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good post. I have been following this edit for a long time. It will be awesome!!! :D
Same here. It looks sick.

Will anyone be torrenting this? Or putting it up on Rapidshare?
it will probably be all over the place when it comes out
I must get it for my Star-Wars-mad brother.
PROJECT IS COMPLETED!!! An xvid AVI will be uploaded sometime within the next day. After that a full PAL DVD will follow. Official NTSC DVD will be not too far behind :-) This should be the ultimate Special Edition

Check out the whole bloody effort here: Adywan's Special Edition Revisited
Man, I hope this is going up on a torrent...I will get the xvid and hopefully an NTSC DVD-5...can't wait!
I have been looking forward to this particular edit in a long time... and will probably be the ONLY Star Wars edit I will download.
yeah i've been outta the SW stuff for a while - is this pretty much what darth editus did with SW4 only with the official DVD's?
It is going waaayyyy past what darth editous did. new special effects, cleaned up shots, the works. other than a completely restored anamorphic theatrical edition of Star Wars, this may be the way I watch A New Hope from now on. Although, I havent seen it yet, the details are incredible
watch closely...

He did some really insanely elaborate things. I think this project deserves it's own chapter in fanedit history because of the stuff he has achieved here.
its not up yet. I am sure several of us will be all over it when it is uploaded
HOLY SHIT. That was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, although something isn't quite right about the trailer...everything seems too "fast"
Most impressive indeed - I think I found an offical replacement for my copy of A New Hope. If he ever decides to give the same treatment with Empire Strikes Back, I'll truly be in heaven. :smile:
Maybe he'll touch up ROTJ as well. This is pretty awesome.
I'll wait patiently for the NTSC DVD :D
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