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Prometheus: Paradise Edition (By harrybowls)


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I love this movie, but always found the editing to be a mess.
There was a lot of great scenes/alternate scenes on the Bluray that should've been in the film.

I cut out the first 10 min of the film.

I felt showing the Engineers right from the start was not a great choice, it's a gorgeous looking shot during the credits, but as a sci-fi film where we as an audience should be just as surprised as the crew who are looking for them when they are first shown on screen. It killed all suspense for me when first viewing the film.

It would be like if in the first Alien film, they show the Alien in the first 5min.

I also felt, showing them in the beginning also makes it a "Fact" that these Engineers created us (Which I also disliked).

I mean, Shaw is the only one that believes this in the film, and when the Engineer wakes up, he's not happy.
So it kinda throws that whole opening shot and her ideas out the window. I like to think in this cut , she is wrong the entire time.

So, in this edit you don't see the Engineers till the crew does. And there is an element of surprise (If you haven't seen the film yet).

New Runtime 2hr 10min

Scene Changes -----

**Any Deleted/Alternate scenes used, were color matched, to match the Theatrical version of the film**

Cut Engineer Opening

Cut Scotland Discovery

New opening credits during David alone on the Prometheus.

Fixed scene with Milburn popping up twice waiting in line in the kitchen to get something to drink.

Inserted deleted scene of Janek talking to Vickers about Christmas (from Deleted Scenes)

Inserted Millburn's discovery of Alien life (from Deleted Scenes)

Cut Fifield howling when he let's his pups out.

After Engineer head explodes scene, Inserted Milburn smelling the shedded skin he finds (from Deleted Scenes)

Inserted Shaw's speech about how the world came to be (From Deleted Scenes)

Used Alternate Scene of Shaw watching the footage found and when she has sex with
Halloway (From Deleted Scenes)

Used Alternate version of Fifield transformation.

After Shaw is drugged, scene cuts to Vickers and Janek conversation (from Deleted Scenes)
Then cuts back to Shaw trying to get that thing out of her.

Used Alternate scene of Vickers talking to Weyland. (From Deleted Scenes)

Used Alternate scene of when Engineer is awoken (From Deleted Scenes)

Used Alternate scene of Shaw hiding in escape pod and fight with Engineer (From Deleted Scenes)

Used Alternate scene of Shaw talking to David about Paradise (From Deleted Scenes)

Moved scene of the Deacon to post-credit scene, it seemed out of place even in the original film.
How have you dealt with the missing VisFX?
This sounds very nice. Also, as a suggestion - I think you should include a tiny few (at select places within the Engineer's spaceship) inclusions of the original Alien soundtrack for continuity and to create a bridge between this and the the "later" entries. Ridley Scott can deny this as a prequel as much as he wants, but fucking hell; it is a prequel!

Good luck! :)
harrybowls said:
Yeah the only issues are the missing FX scenes, if you can deal with cables being visible at least 3x.
But I think the outcome and pacing came out pretty well, without overloading the film with unnecessary scenes.

The edit is complete, I just sent my submission to the database.

Here's a screenshot to the new opening.

TBH, that's going to put some people off. Have you seen Agent 9's Special Edition? He spent some time doing additional FX work, AFAIK including the deleted scenes, so perhaps you could use his SE as (credited!) source for the deleted scenes instead of using the pre-viz versions from the home release.
I just finished the VFX shots, and I'm saving out the transcode, here is a trailer for it.

As I'm going to get back to work on my Prometheus fanedit(s) soon I'm not going to watch your fanedit to not be too influenced by anything but... great trailer man. :)
I haven't seen this one yet. I understand what the editor says about the pacing of the original opening with the engineers.
I have a suggestion that some may find explorable. My cut uses some material from Terrance Malnick's "Tree of Life."
For those who haven't seen it there is an extensive scene of galaxy building. There's some voice over on it that is easily disposed of via dubbing or editing (in my case I cut it out).
My version now opens with a fairly long cosmic evolution scene lifted from ToL, cuts to the Engineers and their sacrificial seeding. Tree of Life continues with a sequence that uses dinosaurs and then pans out to show a meteor headed for Earth and hitting the Yucatan. I left this in as in my mind it creates ambiguity, heck, maybe that was the Engineers trying to wipe out their petri dish culture. I then cut to the Weyland TED talk and then more of my edit of the movie.
Just some food for thought, I don't think Malnick's "Tree of Life" probably shows up on the radar of most of the editors here but there is some good source material in it.
regularjoe said:
I haven't seen this one yet. I understand what the editor says about the pacing of the original opening with the engineers.
I have a suggestion that some may find explorable. My cut uses some material from Terrance Malnick's "Tree of Life."
For those who haven't seen it there is an extensive scene of galaxy building. There's some voice over on it that is easily disposed of via dubbing or editing (in my case I cut it out).
My version now opens with a fairly long cosmic evolution scene lifted from ToL, cuts to the Engineers and their sacrificial seeding. Tree of Life continues with a sequence that uses dinosaurs and then pans out to show a meteor headed for Earth and hitting the Yucatan. I left this in as in my mind it creates ambiguity, heck, maybe that was the Engineers trying to wipe out their petri dish culture. I then cut to the Weyland TED talk and then more of my edit of the movie.
Just some food for thought, I don't think Malnick's "Tree of Life" probably shows up on the radar of most of the editors here but there is some good source material in it.

I don't know. Seems like a pretty stupid idea to me. :P

Hey! I am new to this site and have created an account just for this forum :P.
So I was wondering when this edit becomes available to watch, and where?
Also, does this apply to the other edits on this site?

Thanks in advance! Congratulations as this edit sounds fantastic!
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Not sure if it will distract other viewers, but the unfinished visfx when David says, "Say, Dr. Shaw? Not too long ago you considered them gods" and "Does it it matter why they changed their minds," are not corrected here. I'm not sure if the editor attempted to fix it and just didn't make a difference to me, or felt the content outweighed the poor effects. Either way, it was distracting to me.

Moreover, there's some obvious pixelation problems on the transport vehicle at 1:59:08. This is probably a residual effect from having removed some of the wires in that shot. It's pretty obvious which to me suggests the editor doesn't know it was there, otherwise I think he'd fix it.

This edit doesn't try to address the film's multitudes of silly incidental dialog. It instead focuses almost entirely on replacing or adding deleted and supplemental footage - with the exception of the removal of the Engineer and Scotland openings. Even the deleted scene where Janek speaks to Vickers about his military past, continues to the latter part of that deleted footage with an interior shot of the command area, where an obvious green screen placard is untouched. Or when the ship falls and rolls towards Vickers and Shaw, the editor makes no attempt to speed up the process so that the audience doesn't think, "Why don't they run perpendicular to it?

The only nip and tuck here (that I noticed) was the removal of Fifield howling as he releases his pups.

After having edited this movie and having shown it to many friends, and after watching the other edits here (Special Edition & Gifbearer), it's really difficult to watch this movie objectively anymore. I'm not sure how someone new to the film would react to this edit in it's entirety. This edit could better be described as an extended version.

This just makes me want to see what TMBTM comes up with all the more.
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