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"Psycho Too!" | A Killer Sitcom


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I always thought PSYCHO II (1983) could make a great sitcom with only minor editing to remove the most "slashery" aspects of the film. The interactions between the characters, situations and settings all screamed "80's sitcom" to me. Aside from bringing the movie to more or less standard episode length, I re-did many sound effects and, with the help of other sources, re-edited some scenes to give them completely new meanings.

Finally, I cropped and added VHS static and noise, to give the impression that the show was really aired in the early-mid 80's. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 

Original running time: 1h53 min.
Fanedit running time: 19 min.


That was fantastic. Incredibly well done. While the narrative is a tad choppy, it still pulls together surprisingly well with so much cut out, and honestly, that's not really the point anyhow is it?  :D

The sound replacement is excellently executed and you nailed the 80s sitcom tone. The commercial break made me spit out my morning coffee, so double-kudos.
That was a lot of fun and the soundFX was very clever and impressive. How was the VHS filter added? It was nicely authentic looking.

The horizontally squashed shot at 06.10 was a bad idea IMO. It should have been pan&scanned (like VHS transfers often were), or not used. It stood out like a saw thumb in an otherwise great 4:3 conversion.
TM2YC said:
It stood out like a saw thumb in an otherwise great 4:3 conversion.


Do you mean "sore thumb", or is "saw thumb" used in your neck of the woods? I've never heard your way used before. Just curious.

And to go back to topic... this was a fun edit. :)
Q2 said:
Do you mean "sore thumb", or is "saw thumb" used in your neck of the woods?

Yeah, it's that way in the UK.

No not really. I was just being a dumb arse.
L8wrtr said:

That was fantastic. Incredibly well done. While the narrative is a tad choppy, it still pulls together surprisingly well with so much cut out, and honestly, that's not really the point anyhow is it?  :D

The sound replacement is excellently executed and you nailed the 80s sitcom tone. The commercial break made me spit out my morning coffee, so double-kudos.

Thank you so much! I knew I had to use that commercial somewhere as soon as I saw it.  :D

TM2YC said:
That was a lot of fun and the soundFX was very clever and impressive. How was the VHS filter added? It was nicely authentic looking.

The VHS filter is a plug-in in the Universe suite by RED GIANT. It's fully customizable and can replicate the look of a number of VHS styles. It takes a while to render though.

TM2YC said:
The horizontally squashed shot at 06.10 was a bad idea IMO. It should have been pan&scanned (like VHS transfers often were), or not used. It stood out like a saw thumb in an otherwise great 4:3 conversion.

I debated what to do with the shot you mentioned. I decided against pan & scan because the timing worked better for the punchline as a static shot. If I had to redo it, I would probably fudge-up a split screen or something.
This is absolutely brilliant. The only complaint I have is the "TV G" rating - we didn't have those in the 80s.
thebutcher said:
The VHS filter is a plug-in in the Universe suite by RED GIANT. It's fully customizable and can replicate the look of a number of VHS styles. It takes a while to render though.

I see on their website that it was the effect used in 'Kung Fury' and seems to support most of the popular editing programs. Nice. I can't seem to find info on how the buying of it works though. You buy a month and it stops working afterwards, or you don't get tech support anymore?
ha! the butcher butchered a movie about a butcher, and it was glorious.

took me back to the '80s. thanks for the ride!
Just a quick bump to let you know this is once again available on Vimeo. Link in the original post!
Great job, that final freeze frame made me laugh :LOL: perfect judgement on the audience reactions too (y)
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