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Prime Animations' Transformers Prime Trilogy

January update and announcement of a fully rendered trailer for Galvatron's Revenge this Sunday!

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Dinobots Unleashed audition video 3

March Hang-Out, which had to be delayed to early April. Confirms a podcast interview with Prime Animations is coming on April 17th.

Two part interview with Fatelift

Here is the second trailer, which is...almost the same as the first trailer just with a few new shots

Release date will be announced in the next project update video

I wonder if Carlos will spend the lions share of this month's project update video ranting on how YT deemed his Galvatron's Revenge trailer 'suitable for kids only' and blocked all comments?
May update

Galvatron's Revenge releases September 7th

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July Update

Livestream of Galvatron's Revenge on September 6th will commence with a hour long Q+A with the production team at 7pm Eastern followed by the movie streaming at 8pm eastern

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