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tranzor's Dawn of the Dead (2004) version


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When this so called remake was released I really wanted to hate it. Upon seeing in the theater, I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. However there were certain scenes and dialog that have always irked me. At work I wrote down a few ideas on what I would like to do with this film. I am posting it here because I am going to start this tonight.

my main purpose is to remove some of the scenes I do not like (reasons why below) and get rid of some of the dumber dialog. This way the film will play a bit more serious. I am also considering something for the ending and that is listed in the spoiler section:

1. cut zombie girl in the beginning jumping back up from being pushed down (it will appear as if the little girl is just shoved backwards). My reason for this is another scene I am axing.

2. cut zombie jumping on the metal fence in the parking garage. If they were this agile they could just climb on whatever and get to the victims on the other side or elsewhere. I never liked the jumping on the metal gate (and because I am taking out the jumping I had to remove it from the little girl in cut #1). The zombie hanging on the roof in the parking garage is another story, though this might end up getting chopped too.

3. cut out the zombie shooting practice off the top of the mall. These zombies are very acute in what is going on around them. Having a few hundred walking around while they are being shot down from off the top of the mall, and with no reaction from them (even though they know people are also inside) does not fit how they act throughout the rest of the film. Fun scene, but it has to go

4. the zombie baby scene. I HATED, HATED, HATED this scene. It seemed so incredibly cheesy to me. I thought "well if they filmed this instead of that it would have worked better". Not sure what I am going to do with this but I am going to re-edit and possible re-arrange it in some way. Something as to be done with it

5. The propane bomb that goes off later on in the film worked when it showed the aftershock knocking the zombies down. However blows and hits do not affect them, so having them stay down for a few seconds does not fly either. I would shorten this already quick scene so they appear to get up almost immediate after it happens. Adds more to how deadly they can be

6. remove some of the stupid dialog/scenes that occur throughout the film (such as security guards coming across as dumb rednecks. Why is it that in any zombie film you always have some type of authority who acts this way).

7.[spoiler:p490ponr]possible spoiler so this goes here. During the quick video clips at the end of the film once they are on the boat towards the island, they come across a small abandoned boat in the water. The head in the basket that they find on this boat is cool to watch but makes no sense. How or why would a living (zombie) head be in the basket? Wouldn't that boats crew throw that over the side before whatever it is became of them? Its just odd how it is there. I dont like it so that small scene would go.

I was thinking also of putting those small video clips as one real clip, instead of it being interspersed with the end credits. Finally I would have liked a happier ending to the film. Perhaps they find the island and it fades out? Then again I am trying for a more serious and darker toned version of the movie so the unhappy ending may have to stay (assumed it is their demise)[/spoiler:p490ponr]

unlike other edits I have done, this edit is being down on the fly as I watch the film once again. Make my rough copy and then fine tune it from there. I also recall the extra deleted scenes on the disc not being that good (have to check this again) which is why I am not adding any of them..yet
Sounds great!

Have you considered adding in all the deleted scenes featuring the late Richard Biggs as the newscaster? I thought those scenes were great and added an extra dimension to the story as we see how the zombie plague is affecting the rest of the world.
I had no idea he died. I do recall his scenes though (telling his family to sit tight and his is on his way) but it would not fit in with the movie. The "tv news footage works great for the film because it is quick (not much screen time). I would also have the problem of making it look like you were watching it on tv (unless I actually film this footage of my television set)..

As of right now, no I cannot add it, but things change.

Also the whole opening credit montage pretty much takes care of showing the viewer what is going on all over the world

thanks for the suggestions though
I might compromise with the zombie jumping (this includes the little girl). The parking garage scene is a real hassle. My memory is fogged and I do recall the one zombie woman on fire balantly jumping on the fence. This scene was scrapped with no issues, however I forgot how many others do small jumps/climbs on the metal fence as well. Muting the picture because sound glitches can throw you, the scene just plays way too fast if I cut out all of the jumping. Perhaps I will just keep the jumping/climbing down to a minimum.


what would have worked better is if the guy did not hold his kid and get all cookoo about it. They should have filmed his shock (but not holding his son at all) and then have the other woman come in, freak out and shot both mother and son. It would make more sense for when he turns the gun on her and they both kill each other
tranzor, do you use Vegas? If so, there is an effect called "TV Simulator" that you can mess with to make different types of television feedback. I use the effect all the time for my music videos.

-Retro Horror Remix
once the baby is gone, this can only be the better film.
ok just a an update. jumping sadly still in (though the woman on fire jump is bye bye) and I have to watch the baby scene again. I might be able to make something good come from this, since it has to be included to some degree for two of the main characters
another update:
about 35 mins in. Removed some minor lines of dialogue mainly from the security guards. Just trying to keep the film a bit more serious without the stupidity.
closer to 60 mins in now, lots of various minor edits


I shortend the time passing montage (cut out golf on roof and sex scene) and re-scored it. The acapella version of sickness is ok but I am trying for a more darker version of the film. I had always loved the "sun high" score song from the original dawn of the dead and had a chance to include that here. Before I proceed further with editing, PLEASE take some time and download my test clip (76 megs). Let me know what you think: if it fits the scene or perhaps if I should use something else.

PS: I am aware that I have to slightly lower the volume of the score song as well
it is difficult to say, because the song definitely sounds old, while all the rest of the score doesn't. Also I would add a few sound effects of the zombie masses making noises, because this would give it a more real feeling of what it really is like there. No real rest. No break. Always the sound and stink of the zombies.
But I do like the shorter time killing scene.
The original montage had the sound effects in. Will see if I can strip out that part from the audio and mix it with the older song. If not, I do own the promo DOTD score by tyler bates and see if I can snag a track off of that
I am sure there are a lot of zombie voices without score in the movie.
Yes, but the zombie noise would have to fit that scene and it has to be a lot of them with no other music. I was thinking more about what music to use on top. The acapella sickness the film originally had was perfect for what they wanted to show (that in the face of horror, life still goes on) and the song made it a bit more humorous and snazzy. That song does not fit in really with the rest of the film soundtrack but does fit nicely for that scene.

Case in point. I want a darker version. I need something to convey that life still goes on while not being too dreary ( since this is not what we are fully shown in that montage). This is why I cannot use the Tyler bates original score or other horror scored themes. I need something that would fit better. Sure the song I did use is old sounding but still works with the film. Its kind of atmospheric and has an odd desolate sound to it while not being too over dreary.

Will see how it goes. If not, I was thinking of the band Fantomas. One lp they did they covered older score songs (but with guitar's, etc). The beginning of two of their songs (music only) could be used as it is similar to what I have now but with a more recent sound.

Will try stripping the music from the film and keeping effects . The scene is less than two mintues so it will not be that hard to work with it.--
I do not think having the constant zombie noise as an undertone while the scene plays would work very well but I' ll try it out anyway
how about Nine Inch Nails?
Hey Boon

bad news first:
fuckers interweaved the acapella song on every channel and it is very blatant.

better news:
the xbox game Stubbs the zombie during the load screen did have a lot of zombie moaning (you can tell their is a lot of them). I think they may be saying "brains", but some added filters in sound forge and relooping the moans a few seconds off to give the noise of an army would void out the actual wording. I think I can use that lower in the background under the music so to speak.

as for nine inch nails. I know they have a lot of odd and eerie sounding stuff (particularly their older stuff). I have a few (well really slim) of their releases. Do you have any song specific in mind that might save me a lot of time going through them again?

PS when this is all said and done I might add a commentary track by me. I really wanted to do this for Tranzor's: The Thing (I still might) and regret not doing so
I would have to look as well, but I know they have a good amount of very atmospheric cool and modern sounds.

Not sure how long it was since you last saw this scene, but it is VERY, VERY, hard to work with. Their is not much one can do. My whole goal is to not show anything with zombie baby (first part of that is already done), yet show the two characters interaction (and death) with each other (so you know the reason and why)

uploading you a special clip with link via PM. Let me know what you think
ok another update:
Essentially finished the edit tonight. I made up a prefinal mix and will screen that one for myself. If all is a go, will put it together for your consumption---
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