I wanted to finish watching the episodes before I went back and looked for the glitches, so it took a while!
There is a left over frame from a cut scene at 10:21 in "Shadow of Geonosis".
On the audio sync, a few times in early episodes I thought "is this out of sync?" but then it passed and I thought "nah, it's ok". Then one time I realised it was
definitely out of sync, so I messed with audio delay settings to get it right, and discovered it was about half a second off. Then continuing the episode, the sync shifted back and was ok, so I had to reset again!
The part where the sync was very clearly off and I changed the delay was before and after around 5:18 on "Terror of Geonosis". I'm pretty sensitive to lipsync, so maybe those earlier episodes
did have a scene or two where the audio was slightly off and I was noticing it? Subsequent to this episode, I didn't notice any major sync issues.
Apart from all that, what a great edit to watch! I watched the "link the Saga movies" selection this time, as I am watching the movies this summer. But I'm sure I'll get to watch all the other episodes eventually. I originally watched the series years back, but never rewatched it, so the stories felt fairly new. It was odd as I got near the end of the edits when I realised that General Grievous wasn't going to appear at all! Obviously he never met Anakin, but on a rewatch I might drop in a Grievous episode or two. [I didn't want to study the spreadsheet too closely before viewing to keep any surprises, e.g. this one has Tarkin, this one has Boba Fett, etc.]
One thing that does feel strange in the edits is the end credits, where each name stays on screen for a looong time. IMO it's almost comical. Running the credits over the artwork is cool, but maybe the names could appear for half the time they currently do? To fill out the slideshow runtime, perhaps some main voice actors could be promoted to get a "big text" credit?
I watched a few episodes on Apple VisionPro in a virtual IMAX cinema and wow!
Awesome work, recommended to anyone who likes some "Star Wars".