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Resident Evil: Regenerated


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I have finished the edit of Resident Evil 1 & 2. Thanks to all the people here at FE for helping me out with this..

RS on linktalk

Enjoy it!!!!!

Boon that is awsome ....i can't stop smiling...you are the man....i'm blown away. Thank you so much. -DonnieX

i need to learn how to make those myself! You Rock.............
thanks, donnieX, I am glad you like it. Well it all starts with finding the right images.
I am using Jasc Paint Shop Pro, but pretty mcuh everybody else uses Adobe Photoshop.
you need a template. Take one of the cover arts by blaksvn or cassidy and put a white field on the spine. this gives you the exact dimensions to place your cover art in.
you can also use the GIMP. pretty darn good image program, has a bit of a learning curve, but it's free ;)
how do i get a cover from them? and what is a white field?
Me so dumb....
Downlaod their cover art. Should be links around here somewhere. Then make a giant white rectangle where the spine goes using their cover as the template.
Boon, can I get a copy of that great DVD cover for the film? I don't see a page for the movie on the regular site. Guess it hasn't been created yet.
it will be probably today. Be patient. :)
Can someone please tell me what kind of cuts and changes are made? :-)
I am starting to get a bit afraid of this one...
first look reveals technical issues. The ratio is not hust 4:3, it is also totally squeezed, meaning wrong. I would not wonder if there were loads of sound glitches and I hope there are not...
The overall image quality is rather bad anyway...
I will get a bit deeper into this and keep you informed.
So far... no good. Sorry.
ok, I know what the vieo problem is. As we all know, RE1 and RE2 have different aspect ratios. And while for this fanedits all is good for RE2, the RE1 footage is totally squeezed. This is unwatchable and unsavageable. Sorry.
You will have to start from scratch on this one, DonnieX.
RE1 (squeezed):

RE2 (looks normal):
now how did this happen? well, simply because the faneditor tried to match the aspect ratios, so the watcher would not spot when RE1 switches to RE2. Unfortunately it does not work like this.
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