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TWSS (Potentially NSFW)

Possessed said:
I don't think that post should be eligible because it was obviously bait. 


It wasn't bait. I was almost literally quoting someone else who said the same thing. I do not care if someone quotes me or does not quote me. I do not care whether or not someone replies to any thing that I post. Why do you?

I do care if I offend someone I intentionally or unintintentionally because I realize that I am a guest. Based on previous posts, I feel that I was perfectly within my right to post what I did about quoting myself. Nothing about it screams bait. I also feel that Frink was perfectly within his/her right to post what they posted.

Are we still on the cat thing? I did go change it just for you.
Possessed's being tongue-in-cheek with the whole "reported" thing. He's the playful sort, so don't take him so seriously.
Duragizer said:
Possessed's being tongue-in-cheek with the whole "reported" thing. He's the playful sort, so don't take him so seriously.

Shut. The.  [REDACTED]. UP.
dahmage said:
Someone got into the catnip again

That is the funniest thing that I have heard, seen or read on a few days! I found such enjoyment from that that I wish that I could triple like it.
TVs Frink said:
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