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Star Wars: Downfall of The Old Republic


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I know what you're thinking, not another Star Wars prequel fan edit, but this ones a little different. I am attempting to extract one good film from all the prequels and get it into a good running time of about two and a half hours. My first attempt at this cut has left me with a three hour and ten minute cut that I am pretty happy with, except for a few bad frames where I didn't cut the shot just right. I'm going to make a few more passes on it, and then I will post an update. I hope to have this edit ready for approval very soon, and my goal is to have it accepted by the moderators on the first submitting. As per the site rules and copyright law I ask that you have all the edits source materials before requesting a download link through a private message... More updates will follow soon.

Source Materials: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of The Clones, Star Wars Episode 3: The Revenge of The Sith

Edit running time: 2 hours 39 minutes

Resolution: 1920 x 1080



Early Cover Art & Banner:



I am not the greatest artist and would be more than willing to consider using another image created by a site member, so fell free to let me know if you have any ideas. Clips, and trailer coming soon...

Clip 1: Intro


Clip 2: Duel of The Fates


Unfortunately the videos were blocked by youtube, even though I have seen those exact same scenes all edited together on youtube on other people's channels, go figure. So I will try to have a trailer soon, hopefully it will not end up being blocked as well.
Update: I have been hard at work trying to finish this edit off. Unfortunately it's still running about three hours long right now, and I'm not sure there is much more that can be cut without losing important story or character moments. Cutting into the action scenes may not be an option either, because of the shots not matching up properly. I will be posting a trailer, and hopefully a clip, very soon.
If you want to send me a private message, maybe I can look at what you've got, and suggest areas for other cuts.
Thanks TomH1138, as soon as I have a good file for downloading I'll PM you a link to have a look. I'm still having some kind of issue with the frame rate or ghosting or something. I have all the frame rates matched up and disabled re-sampling in Sony Vegas (on every clip) but it's still happening. I'm experimenting with different bit rates right now. I'm hoping that I wont have to re-code all my sources. If you have any experience with Vegas maybe you can help me out with that. If you want to check out the version I have now that still has the frame stutter/shake let me know and I'll PM it ,but I'd hate to be judged harshly on a bad render setting.

P.S. Love your user pic, the 8th Doctor doesn't get enough love, he is great.
Update: It looks like I didn't encode my source materials correctly. I'm trying to make all new larger files to work with and will update again soon. It's unfortunate, but I think I can replace the material easily enough if all goes well.
Submitted to Academy, thread moved to Unapproved Fanedits.
Great! Thanks, I look forward to hearing from an Academy member about reviewing it.
Update: This edit has been completed and released. If you have trouble locating it, please feel free to send me a PM.
HanShotFirst said:
Update: This edit has been completed and released.

Wait, I can't remember, was this approved by Acad? If so, send me a PM.
Sounds interesting. I've often thought the best way to edit the prequels would be to merge 2 or all of the films together. Will definitely check this out!
ManicGuy1989 said:
Sounds interesting. I've often thought the best way to edit the prequels would be to merge 2 or all of the films together. Will definitely check this out!

Thank you. I have sent a PM to you with the link. I hope you received it and will enjoy the edit. I was definitely inspired a little bit by Topher Grace's 85 minute edit of the prequels, although I still don't know how he got it to be that short. I had also started by making a 47 minute cut of Phantom, but couldn't figure out what to do with it except for an idea I had about making the saga into a tv series. Which I decided against in the end.
This has been approved by the Academy and is now released. Thread moved.
Post made.

So the first couple of reviews are in and they are generally positive. The issues they have pointed out I mostly agree with and hope to address in a revised version some time in the distance future. Both reviews have pointed out that my transitions between the three films are a little rough. Perhaps I could re-score these sections to make them smoother, but I have tried re-scoring other films with limited degrees of success. Other comments have mentioned narrative issues with the Padme being The Queen and also a Senator, and Padme's decoy not being explained, but these may not be things that I can fix. Padme's switch from Queen to Senator is only explained in a single line of the Attack of The Clones crawl, or maybe in one of the Anakin/Padme on Naboo scenes. I just can't stand either of those characters or their wretched dialog. The reviews have also said that I have cut to much of the character development of Anakin and Padme, but I just don't know if there is any character development to them in any of the movies that is worth the adding time to the edit. I will definitely consider all the points that reviewers bring up and try to use them to plan a cleaned up version. After I have a few more edits completed I will revisit this. Until then please leave your thoughts and comments. I would also like to thank the entire fanedit.org community for making me feel welcomed, and making my first real fan edit experience so much fun.
Hey, first let me say I really enjoyed this. There seems to be two camps when it comes to PT edits: those that prefer keeping SW-esque two hour episodes and those, like me, that feel the material just isn't there to supprt that and can accept deep edits. In my review I feel I noted things that I feel could and should be fixed (the episode transitions), issues that arise due to the nature of this sort of edit that may or may not be able to be fixed (Queen/Padme/handmaiden confusion), and matters of personal storytelling opinion (inclusion of Obi Wan detective plot). The fixes, or the first category, should be addressed in future revisions. The other issues are either probably out of an editor's control or personal choice. Either way, I simply want to make it clear that I doubt massive revisions are necessary. An edit of this nature certainly isn't for everyone, but I think you did a better job than I had previously thought possible.
I agree with Moe_Syzlak... there was so much in the prequels that irritated the sh#t out of me so I'm in the deep edit camp. I've downloaded and watched about half so far. I can see the issues others are pointing to, but I don't think there is much you can do about them, except for rescoring the soundtrack. Visually your edit looks great and is of high quality. Will post a full review when I finish watching it.
I haven't posted a review, but I did watch this last night. Technically I thought it was well done, but I'd agree you probably should change the score for the marriage scene. The music is unmistakably end-of-movie type stuff, and you still have an hour or so to go at that point.

The narrative didn't really work for me, but it's been so long since I've seen the trilogy that I don't know if it's because of the edit choices or the original material. I'd have to re-watch the trilogy to be certain, and I'm not sure I want to subject myself to that again.

The major problem I think is that we don't know enough about the characters to really care about them, and the story isn't focused very well. Again, this might just be a problem with the source material, but I'd think the cut might be improved by adding a bit more at the beginning about who Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Amidala are, how they know each other, and why we should sympathize with them, and cut out some of the extraneous stuff that is pretty to look at but doesn't contribute to the main thread of the story.

The story is about a gifted young Jedi with good intentions being corrupted by a Sith Lord. Don't let too many side issues distract from that.
Billy Batson said:
I'd think the cut might be improved by adding a bit more at the beginning about who Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Amidala are, how they know each other, and why we should sympathize with them,

Wow, did George Lucas film a Star Wars movie that I never heard about? :D
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