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The Saga of Battlestar Galactica by KingSpyder


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Does this mean "COMING SOON"!!!? ;-)

Can't believe I missed this the first time around! Shame on me.:-o:-P

Looking forward to this re-release! May the Lords of Kobol bless you Q2! :D
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but no... no re-release. In moving fanedits to the new review system we're fixing broken links to the forum for discussion, as well as adding missing forum topics for edits.
Awe.... me sad now.... :-(
I would love to find a copy of this. Heard about it, think he may have utilized some of the shots from my special edition edits... would be awesome to see.
hmm pretty sure I may or may not have helped get this edit back out there a short time back, will need to doublecheck something

**I see what had occured, it may or may not be coming back soon :)
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