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Romero's Land Of The Dead: Unrated FanCut & New Trailer


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Romero's Land Of The Dead: Unrated FanCut

Tagline: For Every One Human Alive There Are One Millions Zombies. What Would You Do?

How To Get It? piratebay and linktalk

Name - Romero's Land Of The Dead: Unrated FanCut
Original Name - Land Of The Dead
Film Studio - Universal
Editing - Mollo
Original Release - 2005
FanEdit Release - July 2008
Original Runtime - 1 Hr 37 Mins.
New Runtime - 1 Hr 21 Mins.

DVD Features: Menu and Scene Selection, Extras - The FanCut Floor - NTSC


Romero's Land Of The Dead
Romero's Dawn Of The Dead
Romero's Day Of The Dead
Romero's Diary Of The Dead
Truman Show
V For Vendetta
Dawn Of The Dead (Remake)

Conceptual Improvements/Advancements Of Edit Over Original

What I have tried to do with this FanEdit is to create a film more in keeping with the three previous Romero Dead Films. I have removed money as a motivator and reduced the Zombies reasoning. I have also removed the more obvious special make-up effects and increased the level of gore and carnage. I have also trimmed the more formulaic dialogue and attempts at light humor. There is a new prologue, whole new sequences and a new ending.

I will let you judge if this works or not.

Cuts Removed/Added/Extended

Contains Serious Spoilers!!!!

1. New: Prologue: To establish the state of the world.

2. New: Opening Scene. Re-positioned & Re-cut with New Land Of The Dead Title.

3. Cut: Original Beginning with Dialogue concerning the Zombies evolving or learning outside Gas Station.

4. New: Scavengers or Raiders.

5. Cut: Zombie woman puppet.

6. Cut: Introduction of Charlie and most of his incessant whining through out this FanCut.

7. Cut: Parts of the opening confrontation between Cholo and Riley.

8. Cut: Concentration on Big Daddy (Hero Zombie), his motivation of the Zombies and his communication with other Zombies.

9. Cut: Big Daddy stamping on the Zombie severed head.

10. Cut: The conscious decision by Big Daddy to lead the Zombies and follow Dead Reckoning. Now it's more instinctive.

11. New: Promotional Video about Fiddler's Green

12. Cut: Some of the forced confrontation between the Riley and Cholo after the scavenge.

13. Cut: All references to money as a motivating factor have been removed.

14. New: More establishing shots of the human ghetto outside the Fiddler's Green Tower.

15. Cut: Riley's numerous good deeds in the Ghetto.

16. Cut: Riley and Revolutionary scene. Also more of Riley's good deeds.

17. Cut: Revolutionaries ill son.

18. Cut: Big Daddy's more obvious reactions to seeing the hanging Zombies that were used as target practice.

19. Cut: All of the Cholo's telephone calls concerning a pay-off.

20. Cut: The skateboarder kid scenes.

21. New: Added more carnage to Zombie attack of compound.

22. Cut: Scene with Kaufman (Dennis Hopper) in the boardroom talking of leaving Fiddler's Green.

23. Cut. Big Daddy jumping into the river.

24 Cut. Big Daddy inciting the use of tools on reaching the city limits.

25. Cut: Big Daddy showing a woman Zombie how to use an automatic rifle.

26. Cut: Some of Zombie's picking up tools.

27. Cut: Big Daddy reasoning that the nematic drill can be used at the Fiddler's Green Tower.

28. Cut. Kaufman packing money in a vault area.

29. Cut: Kaufman exiting the lift and shooting an executive.

30. Cut: Tom Savini's cameo as a Zombie. (He has been given a new cameo)

31. Cut: Riley asking for Slack (Asia Argot) to fire when he is attacked by the Zombie Bridge Keeper

32. Cut: Shots of Riley on the window of Dead Reckoning and Slack's light-hearted reactions.

33. Cut: Certain moments so it is less obvious that all the Zombies entering the Mall are using of tools.

34. New: Extension of the carnage in the mall.

35. Cut: Kaufman escaping and shooting at Big Daddy.

36. New: Shots of Kaufman being bitten on the neck by the Cholo Zombie.

37. Cut. Big Daddy blowing up the car and killing Kaufman and Cholo.

38. New: Dead Reckoning firing Rockets at underpass.

39. New: Big explosion under the over-pass and Zombies being blown to bits.

41. Cut: Revolutionaries and Survivors emerging.

42. Cut: Final smiles and Slack's line "You saved them!"

43. New: More serious expressions from the cast as if all inside Fiddler's Green have become the undead.

44. New: End Credit Sequence and Music.

Notes On Sound Editing

New: Sounds of sickening carnage have been added.
New: Many Music cues have been added.
New: Numerous Sound Effects and Ambience have been added.

Many other cuts and changes have been made that are not listed.

Here is the Official Trailer


Land Of The Dead: Unrated FanCut Soundtrack EP is avaliable for Download, which includes new music especially created for this FanEdit.


Soundtrack EP Link - http://rapidshare.com/files/122856478/L ... _EP_ST.zip


Thank You to Tranzor and boon for your support and help with this project.

Mollo FanEdit Art Download Link - http://rapidshare.com/files/122873710/Mollo_DVD_Art.zip

More information on the evolution of this FanEdit can be found at



Maybe downloadable from Fanedit.info
It figures!!! I hit the 50 gig limit on rapidshare and now your edit comes out. Ok a five day wait it is--

UPDATE: hmm my limt dropped 30 gigs in one night? I am not questioning it, dling your edit now

and in my excitment I just realized it is a torrent so far. let the seeding begin--
Someone needs to buy this man a Rapidshare account. Is anyone near completion of the torrent??
He has a rapidshare account. However, since he is on a MAC, he cannot upload with any tool and has to go file by file, which is VERY tedious.
The main page for this edit says the torrent on PirateBay is PAL. May I assume that's incorrect?

Ron Moses
From what I know, every Mollo fanedit is PAL, except for the NTSC version of "V" and "Eleven", which I made from the PAL version.
This version is NTSC as stated in the info page.
When, and if, this gets on RS, I'll be downloading it for sure. I saw it twice in theatres (once because I was so excited to see a new Dead movie and again to see if it was as disappointing as I thought) and I bought the unrated DVD as well. Neither version works for me. I hate the fact that Romero talks shit about running zombies everytime he opens his mouth, but he has no problem with zombies learning and working together and having feelings. WTF?! This movie had potential and I hope it comes across more in your edit. I just hate using torrents. Something about them bothers me. Any chance of a Diary of the Dead edit in the future? That movie could use some serious work as well.
In future, Mr. Mollo should enlist some help in seeding his torrents. It would insure more people get to see his edits without waiting days on end and someone could post to RS for those who hate torrents. BTW, I don't see how any amount of editing could save Diary of the Dead, what a turd of a horror movie.
The torrent is slow, but don't worry legions of fans!
Once I'm done I'll seed every night until there's no more downloaders!

Oddly enough I'm downloading at around 200 kb/s right now. Guess I'm just catching up for the time I missed when I was offline.
Mine too. It does that till you catch up with everyone else which is around the 64% mark. No one has been seeding this thing and another reason why RS is so much better than doing torrents. Wat can take a few hours to get turns into a possible few days or weeks all depending
Ahem... I believe you mean that RS is better for DVD format offerings. If this was Xvid, we'd all be watching it 2 days into seeding... even if he was chugging at a 20 upload rate.

In any event... it's free. ^_^ Be thankfull someone is dedicating their time to sharing.

Me? I've got all the small files, and the smallest VOB going. That way I don't eat up unnecessary space on my HD until the seeding is a bit better, and I help people get the little stuff quicker.

I'd suggest someone downloading the RS version, then put the files into the BT directory once they start it up, then doing a forced recheck to turn it into a seed... but if it wasn't EXACTLY the same, we'd all end up with errors in the final product. Better to just give it time.
but then you would have an xvid in lesser quality without any of the menus or extras that come with the disc. RS is just faster in general most of the time.

My point is when you do a torrent to make sure your pc stays on long enough for at least one other person to seed. Or state roughly what days/times seeding would be taking place. I do torrents but for a private video game site. One of the main rules is to stay on until it is at least seeded until another gets it, or as I stated let others know when you would probably be seeding the thing. The problem also with public torrents is when you have one seeder and then about 60 leechers/peers who are all trying to get the files, this dramatically reduces everyones download rate. Be better if there was some way on a public torrent to allow 3-4 people to get it first so it can be seeded by that many beofe 90 thousand others try to leech it

This is nothing against Nick, he is doing what he can, but just my gripe with torrents in general and why I tend to stay away from them with fanedits.

The option to send someone on the board the edit via snail mail (for RS) is and has been open. Myself, boon, thrown, etc have all volunteered to help with this in the past
tranzor said:
but then you would have an xvid in lesser quality without any of the menus or extras that come with the disc. RS is just faster in general most of the time.

My point is when you do a torrent to make sure your pc stays on long enough for at least one other person to seed. Or state roughly what days/times seeding would be taking place. I do torrents but for a private video game site. One of the main rules is to stay on until it is at least seeded until another gets it, or as I stated let others know when you would probably be seeding the thing. The problem also with public torrents is when you have one seeder and then about 60 leechers/peers who are all trying to get the files, this dramatically reduces everyones download rate. Be better if there was some way on a public torrent to allow 3-4 people to get it first so it can be seeded by that many beofe 90 thousand others try to leech it

This is nothing against Nick, he is doing what he can, but just my gripe with torrents in general and why I tend to stay away from them with fanedits.

The option to send someone on the board the edit via snail mail (for RS) is and has been open. Myself, boon, thrown, etc have all volunteered to help with this in the past

I agree with you on all points. Why more people don't take advantage of other's generosity here when it comes to sharing within the fan edit community I'll NEVER know. For any torrent I believe that if you aren't able or willing to seed your own torrent till at least 2-3 other people can finish and help seed, then you shouldn't bother uploading it at all in the first place.
I take everything into consideration, perhaps he has work to do on the MAC that would be seeding or his power is out, etc. I am sure he will get back to it when he can, it is just frustrating because I really want to see this. This is still a hobby before anything else

Someone should write to RS about making their uploader app work on a MAC (ok I'll do it)
I don't mean to sound harsh, make no mistake. I like the work that Nick has done thus far and I really want to see this version because the original in my mind stinks. I guess I just need to be more patient.... :)
jamiemark said:
I don't mean to sound harsh, make no mistake. I like the work that Nick has done thus far and I really want to see this version because the original in my mind stinks. I guess I just need to be more patient.... :)
*tapping his foot while looking at his watch* When the hell is this gonna finish? :wink:
yeah... several days without seeding now. I guess we can call this bad timing for a release.
67.2% for a day or so now. What's the word? *Pokes Nick's body with a stick to make sure he's still kicking*
it looks like mollo is MIA.
I will give it until wednesday and then put the FE entry for this fanedit to draft. Let's hope nothing bad happened.
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