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The semi-visible pizza thread


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Only some of you will be able to read this thread, but if you can, welcome. 

Mostly this thread is to post in every time you eat pizza. Every. Time. Seriously if I find out you ate pizza and didn't tell us about it here I WILL report you to the mods. 

Other pizza discussion is allowed though. Like discussing how silly those people that like their pizzas already cooked are. I went to a nice pizzeria one time and they gave it to me already baked. I mean what is that? Other pizza talk is also allowed. Or really any talk. Nothing is off the table. 

The only condition is you must report in whenever you eat pizza. 

I had a pizza two days ago. I baked it myself.
But did you buy it from a restaurant uncooked like a real man?
Some clarification...

When you say "you must report in whenever you eat pizza" do you mean:

1. We must post a pre-notification or warning that we will shortly begin consumption of said Italian bread-based repast.
2. We must post immediately upon the completion of the tomato-laced disc.
3. We must post during the act of masticating the cheesy baked dough.
3A. We must post once at an unspecified juncture during the meal.
3B. We must post once for every mouthful.
(3B. Addendum: If so, this would really put me off eating Pizza :dodgy: )
A variation of number two. Doesn't have to be immediate, but within 24 hours is recommended.
I ate pizza for lunch yesterday but I didn't read this thread until about 30 hours later. Sorry I'm late.

JEDIT: I got mixed up. It was dinner, not lunch, so I have a couple of hours to spare.
I had a slice of leftover pizza the other day, but I'm pretty sure I posted about it over at OT. That means I'm off the hook for that one and don't have to post about it here, right?

Wait...damn it.
Well it hasn't happened yet, and my time machine is broken, so you'll have to wait until the pizza is made.
PossessedEdits said:
Pics or it didn't happen

We've got to eat the Pizzas with toothpics now!?!?
Oh shoot, I wasn't even thinking, I just ate my pizza without taking a picture.
I've been eating naan's with pizza sauce and various toppings, mostly whatever crap I can top them with, today the only crap I can top them with is maple flavored pork n' beans, and am about to eat another one in 15 minutes. I get the whole wheat naans, there cheap and taste pretty good for a pizza crust.
thought this is bound to pop up at some point in this thread, so here it is :P

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