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The Muppet Appearances

Yea its s13e18, thanks.
I figured you might have, but since I didn't see any tv spots listed on your main list I thought you might have missed it. You also list the Facebook Fan-A-Thon video as singular, but they've got like four different ones. I'm guessing that's just a typo on your part then?
No, ive joined them together.
Frantic Canadian said:
I don't think they've called it Country & Western since at least the 80's.
We got both kinds, Country and Western!
This you, Frink?

There was also Great Performances - ''Andrea Bocelli and the Muppet's'' which I think I sent it to you a while back. I have the Good Morning America with the Muppet's. It's big show 2hr's (12gb). They are all thought the show but I'll see what I can do to edit it down and send it to you. I also have a few commercials. Reelz channel has several show this weekend featuring them. I can't grab those. Maybe some on out there can.
what happened to this project? Will this be a continuation of the Jim Henson series you have been working on?
Sadly my hdd that had all my content got dropped and bust and so this wont be done.
AvP said:
Sadly my hdd that had all my content got dropped and bust and so this wont be done.

damn, that sucks. I'm sure we could regather most, if not all of this material if you were interested in picking it up again. I think I have at least a couple of these videos.
Sorry that this project fell apart for you, AvP. It did sound interesting.
Got that hard drive taped back together yet?
It had to be sent to amazon so i could get a refund.
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