^Again, primarily a comedy, and highly subjective. Can't fault you for liking the humor you like! For me, Shazam was like 60/40 against on the humor, go figure. lol And the new Shazam looked so cringey I couldn't even watch it.
But beyond the humor, I just felt The Flash had an actual story with a logical flow that tracked for me, and was more original than most DC films. When I saw Shazam, I immediately thought "Oh, so: Big? But with zappy powers?" Then they threw in the 7 Sins...but no, actually they're just generic CG demon thingies like in The Eternals. And then there's a great classic super smart DC villain, "Dr. Sivana"! Ah, the old "brain versus brawn" battle! But no... actually he's just a big punch guy like Shazam. I dunno man, it all felt pretty generic to me from a story perspective.
But I guess I'm not the audience the studios are going for, because the first Shazam made tons of money, and The Flash didn't. So what do I know.