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The Lord of The Rings: Battle for The Middle Earth


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In response to my Lord of The Rings Fan Edit, called The Journey to Mordor, where I show The Story from Sam, Frodo and Gollum's Perspective, I decided to create soon another Fan Edit but Now from Aragorn, Gandalf and Merry and Pippin's Perspective, so this eay we can have an alternative Trilogy of The Lord of The Rings:

The Fellowship of The Ring (Extended Edition is suggested)
The Journey to Mordor
The Battle for The Middle Earth

Although, in my opinion You could watch Journey to Mordor and Battle for The Middle Earth in The order You prefer.

However, my main intención is not to make this Fan Edit too long, as my goal is to reach 3 hours to 3 hours and 30 minutes (maybe less) using Extended Editions as base. Everything Will remain The same with The exception of some cuts I Will make to reach the main length, but I Will try my best to keep all The best parts because i actually like a lot Extended Editions. The final change I Will make is The ending of The Fan Edit, which Will end after Aragorn and company go to fight Mordor's Army for Frodo. This change I decided to make it because I feel it Will feel kind of redundant if I add The original ending. Journey to Mordor has already this ending which closes The Story. In The way I show The Fan Edit, it Will look more like a Cliffhanger.
Hi again people. I've been working on this Fan Edit some days ago and I give you some updates. To reach 3 hours and 30 minutes as I said, My intention is to cut stuff from the films to convert them in 2 movies of 1 hour and 45 minutes each one.

I did my best to cut scenes that are not very important, trim them or cut some long shots. I want to keep as much as possible from the movies. However, I couldn't get my final goal of convert The Two Towers into 1 hour and 55 minutes without sacrificing much of the magic of the plot. Some suggested cuts can be of help from your part :) . These are the changes by far:

The Two Towers:
-The Movie opens with Saruman describing his plan with Sauron. We see a Title Card: "The Battle for the Middle Earth"

-Then we go to the scene where Eomer and the Rohirrim rescue Theoden's Son. In the talk with grima, some shot was cut.

-Cut the scene where the Orcs are running with Merry and Pippin. We go directly to Aragorn and company tracking the Orcs. I believe we can understand what they are doing when Legolas says they are taking them to Isengard.

-Some shots and lines were cut in the scene where the orcs are planning to eat Merry and Pippin. I found them a little bit redundant. Also, I win a little bit more of time by doing this.

-I'm still not sure about this change: We don't see Merry and Pippin's Escape, but we listen to the narration of Aragorn about how they managed to escape. I still don't know how to show this scene because it looks a little bit rough without Merry and Pippin, but we will see.

-After Merry and Pippin find Gandalf, we go to the scene where Aragorn and company enter Fangorn. Legolas explains the trees can talk, but i cut the line of Gimli saying "what the trees have to talk about?".

-During the first encounter with Gandalf, we cut to the scene where he fights the Balrog when he falls in Moria. Then we go to the narration of Gandalf talking about how he defeated the Balrog (It looks cool but I'm still unsure about keeping it because i want to win time but at the same time it's a nice touch). At the end of the Narration, some lines and long shots were cut. Nothing too big.

-During the scene where Gandalf explains they must go to Rohan, I cut some stuff of Gimli and some minor lines.

-Cut the scene where Gandalf talks to Aragorn in the Middle of the Night to discuss the current situation of Mordor.

-Cut the scene where Merry and Pippin grow tall. We don't need to see that.

-Cut the segments where Gandalf, near Rohan, explains Theoden has been corrupted as we already knew that from the scene in Fangorn.

-Cut the line of Theoden "You have no power here", so we see Gandalf reveal himself as White as soon as he approaches to Theoden. Another line of Theoden was also cut to win more time.

-After the kids from the village go to Rohan, I cut Eowyn's lines where she says their home was destroyed. We can assume the kids told already that off screen. I cut some long shots to win time. Gimli burping for example.

-Cut the lines of Gandalf where he says he has no time before searching for the Rohirrim.

-Cut some shots of people of Rohan leaving their home.

-Cut some long shots of Arwen and Aragorn kissing. I also cut the talk with Elrond where he wants Arwen to leave Rivendell as we see that in another scene, where Arwen and Elrond Talk.

-Trimmed Battle with the Wargs. Cut the scenes where Gimli is smashed by two Wargs and one Orc.

-Cut some long shots of Aragorn going to Helm's Deep. Cut the scene where Legolas tells him he looks terrible and cut the line where Aragorn says "these orcs only have one purpose: *long dramatic pause of silence* to destroy the world of men" as I believed it was kind of obvious. Also, one shot where Theoden tells his men to get ready was cut to win time.

-Cut the scenes where the Ents discuss about "hobbits not being orcs" and deciding if it's "good morning". We waste some time here.

-Cut the scene where Legolas and Gimli discuss about the Rohan's Army, because they are too young or too old.

-Cut the scene where Aragorn talks to a child about hope before going to war.

-Some shots of Eowyn helping people to go to the caves were cut. Same with

-Battle of Helm's Deep was trimmed but I tried to keep it's best moments (Peter Jackson's cameo woo hoo). Gimli gettin tossed by Aragorn was cut. No Uruk-Hai messing around with their spears and no man shooting the first arrow. They just begin the war after a little pause.

-Cut Merry and Pippin getting high and getting drunk.

-I'm still unsure if I cut or not the scene where Gimli wins the contest of having killed more Uruk hai than Legolas, because I believe it's a nice and funny scene.

-Then we cut to the scene where Gandalf says the Battle for the Middle Earth is about to begin (roll credits). Which leads us to...

Return of the King:
-After the scene where Gandalf says this, we go to the scene where the company goes to Isengard and talk to Treebeard. I cut some minor lines of Gandalf saying he has to talk to Saruman. The rest of the scene is untouched.

-During the celebration of Rohan over the Helm's Deep Battle, Legolas and Gimli Drinking game was cut.

-Aragorn talking to Eowyn in the night while everyone sleeps has been cut.

I'm still working on the cuts made, but if you have suggestions, please write them :D
Ok guys, I have decided a new change of plans. My intention was first to transform The Two Towers and Return of the King (Aragorn and Company parts) into a single 3 hours and 30 minutes film, but now I can see I can't reach the length I want without cutting too much (probably because I just love these movies a lot and It's kind of difficult for me to be objective at the Editing moment xD).

You may ask "why would you like to cut stuff, then? Can't you just join the films without any cuts?". Well, technically, I can do that, but I have some "strict" rule about the length of the films. I believe a movie should not be longer than 3 hours and 30 minutes (and still, I believe it is also too long), and If I join both movies, the length will be 4 hours and 25 minutes (that's outrageous). If a movie is too long, it becomes heavy to the audience and, in my personal point of view, if it's THAT long, then why bother include everything in the Final Cut? Why not split it in more parts? (Something that may be contradicting because even with that Length, I loved the Extended Editions of LOTR).

Which takes me to the change of plan I talked about. Instead of transforming the films into one, I will show Aragorn and Company's adventure in two parts, each one will have a length of 2 hours and 20 minutes (approx). By doing this, I don't have the need of cutting anything and completely Enjoy this part of the story. Remember: This is trying to be a respectful job to the original cut and I am sure many of you will get a lot of fun xD.

Anyways, now the changes I will propose are a little bit more subtle:
-Same Title Card I talked about (I will show you a video soon)

-Some scenes will be re arranged to get the flow I want.

-The Two Towers will end with the death of Saruman and people of Rohan celebrating Helm's Deep victory.
Followed by the discussion of Aragorn and Gandalf about Frodo, not knowing if he's alive, but still with Faith.

-In a similar way to my Hobbit Part 2 Fan Edit (Soon to be finished), The Battle for the Middle Earth Part 2 will not have any titles nor subtitles.
No "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Battle for the Middle Earth Part 2", as it is meant to be watched as the second half of a long movie. We will only see New Line Cinema and the beginning's presentation. However, each film will have it's credits.

-Part 2 will end with a Cliffhanger of Aragorn Fighting Mordor's Army for Frodo.
We don't see the battle because I want to make it look like a surprise if they survived or not when you see "The Journey to Mordor". By doing this, it has a lot more of impact when Frodo discovers his friends are alive, because the audience would feel the same way.

I wanted to make this an "alternative trilogy" but anyways, my love for this trilogy is so big I really can't cut everything xD. I guess Tolkien's universe is so Big that 3 movies are not enough to show it. I will keep you informed.
It sounds like you are trying to recreate kerr'so red book edits after a fashion.
Well nearly I suppose. I hope a lot of non book stuff from the movies are left out of your edit, as that stuff can jarr somewhat.
I agree with where you split the film though that is roughly where it would naturally go into the return of the king anyway.
Well, my Edit is not trying exactly to make the films closer to the book, but to sepparate the stories in a natural flow. First we saw Frodo's Quest, now is time to show Aragorn's Quest.

As I said before, since I'm kind of a "fanboy" of The Lord of the Rings films, I don't really have intentions of cutting almost anything xD. But This Edit can show that the story can be well told even if we left out Frodo. And surprisingly to me, joining all the scenes with Aragorn and Company, it actually does flow as an individual movie (splitted in two parts, of course).
Btw, this is a sample of how the Title Card looks. Ain't it cute? :D
Just wanted to say some things regarding length - you should take into account that there are no strict rules when it comes to film duration. You might think that people that people get restless when a movie is 3.5 hours, but that often depends on when and where people watch. In a movie theater, for instance, viewers might be less inclined to stay for a 3-hour film than at home, where you can typically pause and resume watching on your own terms.

So, I recommend not limiting yourself in terms of running time and allowing that to dictate how the edit should turn out.
Thats true people can create there own break or intermission to the film.
Yes the title card is good its a shame its on that bit and not something a little more light hearted, but I guess that is hard with the way the film starts.
Neosmith said:
Just wanted to say some things regarding length - you should take into account that there are no strict rules when it comes to film duration. You might think that people that people get restless when a movie is 3.5 hours, but that often depends on when and where people watch. In a movie theater, for instance, viewers might be less inclined to stay for a 3-hour film than at home, where you can typically pause and resume watching on your own terms.

So, I recommend not limiting yourself in terms of running time and allowing that to dictate how the edit should turn out.

Thanks for your suggestion. Well, let me explain myself, I know there is not a rule about running time. However, I DO have a strict rule about it xD. I have the believe that when a movie is too long it becomes unnecesarily loaded, leading me to think that there is no case in putting everything in the movie if it's going to be that long. In this case, both movies combined have a length of 4 hours and a half. It's outrageous to me and something THAT long would be exhausting to the audience. That's why I decided to split Aragorn's story in two. 2 hours and 30 minutes each sounds like a VERY reasonable length now that it's splitted in two.

Also, I have the belive that some sagas, trilogies and franchises have followed an standard length to their respective movies. Lord of the Rings are 3 hours, Harry Potter 2 hours and a half, Star Wars at least 2 hours and the maximum could be 2 hours and 20 minutes, Pirates of the Caribbean (also known for their very long length xD) 2 hours and a half is the minimum, superhero movies have a length of at least 2 hours and the maximum is 2 hours and 30 minutes, and so on. Maybe you don't share the same vision as I do, but that must be the reason why some scenes get cut in the editing room and Extended or Director's Cut Editions exist :B.
lotrjjw said:
Yes the title card is good its a shame its on that bit and not something a little more light hearted, but I guess that is hard with the way the film starts.

In fact I had in mind at first including the Title Card at the Beginning of the Fan Edit, where Saruman is talking about The union of the Two Towers and then we see a shot of the Eye of Sauron that is long enough to display the Title Card, but I decided to Change it for some reasons:

-The Shot is not as long as I would like.
-The Title Card would be displayed too Soon, as in Fellowship we see a brief introduction and then we see the Title of the Film, same with Journey to Mordor where we see the Title Card after seeing Gollum's story of how he found the ring.
-For Dramatic Purposes. And also, by displaying the Title in this part, I don't have the problems I displayed above xD.
Grammatically the title should be "The Battle for Middle Earth" not "...The Middle Earth".
Neglify said:
Grammatically the title should be "The Battle for Middle Earth" not "...The Middle Earth".

Correcting The Title Card right Now. Thanks for that! :D
I'm going to publish a list of changes in this Fan Edit. As Many of you know, this edit will let the audience experience the Lord of the Rings Trilogy in an alternative way, so Battle of Middle Earth changes are as subtle as possible because I wanted to show you a respectful alternative way to see the Story Mr. Jackson directed. Some seconds and segments of some scenes were cut to make it look with the best flow possible. Some scenes were rearranged for the same reason but in the end, it is the same movie. This Fan Edit might interest more people who loved every single bit of Lord of the Rings Trilogy, even the Extended Edition as I did. If you have never watched Extended Editions, this is your opportunity. These are the changes:

The Battle for Middle Earth Part 1 (The Two Towers):
-Movie opens with Saruman narrating. We see how he builds his army. Title Card displays (The Battle for Middle Earth) Then we go to Eomer, Grima and Theoden scene. This segment was changed to the beginning of the movie because i felt it suited way more the Fan Edit.

-After Eomer is expelled from Rohan, we go to Merry and Pippin being carried by the Uruk-hai and Aragorn and Company following the Uruk-Hai.

-Rearranged scene: After Aragorn and company discover Gandalf is alive and he tells the story about how he survived, we see the scene where Gandalf, after falling in Fellowship of the Ring, fights the Balrog. Then we cut to the scene where Gandalf kills the Balrog and is resurrected.

-Galadriel's Speech about the status of Middle Earth was cut because it was used in my Journey to Mordor Fan Edit. Instead, we just hear Galadriel telling Elrond encouraging him to fight for Middle Earth.

-Rearranged scene: Merry and Pippin and scene where they decide to go the opposite direction of where Treebeard wanted to take them is shown after they are said to return to the Shire. The Scene where Treebeard discovers all the trees destroyed was placed where the other scene above was before. I had to do this because It felt kind of Awkward the transition of the scenes. Remember Frodo and Sam scenes were taken out so that is the reason why it looks like it lacks something. Rearranging the scenes like this, the problem was solved.

-Rearranged scene: Merry and Pippin getting high was placed after Gandalf scene where he foreshadows the beginning of the Battle for Middle Earth.

-Added scenes from Return of the King: Aragorn and Company arrive Isengard shortly after this, and the talk to Saruman, imprisoned in the Tower.

-Battle for Middle Earth Part 1 closes with Aragorn asking Gandalf if he belives Frodo is alive, to what Gandalf answers yes.

Total Length: 3 hours. 2 hours and 40 minutes without credits.

-My name in the "Edited by" section of the Credits.

The Battle for Middle Earth Part 2 (Return of the King):

-The film opens with the New Line Cinema Logo and usual presentation. Then fade to black. Snoring is heard (it's Gimli), then we see Aragorn getting up in the middle of the night.

-Minas Morgul unleashed was edited differently because most of it was shown on Journey to Mordor. However, I decided to include one shot to stablish some continuity with Journey to Mordor, and then we know that at that point it is happening at the same time as Journey to Mordor.

-Aragorn and Company going to the Black Gate was edited altogether. I used the shot of Sauron's eye from Journey to Mordor to stablish continuity. Same reason as above.

-The film ends with an exciting cliffhanger, which I am showing you below xD.

-My name in the "Edited by" section of the Credits.

-A message is displayed at the end of the credits to tease Journey to Mordor Fan Edit.

Total Length: 2 hours and 12 minutes without credits.

The Fan Edit, Part 1 and Part 2, are ready. I just need to make the cover and then I will submit it. If someone is interested, PM me to send you the links.

This is the cover of the Fan edit made by Masirimso17. Thanks a lot! Now I can say the project of The Battle for Middle-Earth has been completed.
Hello, Now this is something I was looking for a while, pardon my ignorance, but how can I get the download link?
Maqs said:
Hello, Now this is something I was looking for a while, pardon my ignorance, but how can I get the download link?

Hi @"Maqs",

Nobody and Everybody said:
If this is your first time here please read our FAQ and Rules pages. They have some useful information that will get us all off on the right foot. More details on our policies, especially our Own the Source rule are available here. If you do not understand any of these rules send a private message to one of our staff for further details.

Don't post requests in the forum other than in the Trades/Requests forum. To get a Fanedit, you should always PM the editor first, or check the Edit Request Resource Form. In this case, I have the edit and will send you a PM. :)
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