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Star Wars: Revenge Of The Spoofs


Staff member
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by ThrowgnCpr
What is it about? Unlike the first spoof DVD (by AdigitalMan) this contains no “non-spoof” bonus material, adds a few different spoofs, and throws in a couple extra bonus features that are mostly comedy oriented.

film studio name :Twentieth Century Fox/Lucasfilm Ltd.
Date Original Film Was Released : 1977

DVD Details:

* Hardware Wars
* George Lucas in Love
* Thumb Wars
* Troops
* Crazy Watto
* Silent Star Wars
* Beagle Bonus:
* Gnarles Barkley performing Crazy at MTV music awards
* Celebrity Death Match – Star Wars vs. Alien
* Conan Obrien – AOTC vs Spiderman
* Muppet Show featuring Mark Hamill DVD-Rom:
* Spoof Film Posters
* Storyboards
* DVD artwork

persons involved: ThrowgnCpr
I have a copy, would you like me to pass it to you so that it can be available? ???
sigh, this is my edit. I of course still have a copy. My lazy-ass will get it back online :P I'll be out of town this week, but promise to get it available again after that.

Thanks for the offer el_silloneb :)
Yeah Throw, I thought it was strange that this one isn't available what with it being one of yours but people do sometimes lose their work through crashes and the like (I breathes a sigh of relief that Jambe's recovered his drive) so I thought I'd check.

...and add another job to your list ;D
Available again thanks to el_silloneb.
What's the password? It's missing in the download that contains the .dlc file.
(and it appears it isn't one of the usual passwords...)
it is in fact the usual password. what's the name of this website/forum?
Try "preserv".
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