Well my edit will make you laugh a bit. Instead of silencing the curse words, I did my best to cut out the offending word and then cut back in. This made it a bit funny at times. I also took out the words "damn, ass and Jesus." Back in the day those words would not make tv either.
What also worked is some of the editing. Every now and then you might get a sharp edit, however this now looks more like the frames were missing because the film is damaged or that the station cut it for whatever reason.
I also changed it a little. The beginning takes place when they leave for the Norwegian base (the film still makes sense). I also cut out the scenes where it shows the dog being more alert to what is going on. This way it looks more like they bring back the thing from the Norwegian base and that it somehow gets loose (or grows) and attacks the dogs. I also drastically cut down the ending to the film, but what I did still works and follows cheap TV movie fashion. Naturally most gore or other similar scenes that would not make tv have been cut as well. Though I think many of you will still dig this
Hey Bigrob,
thanks for that tip. I might not include as many commercials as I wanted. One reason: its still commercials. I can go crazy trying to find the best ones to use, however instead I am going to use ones I have from 1981 (for those in NY, chan 9 WOR's thanksgiving day special when they showed king kong). Not the best but they serve the purpose.
the deterioration of the film really went well This includes film grain, dust, hair and scratches, black and white, as wel as using a no margin to zoom in on the widescreen pic and make it fullscreen/pan and scan style. Using the audio plugin to screw up the sound a bit helped pass the fact that the film looked worn out and old
The downside:
I have to re-do the movie in vegas. I framed served from vegas to the tmpg encoder (more info on this in the how to forum). What I was not aware of is that vegas had the wrong properties listed for the file I was using. This wrong info was sent to tmpg. In the end everything was perfect but i was getting some blurry/jerkly playback during some movement. THIS WAS NOT an interlace issue. I found the error (doing some test clips). So in another 11-14 hours it should be done again
PS: is my icon showing up for any of you? I think AOL/time warner is putting a block to some degree on files used on