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The Bourne Redemption

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This is a re-envisioning and amalgamation of parts of the first two Bourne Movies to create a Jason Bourne extravaganza with twice the intensity and paranoia.

Tagline - At The Point Of Death, Your Life Runs Before You!

YOU are Jason Bourne!

How To Get It?

Name - The Bourne Redemption
Original Film -The Bourne Identity & The Bourne Supremacy
Film Studio - Universal
Editing - Mollo?
Original Film Release - 2002, 2004?
FanEdit Release - June 2008 (V.2 - May 2009)?
Original Runtime - 1 Hour 54 Mins?
New Runtime - 1 Hour 46 Mins

DVD Features: Double Layer PAL. Anamorphic 2.35:1. Menu & Scene Selection. Extras - Trailers and Info.

AVI Version: 1.2 GB


The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy

Conceptual Improvements /Advancements Of Edit Over Original

This is now a long POV of Jason Bourne and we never leave him.

Note: This FanEdit is a compliment to the first two Bourne Movies and in no way is an attempt to improve or correct. This FanEdit is rather a salute to all those involved in the making of those first two Bourne Movies. Also The Bourne Redemption has it's own narrative so try and forget the original Movies story-lines if at all possible while watching this, as they bare no relation to this FanEdit.


Cuts removed/added/extended

Contains Spoilers!

- Removed all scenes not involving Jason Bourne directly
- Removed lines of dialogue in numerous scenes for plot reasons
- New: Opening Montage
- New: Title
- Cut: Scene at Pont Neuf where it is impossible to get a car without a crane
- Cut: The Dialogue during the Paris car chase and rearranged shots
- Cut: And rearranged shots at the farmhouse involving the other assassin
- New: Bourne hallucinates during the phone call at the farmhouse
- Cut: And rearranged shots during the bridge surveillance scene
- Cut: And rearranged shots from stairway fall sequence and speeded up shots
- New: Bourne hallucinates when confronting Conklin (Chris Cooper)
- New: (V.2) Bourne washes away blood
- New: (V.2) Bourne drives to Berlin from Paris
- New: (V.2) Bourne dreams of past bad deeds (Plot reasons)
- New: (V.2) Bourne visits other agent
- New: (V.2) Bourne and agent fight
- New: (V.2) Bourne takes train to Moscow
- Cut: Many shots from Moscow train station escape
- Cut: Re-arranged many shots from the Moscow car chase (No gun fight while driving)

Notes on Sound Editing

- New: Intro Sound Design
- New: Sound for assassin in woods scene, removed music and Sound Effects added
- New: Complete Sound Design during farmhouse hallucinatory phone call
- New: Complete Sound Design during bridge surveillance scene
- New: Musical Score and Sound Effects added during the confrontation with Conklin
- New: Complete Sound Design for Moscow taxi ride
- New: Added Sound Effects during Moscow Car Chase
- New: Complete Sound Design after fight added toaster, gun, door & alt. music
- General ambient sounds, musical score and extra sound effects have been added to many scenes.
- Many other cuts, re-workings and additions were made that are not listed.

Nick, under the original post you said that upping to R/S was a (?) nightmare/headache (?) and I was just curious, did you use Rapiduploader or did you up each part individually? The two most necessary things about R/S (to me, anyway) are Rapiduploader (for u/l) and Rapget (for d/l). I hope this helps in the future. :smile:
Yes, every file individually and it was a horrible experience. I contacted RS about an Multi Up-loader for MAC and they do not provide one.
Just watched it, and I have to say I am impressed. The new story was great.
Didn't notice any technical flaws. Story was smooth and enjoyable.

Worth the download.
um, I am right now checking through the movie only to discover that the runtime is still 1:37 (with 12 minutes of credits in it).
I thought this was revisited? But it is the same version that I already watched in the preview, right? Now besides the rather dumb question of why I had to download it again to get the same thing, why did you tell it had been revisited and the runtime had been increased, when it wasn't? :(
major bummer.
The movie is revised and not the version you watched before but very close. A new sequence was added before Bourne enters Conklin's apartment. Aprox 1 min. That is the only change. So why are you bummed?
Because your info read 140 minutes and I was hoping for that, more Bourne, maybe a better clarification of him dying/being dead/hallucinating.
What I did not so much enjoy about the preview seems to be all still there. But if others enjoy it, then it is of course ok. Sometimes expectations and hopes just get in the way. Don't worry about me.
If I had seen the change was that subtle I simply would not have bothered downloading it again.
The whole point of a preview was to get some feed back. You were part of that. So the version that is now out for the public is the finished version. I did not intend to give false information or waste your time. I was just trying to make this FanEdit as good as possible in terms of plot and editing.
I know you do and I think you are a skilled faneditor.
I was just expecting something very different, when you wrote in your info that the fanedit was now 140 minutes long instead of the 97 which it is.
Please change the information to address your concerns.
I already did for fanedit.org You can change your forum post yourself. Just click on "edit".
runtime is still wrong. 137 minutes would be 2h17 minutes. Your fanedit runs 97 minutes (including 12 minutes of end credits). Sorry to be nitpicking.
lol, I dont think 40 minutes of missing footage is nitpicking. thats a film in itself! :razz:
My guess is just a simple "overlooking" - ie: 140min was meant to be 1h40m (1h37m to be exact), so I think someone just wasn't thinking fully when they put 140. ;) Heh. We all do it. It's ok.
As a big fan of the Bourne movies, I was eagerly awaiting this, but having just seen it, I have to say I'm not very impressed. It seems like the editor took Identity, cut out any scene not directly involving Bourne, and then tacked on the ending from Supremacy. It didn't gel well in the slightest and the whole Neski murders came out of nowhere, with little to no explanation for those who've never seen the originals. I'm disappointed, but have to say I admire the effort. I just honestly don't think the Bourne trilogy can be improved upon.
Watched this a couple of days ago and I surprisingly managed to forget the movies themselves and watch this as its own thing. Mostly.

First, I LOVE the way I was just as out of the loop as Jason. This works AMAZINGLY. When you stay with Jason, there's just WAAAY too more tension and mystery behind what's going on, and I mean that in the best way possible. Who and why the hell are these people after him? For the first time, you really understand when Jason says "How can I know all that and not know who I am?"

Unfortunately, because of that, it's never quite clear what happened to Wombosi, as you never know who he is exactly and how/why he was killed. Including the flashback with Bourne on his mission to kill him definitely would've helped, at least a little.

And while it was technically well edited, I'm not sure the Neski murders were put to its best use. I don't have any suggestions here, as I really don't know how I'd do it. But I really like the idea of using this as Bourne's Redemption (lol).

Now, I'm a big Bourne fan, and I have to say this is about as successful as the Bourne Conspiracy game: some great, well-done ideas, some good ones with room for improvement. All in all, a good job.
I previewed The Bourne Redemption before release to some members and got some feedback that resulted in the V.2 version, which was released.

During the changes taking place at FanEdit.org it came to light that the rapidshare links have disappeared. Also the torrent died.

There is really no demand for this particular FanEdit so I thought maybe now would be a good time to address the plot issues mentioned by some reviewers. A Bourne Redemption V.3 will be done at some point in the future and it will be anamorphic widescreen, as the original was 4.3 with matte bars.

This is in the spirit of improvement!
Mollo said:
I previewed The Bourne Redemption before release to some members and got some feedback that resulted in the V.2 version, which was released.

During the changes taking place at FanEdit.org it came to light that the rapidshare links have disappeared. Also the torrent died.

There is really no demand for this particular FanEdit so I thought maybe now would be a good time to address the plot issues mentioned by some reviewers. A Bourne Redemption V.3 will be done at some point in the future and it will be anamorphic widescreen, as the original was 4.3 with matte bars.

This is in the spirit of improvement!

sweet :D
The final cut of this is done. Just need to do the sound design. Hoping for a June 1st 2009 release. Updated first post.
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