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Spider-Man 4

From the director's YT community page

So some new exciting stuff came in that I wanted to include in the Spider-Man update, so if you can all give me a few days it will be an even bigger video!
The 'even bigger' video is only eight short minutes, but has plenty of content

The director's dad has been some health scares so he's been taking care of him, then their Vulture actor was injured in a car wreck which delayed filming scenes with him, but he's been doing some voice over work to help with that.

Also, rather than release a new trailer, they're going to release the movie in episodic segments.

There hasn't been news about it for months.

Really glad they got everything back on track.
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An update from the director's community page


Hey everyone! Been working away on an original creator owned comic book (more on that later) and doing VFX for Spider-Man 4! Lots of small environmental touchups as well as massive CGI scenes. Here is a spoiler free shot that I have been authorized to post.
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