s Cherokee Rose scene with Carol is brought forward to this point, establishing a relationship between the two. The group arrives at the farm after this. Carl waking up is cut. Hershel taking the guns away is cut. The conversations focus on how to find Sophia.
(AT THIS POINT, I changed the timeline of the original series, drawing scenes from different episodes in Episodes 4-10 to put together the following chronology of what happens to the group)
-Glen and Maggie go to the Pharmacy and kiss as in the series, but Glen’s motivation for getting the pregnancy kit is unknown as all Lori’s scenes with him asking him to get it are cut. (This will be revealed later when Lori asks Glen “if he got it” and he hands it to her)
-Shane and Rick supposedly go to look for Sophia (clarified by conversation between them lifted from another scene) at the nearby center from episode “18 miles out”. In the original they go there to abandon Randall. Here, Shane confronts Rick about his unwillingness to accept Sophia might be dead and that he is unable to protect Lori, prompting the fistfight.
-Daryl finding the doll is intact and getting pierced by the arrow before falling is kept mostly intact with cuts for pacing.
-The fistfight between Shane and Rick attracts a walker horde who they fight off and escape. Rick emphasizes He is the leader, and that Lori and Carl are His family as Shane watches the field zombie, which may be a representation of himself (All Randall’s scenes are cut and the drama on the farm is cut)
-Glen and Maggie are seen still at the pharmacy (in the original, this was a different episode), where Maggie is attacked by a zombie and Glen saves her, solidifying their relationship.
-Glen hands Lori the pregnancy apparatus, which is discovered by Rick. The two have a discussion. All the yelling and talk of abortion is cut. Lori revealing she was with Shane is also cut.
-Daryl wakes up to a brief vision of Merle (who is more encouraging in this version) and fights off the Walkers as in the original. The second vision of Merle is cut as it was more of the same.
-Beth’s attempted suicide is briefly shown, and emphasized in Andrea’s and Lori’s conversation, which is now placed after the actual attempt. I kept this conversation in as it was a good reflection of what the survivors felt was a priority in life (Andrea: killing walkers, Lori: going back to the way things were)
-The well walker scene is retained, minus the sequence of lowering Glen into it, for time reasons. The whole scene is roughly 2 minutes.
-Glen finding the barn is followed immediately by the group discussing what to do about it, implying Glen told everyone immediately. Shane calling Daryl a meth-head is cut.
-Glen and Maggie’s reconciliation is kept intact with minor dialogue changes. (The only subplots kept intact from the series are their relationship, the Rick/Shane/Lori triangle, and Daryl’s evolution as a person)
-Hershel and Rick’s conversation is shortened significantly and followed by his request to capture the stray walkers. The barn shooting scene is kept intact.
-Daryl’s tirade against Carol is brought forward to this point. All the barn walker disposal scenes are cut.
(Up to this point, the following are the other Major cuts: (1) The entire Randall arc—ie. The shootout at the bar, the capture of Randall, His interrogation, attempted execution and murder are cut. This is because I felt if I included the whole theme of “What do we do with evil humans?” which is what this arc was exploring, then the film would be too long and too full of info. I wanted the film to be mainly about zombies. Human evil is adequately reflected in Shane’s character and his fall from grace, and I edited it as such. Furthermore, the exact same theme is represented by the Governor and Woodbury in Season 3. Dale’s scenes are cut down, as much as I like him, they did not move the story; T-Dog’s cut for the same reason; Andrea and Shane’s relationship is cut, as well as their brief encounter with walkers. Dale and Hershel’s meet at the barn is cut, shooting practice is cut, Carl’s encounter with a zombie in the swamp is cut (although the attack on Dale is kept and reedited into the final battle). Lori going out to look for Rick and crashing the car is cut. I had a hard time cutting the “hanging zombie” but I did, for times sake. Lori Lady Macbething Rick to kill Shane is also cut. Most of the redundant farm conversation from various characters is cut. ---all these cuts were made to allow the film to flow as smooth as possible without looking choppy, random or haphazard)

-Shane confronting Lori about the baby is pushed back until after the barn shooting.
-Shane killing Randall is cut but him breaking his own nose is kept in. He proceeds to inform the group he was attacked in the woods, setting of Rick and co. Into the forest
-Daryl and Glen killing zombified Randall is cut. Shane killed by Rick is followed by the horde attack immediately without cutting away as in the original
-The final farm battle is kept almost entirely intact, with the addition of: Dale’s death intercut in, with Daryl despatching him after; and the “Car zombie” (originally attacking Lori on a deserted road), is cut into the farm attack as well.
-Removed scenes of survivors individually speculating who made it and cuts to the reunion on the highway. Rick telling Lori he killed Shane is cut. Also, Rick revealing Jenner’s secret is cut.
-The final campfire sequence is kept intact, with minor monologue trims
-Michonne’s appearance is shown as a post-credits sequence

Those are the complete list of cuts in the final version. What remains is the Walking Dead story with most of its best moments (and zombies) intact, in the form of an uncomplicated and fleshed out narrative. All the stuff that was cut out only increases the impact of what was kept in. The first fifteen minutes plays out like a mood piece, but after that, it's a roller coaster ride. I hope you will agree with me and help review and criticize my cut.

Next step is to get it out there.

UPDATE 6/24:
The final cut is ready to be uploaded. Clocks in at 177 minutes.

Further changes from previous version:
1. Cut Rick on walkie-talkie
2. Added Morales family departure
3. Added Hanging Zombie scene
4. Added Beth subplot resolution
5. Replaced end credit song with Anadel's "In the Water" (from Telltale Game's Walking Dead). Slowed down end credit speed to match.
6. Trimmed Shaun's bus escape
This sounds great! I was on board with the series until Season 2....that took a lot of patience to get through. I cant wait to see this!
WyndorfDave said:
This sounds great! I was on board with the series until Season 2....that took a lot of patience to get through. I cant wait to see this!
Thanks very much! It will be ready shortly, and am eager to see what you think.
Hello everyone,

I have just completed my first FanEdit, The Walking Dead: Ranger Cut.

I have completed it and need the fanediting community's help reviewing it. Its my first one, and would greatly appreciate any feedback or comments you might have. I have the links to download it, so please send me a message if you're interested. Thanks for your help!

If you do review it, please let me know what you think and any suggestions on how to improve it, on the original thread-

Please let me know what you think of this concept, questions, or concerns. I appreciate all feedback very much!

Threads merged. Please do not make multiple threads for the same project.

Incidentally, the Trades and Request forum is not for all kinds of requests:

This forum is designed for members to trade physcial copies of fanedits, or request links to edits online. No selling is permitted, and links can only be exchanged via PM. The standard site rule applies: You MUST own the original source to trade.
Oh, sorry about that. Thanks for your help
Hey, mate.
I'm going to send you my feedback this weekend, so don't worry ;).

I believe that you should log in some TWD fanbase forums and spread the word about your edit. We want it to be popular among the fans :) Maybe you'll find people who are eager to give you their feedbacks.
Zagadka said:
Hey, mate.
I'm going to send you my feedback this weekend, so don't worry ;).

I believe that you should log in some TWD fanbase forums and spread the word about your edit. We want it to be popular among the fans :) Maybe you'll find people who are eager to give you their feedbacks.

Good idea man! I'll do just that. Thanks!

Have you considered black & white for this cut? Who doesnt love zombie stuff in B&W? Gives it the ole Romero feel....
J&MProductions said:
Have you considered black & white for this cut? Who doesnt love zombie stuff in B&W? Gives it the ole Romero feel....

That's a great idea, and totally agree. Night of the living dead is imo the best zombie film. will experiment with it. Thanks!
I said it once and I will say it again: you set forth a hell of a workload for yourself and you pulled it off. Mostly. I'll get to that later. :)

The video and audio editing are near flawless. I think there was one or two less than stellar audio transitions near the beginning. There was one instance where the screen went black and silent for a few seconds (right before the camp fire scene when the walkers attack), but I think that this was a defect in the MP4 rather than the editing. In all other places, especially where the content of scenes was changed (for example, when Rick and Shane discuss Sophia during the scene from 18 Miles Out) were excellent. I loved the way that Dale's death was handled. When the finale started I was beginning to wonder what had happened to that scene, but I grinned when it was included as part of the farm attack.

Now, for the "mostly" part. You did an astounding job condensing and rearranging the material. However, I feel that some of this comes at the expense of some of the character moments, which is really (to me) what The Walking Dead is about. But more than that, the story and plot kind of suffered a wee bit here and there. Here's a bit of a list, but some of the issues may not stem from editing but rather the show, so just speak up if that's the case and I'll stow it:

- The lack of Morgan in the beginning made Rick's voice over as they were leaving for the CDC kind of...out of place. Who was he talking to? Whyyyyyyy?
- Speaking of the CDC...I get why you chose to cut it, and it makes sense. However, a good number of characters disappear between the group leaving Atlanta and getting stuck on the highway. The character who is left behind at the CDC we can just assume died along the way, but there was a scene of one of the families going their separate way. I don't think there was a reason to cut that out, save for time. Also, the idea for going to the CDC seems to come from nowhere and then disappears again.
- The minor story arc of Beth wanting to kill herself is never seemingly resolved. I understand she is a minor character , but it was still a defining moment for her. I think that this bit could be cut and the scene with Lori and Andrea would still work.
- Cutting the plot with Randall worked pretty well, although now when we see Rick rescuing Shane from the school bus...who the hell was driving?! O.o

Now, I'm not trying to say that the edit was terrible. It was far from it. What you have here, in my opinion, is great groundwork for two movies, one based on season one and one based on two. Season one would be great as an hour and 30 or 40 flick, and two would work well at a bit over two hours, two and a half at the most. Simply food for thought. I'm a huge fan of the show, and I feel that I'd probably produce something closer to The Walking Dead Apocalypse edit if I were to take the knife to the series.

Don't be discouraged. I really did enjoy the edit and you did excellent work. All things considered, I give this an 8.5 It's amazing what you did with editing, and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

As an aside, the quality on the MP4 was so-so, most of the time there wasn't a problem but some of the night scenes got really blocky at times. I imagine that your final release will be better, but I figure I'd just point this out now. Keep it up! :)
Hi Aztek,
First of all, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time off to review this. I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into analyzing and providing feedback. Most importantly, I felt it was important to get through to a Fan of the show because if this edit does well by a Fan of the show then I am sure it will hold its own against anyone unfamiliar with the series, and with you I feel I did that to an extent. I wanted a zombie-centric film with strong character moments (there's no way I can cover as much depth as they did in the show, but to come as close as possible).

I do like the Apocalypse edit and thought of doing something similar at first, ie 2 films, but then decided that Season 1 and 2, individually did not have the strength to stand on their own as movies--(1) Season 1 had a great 1st half but a very weak ending (CDC), and (2) Season 2 had a great ending (the classic standoff) but a very weak first half (the farm stuff)-- so it made sense to me to combine them into one film which would both be entertaining, and serve as a good lead in to Season 3. I agree with your criticism, as I think I got the beginning and ending right, its just the Season 2 jigsaw in the middle that I had a lot of trouble putting together-- what was relevant and what I could cut? What was essential and what was not?

To address some of your pointers:

Aztek463 said:
I think there was one or two less than stellar audio transitions near the beginning. There was one instance where the screen went black and silent for a few seconds (right before the camp fire scene when the walkers attack), but I think that this was a defect in the MP4 rather than the editing. As an aside, the quality on the MP4 was so-so, most of the time there wasn't a problem but some of the night scenes got really blocky at times. I imagine that your final release will be better, but I figure I'd just point this out now. Keep it up! :)

I think that indeed the problem lies with the mp4. For a 172 min film I think I compressed too much. I'll experiment with different compression rates to get a much better video quality than the workprint. And the blank screens are a defect in the mp4 I think as this is not present in the actual project.

Aztek463 said:
- The lack of Morgan in the beginning made Rick's voice over as they were leaving for the CDC kind of...out of place. Who was he talking to? Whyyyyyyy?
- Speaking of the CDC...I get why you chose to cut it, and it makes sense. However, a good number of characters disappear between the group leaving Atlanta and getting stuck on the highway. The character who is left behind at the CDC we can just assume died along the way, but there was a scene of one of the families going their separate way. I don't think there was a reason to cut that out, save for time. Also, the idea for going to the CDC seems to come from nowhere and then disappears again.
- The minor story arc of Beth wanting to kill herself is never seemingly resolved. I understand she is a minor character , but it was still a defining moment for her. I think that this bit could be cut and the scene with Lori and Andrea would still work.
- Cutting the plot with Randall worked pretty well, although now when we see Rick rescuing Shane from the school bus...who the hell was driving?! O.o

=Rick's walkie to Morgan--I wanted to make this a "rick talking to anyone out there" but I see your point that this does not work and can be confusing. I'll probably overlay his V.O. on scenes of the campers leaving, or, cut it altogether. I liked the V.O. because it was telling the audience clearly what their plan was, and the line "The city belongs to the dead..." So cool

=CDC: I agree, I'll probably reinsert the scene of families breaking away, gives more breathing room between the major scenes and explains the disappearances. The idea to go to the CDC occurred in a previous scene where Bill was bitten, I will cut these lines into the forest scene with Shane, it might work here I think, and not seem as random. Also, the way I designed the flow was so that the idea was that the convoy hit the roadblock on the way to the CDC and the whole plan is sidetracked by Sophias disappearance.

=Beth.. I had trouble choosing the best and most relevant "character moments" to support the zombie action. Lori-Andrea fight was an infamous one and reflected how flawed these people were, but I needed Beth's suicide attempt to frame it. I'm thinking of inserting a post-suicide attempt scene off Beth and Maggie talking about the hopelessness of it all as some sort of closure for that subplot?

Also, most importantly I wanted to ask you as a Fan of the show, which character moments would You have selected? Which stood out most to you and were the most powerful? I selected Daryl's Cherokee Rose, Lori-Andrea fight, Glen-Maggie reconciliation, Rick-Carl post-shooting... There are a ton, and I wondered if I missed any more important ones that should be added... Is there anything you feel I should Cut out?

=Rick saving Shawn? I hope a new viewer wont notice! Rick's superman lol! Actually I cut it as much as possible to look as if Rick drove up then jumped over to the passenger side then somehow jumped back to drive away. Yeah this is a continuity error but one I'm hoping is small enough to not be noticed lol. I'll review the cutting again.

So what do you think of these solutions? Please let me know. Thanks for the support, kind words and the good score. I knew any fan of the show would never forgive me if I left out key zombie moments, ie-- Dale Killer, Well Zombie, even the Car zombie (great effects, which I worked into the farm scene).

Much appreciation, and hope to hear from you.

Paging [MENTION=10544]ranger613[/MENTION] !

I had a feeling that the MP4 was to blame for the black frames, and I wasn't too harsh on the audio quality given that it's a highly compressed format. Don't be afraid to let it go a little bigger, or try a format like MKV (I've always gotten beautiful results with MKV).

Addressing your points addressing my points:

Rick V.O. - I see what you were going for now. I think if you retool the sequence a little bit you won't have many issues with it.

CDC - A little extra breathing room never hurt, especially since you have the walker attack on the camp followed almost immediately by one of the most tense scenes I've ever seen on television. You don't really need much, even if it's just a few shots of people leaving added to Rick's monologue.

Beth - I think the best way to work with this is to sort of let the arc play out...show her first attempt, the Andrea/Lori fight, and Beth's second attempt and her talk with Maggie. Andrea sets it up that we will see Beth choose life (or death) but it doesn't really have a payoff. When we see Beth cut her arm with the mirror shards and she tells Maggie she's sorry, she's already kind of decided she'll live, negating Andrea's point.

You did a good job picking character moments. The one I missed the absolute most was Maggie putting the eggs in Glenn's hat. That always gave me a good chuckle, and it shows that it's possible to still laugh and love after the end of the world. Maybe a few more shots of them giving the other the googly eyes before the pharmacy scene.

Because of the growth that Carol goes through in season three and especially four, I think adding in a few bits with her husband being abusive and her telling Daryl that he "did more for Sophia than her daddy ever did" show where she really began from.

One final moment I would consider adding back in is Rick going through the wallet of the guy they chop up to use as a disguise. To me, it shows that it's important to remember that the walkers used to be people, and that going around just chopping them up without remembering that fact makes them monsters as well. It's a nice subtle way to drive home the importance of humanity that we see Shane losing over the course of the film.

Now, I tend to be rather long winded when writing, but I think the suggestions I made would only add ten to twelve minutes total, probably a bit less. Obviously, these are only suggestions, so feel free to take them into account (or disregard) as you so choose.

Once again, I'm happy to help!
Thanks man! I'm going to go through this edit again and see if I can improve it based on the recommendations. Cheers!!
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