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The Killer Bride: Extended


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a TRUE FANEDIT by Leeroy
The Bride wakes up after a long coma. The baby that she carried before entering the coma is gone. The only thing on her mind is to have revenge on the assassination team that betrayed her - a team she was once part of.


Original film name Kill Bill: VOL. 1, & VOL. 2
Film studio name Miramax
Film release date October 2003 / April 2004
Original runtime 111 minutes / 136 minutes
Fanedit release date May 2011
New runtime 142 minutes
Amount of time cut/added 106 minutes cut

being a fan of kill bill and tarantino films in general i wanted to combine the kill bill films giving it a run time more suited to previous tarantino films. the one thing that always disappointed me about the kill bill that it was split into two movies for this edit i wanted to create a version of kill bill that i would have liked to have seen at the cinema.

while the Showdown at House of Blue Leaves segment has been added alot has been removed for this segment. Sophie’s character has been reduced while alot of the subtitles have been removed. O-Ren Ishii back story also hasn’t been included as i’ve always felt that her character was given too much information compared to other more important characters. the wedding rehearsal scene has now been included at the start of the film.


Vol. 1
removed Micheal Parks scene
removed Elle visiting the bride in hospital
removed attempted rape scene
removed Elle’s whistling scene
removed the brides get-a-way
removed the bleeping of the brides name
removed subtitles during O-ren Ishii battle with the bride
removed the history of the Hattori Hanzo Sword
GO-GO is now a mute

removed Micheal Parks scene from Vol.2
removed Bill making a sandwich telling the story of the pet goldfish
removed the bride putting B.B. to bed
removed Bill truth poison dart serum
removed Bill’s superman speech
removed the scene of the bride confronting the assassin at the hotel
new end of credits removing the characters that weren’t included in the film
removed all chapter sections

Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2


leeroy, I am excited to watch these and review this for you, but I am unable to download file 39 and 47. Anyway I can get links to either of those?
Just got it downloaded ...... so far, I like what I see though I will really miss the Hattori Hanso part ... one of my favorite parts in both movies. I may had it in myself. I know it slows down the movie, but the scene is too well written to cut out. This one explains where she got the sword and 2, helps break up the action.

Also, one thing you may also want to consider is making the Pa Mai section (as well as Ell's flashback) black and white minus the sub titles. This will match with the beginning scenes so all flashbacks are all in black and white with high contrast.

Edit: The interlacing part I am seeing is when she is visiting Pa Mai ..... it is no other part of the movie? I need to watch the original again to see if it is there, but I never noticed it before.
i wanted the edit to have a runtime of 2hrs 20mins in keeping with the general length of a tarantino film so unfortunately tough choices had to be made.

it might not be as clear in the extended cut with the added scenes but in the 90min version hopefully there's more focus on the relationship between the characters. this is my own interpretation, seeing as bill gave budd an Hattori Hanso sword bill could have easily gave the bride a Hattori Hanso sword as well. i always fought the bride was the only woman bill has ever truly loved sure he has a relationship with ellie but i look at that as bill filling a need to have a woman in his life. ellie has an obsession with the bride, not only doe's she believe bill love's her but she wants to own the sword that the bride had. another sign that bill is just using her but she is to blind to see (no pun intended) and is living in a fantasy world.

i wouldn't want the pa mai scenes to be black and white it's bad enough the fight scene turns black and white. i had to add the subtitles to the pa mai scene could this cause the interlacing problem you speak of?
i wouldn't want the pa mai scenes to be black and white it's bad enough the fight scene turns black and white. i had to add the subtitles to the pa mai scene could this cause the interlacing problem you speak of?

Good call. .... could be
gogo mute: in this version of the killer bride the character of gogo dosen't speak. i wanted her to be like a classic bond villian (oddjob, jaws) and while her dialogue has been removed she still has a presence.

vernita green to o-ren ishii: this scene shows the transition from one of the brides victims to the next. in doing so it removes the hattori hanzo sword scene, council meeting, the green hornet theme. in doing so it moves the film along from one kill to the next more quickly.

fixed interlacing problem
the bride vs 0-ren: in this edit the backstroy to the hattori hanzo sword has been removed so all references in conversation between the bride and o-ren has been removed. as bill gave his brother a hattori hanzo sword he could have done the same for the bride, alternatively the sword could be something the bride has always had for herself. the clip also shows the transition between vol1 and vol2

Since this edit has been resubmitted and is now a True Fanedit, I have moved the thread to the True Fanedit section.
I haven't watched this yet, so I don't want to be negative, but I have to be honest and say that the title choice really confuses me. Leeroy, maybe you can clarify the reason why this is called an extended cut when it isn't?
Not an Extended Edition in the typical sense, but rather an extended version of leeroy's previous Fanedit of Kill Bill. "The Bride wakes up after a long coma. The baby that she carried before entering the coma is gone. The only thing on her mind is to have revenge on the assassination team that betrayed her – a team she was once part of."

While working on the 142min version of kill bill I realized I could make a shorter edit if I removed the character of o-ren. That resulted in the 99min version I put out last month. So this is an extended version of that edit.

killer bride 99min version http://fanedit.org/13689/

killer bride 142min version http://fanedit.org/13870/
geminigod said:
I haven't watched this yet, so I don't want to be negative, but I have to be honest and say that the title choice really confuses me. Leeroy, maybe you can clarify the reason why this is called an extended cut when it isn't?

You should realize that the title isn't 'Kill Bill: Extended' it's 'The Killer Bride: Extended' which I didn't notice right away either.

stretch009 said:
You should realize that the title isn't 'Kill Bill: Extended' it's 'The Killer Bride: Extended' which I didn't notice right away either.

Very good point Stretch.
Maybe calling it "The Killer Bride: O-Ren Cut" would have avoided the confusion?
I would definitely call it something else, I was confused the exact same way.
Killer Bride: Alternative Cut
Killer Bride: More Killing Cut
I watched this just now, and I must say I really enjoyed it. There were a few noticeable jumps in the final scene, but nothing that could be helped. I did have a problem where the first few minutes of the O-Ren stuff the audio went absolutely silent. Then just as I was about to start fiddling with it, the band's song started in. It didn't feel like it should be that way. The rest of the movie the audio was fine.
I did have a problem where the first few minutes of the O-Ren stuff the audio went absolutely silent. Then just as I was about to start fiddling with it, the band's song started in. It didn't feel like it should be that way

yep that's an error thanks infamous tc i'll get this fixed i have all the files still so it's no probleam sorry to anyone who may have downloaded this edit but i'll take it down. glad you liked the edit

error fixed new links are up
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