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Strange Days - New Millenium Edition

Bobson Dugnutt

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Somehow I had never heard of this film until recently. Ralph Fienes, Angela Bassett, Juliette Lewis, Vincent D'Onofrio, produced by James Cameron and directed by Kathryn Bigelow, and I had never heard of it? Strange days indeed...

I really enjoyed the film, and I feel it had a great atmosphere that was filthy and dirty and believable and was very late 90s. A user asked me to create this edit and so I happily did. I also didn't realise Tranzor did a cut of this back in 2008 until I had already finished the cut. Hopefully this honours his work and improves on it.

- added Lenny rewatching the murder over and over, almost frying his brain trying to get any more infomation
- added Lenny borrowing press passes to get into the NYE event in the third act

Theatrical - 2:25:17
New Millenium Edition - 2:29:31

Added - 4:14

As usual, I've upscaled and colour corrected the deleted material to match the final film.







Good night! You are one prolific fanediting machine! Lately, you have been hitting the sweet spots of edits that interest me and you are releasing them quicker than I can watch them!
Such a great flick! Been so many years since I've seen it - seems like a fantastic way to re-watch :D
One of my top five favourite movies, and easily my favourite from both Bigelow and Cameron's filmographies. Will definitely be grabbing this.
A new mini-podcast discussing the film and edit to celebrate the release of this edit!

Just wrote a review for this edit. Thanks a lot again Bobsom for doing this. I'm still crazy about your edit.

BTW you must have confused something. My name on reddit is not "Iamn0man" but "superzwei". :)
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So happy you found this film. I've always kinda loved it, despite its flaws. Looking forward to seeing what you've done.
Good! I've been putting it off for a long time (was working with the German bluray- though the deleted scenes on that release were the same as the old dvd, no new transfer of them), now I no longer have to worry about it. However I am curious what you used as your source? Was it still the old dvd?
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Good! I've been putting it off for a long time (was working with the German bluray- though the deleted scenes on that release were the same as the old dvd, no new transfer of them), now I no longer have to worry about it. However I am curious what you used as your source? Was it still the old dvd?

The German Blu-Ray had the deleted scenes in 25fps, so I found an NTSC disc on ebay and used the deleted scenes from there. From there I did my usual upscale, and tried my best to colour correct to match the film but the transfer was all the same, assuming they were the same one they did for the laserdisc in the mid 90s.
I also honestly never knew you had done an edit of the film until after I was already done. I guess this counts as a remaster of your cut then!
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The German Blu-Ray had the deleted scenes in 25fps, so I found an NTSC disc on ebay and used the deleted scenes from there. From there I did my usual upscale, and tried my best to colour correct to match the film but the transfer was all the same, assuming they were the same one they did for the laserdisc in the mid 90s.
I also honestly never knew you had done an edit of the film until after I was already done. I guess this counts as a remaster of your cut then!

Correct. I have the older Fox SE dvd (and laserdisc). The second German blu release was better than the first (or it was vice versa). I know i picked up what was reported to be the better quality of the two. The real hassle was the dts5.1 audio and preferring to add/keep the original stereo track from the old dvd which would have involved some re-syncing

At any rate maybe one day the rights will be worked out so it can escape from the Lionsgate hell it is currently stuck in (as well as Bigalow's other film Near Dark) and we can get a proper bluray-- to which we can then make another extended version of the film-- cheers!
Remember seeing this when it first dropped on VHS back in the day.
Absolutely wow'ed me! 😮
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