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Spectacular Spiderman (completed)


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-stereo pcm mix
-cool dvd menu
-uncool dvd submenus (explain later)

CHANGES (more or less)
-new title (Spectacular Spiderman) cause I saw the thread on Spence's Amazing Spiderman, and was like...what would a sequel to that be called? So I took a parellel Spiderman comic. You could call Spiderman 3 ULTIMATE SPIDERMAN! Huh?
-lame-ass music montage in the middle (has been extended! ah jk!)
-groaner dialogue
-asian lady singing the two versions of the spiderman theme gone
-wedding is moved to after we first see Mary Jane's second thoughts about marriage, so there's much more tension in the coffee shop when she's putting her heart out there for Peter (very cool), i did this cause i wanted the wedding scene in the movie, while at the same time having a darker denoument after Spiderman defeats Doc Ock.
-took out the new yorkers coming to spidey's aid ("you'll have to go through me!") cause though behavior such as this we all know is very typical of new yorkers (just watch the Borat movie), it came out all kinda cheesy.
-intelligence is not a privilage all throughout the movie now, Ock doesn't contradict himself at the end.

new runtime: from 127 minutes down to 112

Anyway, seriously the project is done! PM me if u want a copy. I got a whole trading wishlist and finally have something to trade! Any uploaders get one for free of course.

Maybe downloadable from Fanedit.info
I was briefly trying a similar edit for this movie a while back and gave up (my process for capturing video is too crappy). I liked the movie, but thought it really dragged and went off on this tangent. The musical montage that you speak of it hands-down the worst part of the movie, and kind of symbolizes everything that I found wrong with the movie.

So you're not hosting this as a torrent? Only trading via mail? I am kind of afraid of that at the moment...
It will for sure be torrented soon.
Would you like a cover?

See images below

This would match Spence's edit, I have a few thing to clean up on it and move around.

I might change the tag line on the back to Sacrifice, Destiny, Choice

just need to know a few details from you

Is it NTSC or PAL

is that the final cut summary?
The musical montage that you speak of it hands-down the worst part of the movie, and kind of symbolizes everything that I found wrong with the movie.

Are you talking about the one after he gives up his life as a superhero? or the one before the play?

So you're not hosting this as a torrent? Only trading via mail? I am kind of afraid of that at the moment...

Oh it'll definitely be torrented, i meant that just for people who don't really dl as much as others.

Would you like a cover?

That's so tight. I'm all for the tagline you're thinking of changing it to since I cut Peter's strange surreal conversation with the memory of his uncle.

Oh, the new title is "The" Spectacular Spiderman, I just forgot to put "the" in the thread title.

and the video is NTSC, very tight cover.

Okay now I can't lie anymore, its not as perfect as I said it was, though the main dvd menu is like...God incarnate...the dvd submenus are atrocious (the buttons overlap or something), plus my planned 5.1 mix really turned out bad, but I know how to fix it! I think I can borrow my friend's computer again this weekend. It won't take long cause I made no mistakes with the video or anything. Then I'll get a copy to Boon of course, and others who prefer to pif and such.

Sorry for my chicanery. I was very proud, but the project got really rushed at the end, so I'll take the weekend to fix it. Final specs will be:

-Anamorphic video (of course)
-5.1 mix
-Stereo pcm mix
-Animated menus
I was talking about the 'raindrops keep falling on my head' scene. I wanted to punch Raimi in the appendix for that part.

I will consider DLing this, but it's so time-consuming (and bandwidth consuming) that I might opt out and just use the chapter skip button on my normal DVD to skip over the scenes I dislike.
I love the "Raindrops" montage. It represents all that is great about the movie. :) Sure, it's cheesy, but it's supposed to be. And not only is it supposed to be cheesy, it's supposed to be ridiculously cheesy. It's just pure fun. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously and that's what makes it fun to watch. Otherwise, we'd have a Spider-Man Returns type movie with our lead character just sulking for 2 hours. Seriously though, it's a great montage. I personally find it to be one of those sequences in a movie that put a grin on your face as goofy as Peter's in the sequence.

Anyway, if you're going for a title from one of the comic series, I think "Peter Parker: Spider-Man" would be fairly appropriate given what happens in the movie.
Are these better?



Just wondering would I get anything in return for the disk art :-D
you mean like a fanedit? I guess this would make sense ;-)
Now that Spider-Man 2.1 is announced, it might be a good idea to shelve this and see if any of the 8 minutes of added footage in the new version are worth splicing in. Just an idea, though.
Yeah I thought the raindrops sequence was funny too, I mean this is Spiderman we're talking about here, you know? He always has witty comments and stuff like that. I didn't like the raindrops scene for awhile, but I started to "get it" I think. The sequence kinda got it on the nose, some of the other crap in the movie didn't. That's what the edit is all about I think.

It was discussed that the extra eight minutes coming out were the same eight minutes that were added to the FX Exclusive Cut, which in general was a couple of extensions of dialogue heavy scenes and some extra shots of rubble falling to the ground, it was disappointing. Too bad there's no 40 minutes of extra footage cuts like LOTR :)

New cover looks awesome, though I'm not sure about retaining my initial composition and syntax structure in the cut summary :? Free copy for your contribution of course.

I'm encoding new chapter menus as we speak, and working on the 5.1 again.
I think "Web Of Spider-man" would be a better title for part 3 because things are supposed to get really complicated in the third one.
Sorry but I had to edit down the summory as it wouldn't have all fitted on the page, and I wanted to retain the look for both edits
News: BAM!

Finished the disc Sunday. I have a master iso file on my hd and one DL disc. Unfortunately, DVD Shrink apparently only shrinks the disc quality to 48.6% (or so I've deduced from trying to shrink the disc) so a single layer disc will have to have cut one audio track: Either the DD 5.1 track or the 2.0 PCM audio. So everyone interested in a SL I guess should specify which they'd prefer cut or something.

No longer able to borrow this computer and I'm out of discs, so I need to get the disc to an outside go-to guy to burn, no big deal at all, just PM with an address and preferences: DL or SL (and if SL 5.1 or PCM).

Next project? Either finally finishing my EPI and EPIII edit, or tossing all three SAW films into one, centering them around the plot of the first, with less time outside the "games" so basically you get like 3 or 4 hours of people being tortured for absolutely no reason....hmmm
I would drop the pcm. And I would also NEVER use DVD shrink.
DVD Rebuilder uses CCE multipass to compress. There is no better way.
Of course, I sent a DL to Boon, and just last night I got my computer back up and working again, so I can burn copies and send them to certain contributing individuals.
I can't wait, thanks PID, I will upload it as soon as I got it.
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