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Office Space - Work Edition

Mark Moore

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Office Space - Work Edition

A fanedit by Mark Moore


To make the movie focus more on the characters’ work lives.

I have been a fan of “Office Space” since late 2005. Recently, I thought it might be fun to create a version that focuses more on work and less on romance. I love the film as it is, but I wanted to create a shorter version with less “flair”.

Original runtime 89 minutes
New runtime 73 minutes

*removed first 3 seconds of black space before 20th Century Fox logo
*removed discussion of Ann and hypnotherapist during coffee break
*removed Peter inviting Lawrence over
*removed discussion of Ann between Peter and Lawrence
*removed hypnotherapist scene
*removed call from Ann and Peter going back to bed
*removed parts of bar conversation about hypnotherapist, cubicles, and music
*removed Peter saying “Yeah, I guess it was” and Michael’s follow-up (due to an audio glitch)
*removed Joanna at Peter’s apartment before drive
*removed drive to party
*removed party
*removed drive from party
*removed Peter’s nightmare about Joanna and Lumbergh
*removed Peter finding out about the real Lumbergh
*removed a lot of Peter and Joanna’s conversation in the parking lot
*removed Milton asking to see Lumbergh
*removed Milton’s vacation scene
*removed tropical music and sped up closing credits
Currently downloading this. It's been quite awhile since I've watched Office Space so looking forward to this new take. Although I must say I'll miss looking at Jennifer Anniston. But there's always those scenes in Horrible Bosses I can rewatch :-D
Looking forward to this too. I can't watch Mike Judge movies enough.

Gatos said:
Although I must say I'll miss looking at Jennifer Anniston. But there's always those scenes in Horrible Bosses I can rewatch :-D

So I just finished watching this edit. Overall, job well done! This is the first edit I've seen by Mark Moore.

There was a trailer as a bonus feature that was really clever. The edit itself, technically flawless IMO. Audio and Video quality were excellent. I could not tell where any of the cuts were (I guess it helps that its been quite awhile since I've seen the theatrical Office Space). I did however remember at least a couple of the scenes that were missing. This edit works great and Mark Moore definitely achieves his goal in regards to the intention of the edit. The only thing you could say was a "plot hole" is when Peter talks to Joanna in the parking lot and says "You don't work at Chaki's anymore?" if they had still been dating she probably would have told him that she quit. But that's an extremely minor detail and just something any viewer with knowledge of the theatrical version would be aware of. The shortened runtime was fine although the movie is fairly short to begin with. I definitely didn't miss the ("You slept with Lumberg?!" side plot) It's hard to decide if a fanedit like this would be my replacement version (It's rare for me to consider a fanedit as my replacement version). So I'm undecided.

I give this an 8/10. And again really great work on the editing especially the flawless audio which I think is the hardest part of fanediting.
Review -

Back up in your ass with a resurrection.

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