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Currently finalizing a very simple edit of the first Venom that improves some of the pacing and adds a few easter eggs that directly tie it into the MCU.

This edit is inspired by a YouTuber by the name of Sheepish, who began posting reviews and fan edit clips back in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. When the world got back to normal, he vanished and his entire YouTube catalog was erased. His videos were always a little rough and not too focused, but his edits were great and his explanations behind his changes were always so thoughtful and detailed. So, I used his ideas for integrating Venom into the MCU and have successfully finished a version myself.

Ideas from Sheepish included:
- cutting the opening scene where Drake watches the space shuttle crash. We hear the sounds of emergency vehicles over the MCU intro logo (which transitions into a sleek Venom black) before being introduced to Eddy Brock as the first character we see in the movie.
- adding MCU easter eggs into the Eddie Brock Report segment. Sheepish added the "found footage" of Spider-Man stopping the bus crash in his homemade suit, implying that it was Eddie Brock that recorded that footage first seen in Civil War. Sheepish also used VFX to change a sign from "Shame on the Mayor and the City Council" to say "Save us from The Avengers." This takes place after Age of Ultron, so the public opinion of the Avengers is low following the events in Sokovia.
- I added a hand held shot of an Ultron bot (taken from a News Front with Christine Everhart promo video) and a cameo from one of our favorite reporters in the Marvel Multiverse.
- Added another Christine Everhart video playing on the TV in the bar, masking out a bland interview with Carlton Drake and replacing it with a cameo from Scott Lang, being interviewed from prison regarding his theft of VistaCorp, which also takes place in San Francisco.
- Added a Back in Black guitar riff when Eddie is frustrated by his neighbor's loud playing. Replaced generic guitar noise with a song that has a history in the MCU. Also Back In Black is a great song for the all black Venom.

My changes:
- Rearranged scenes and moved the retrieval of the symbiotes from the crash site to later in the movie, so when we first meet Carlton Drake he's seen as a visionary executive talking to a group of kids on a field trip. He's not immediately a bad guy!
- Cut Eddie joking about aliens, as in this version the Battle of NY would've happened and the world would know without a doubt that aliens exist.
- Once the Riot symbiote takes control of the EMS worker and escapes, I cut directly to her wandering into Bangkok and finding her next host before traveling to San Franciso. Implying that it happens in one night and not SIX MONTHS LATER. (I also cut the Six Months Later title card to close the gap. Seriously, 6 months later and the host is still alive and her clothes aren't any more tattered than they were the first night? Nonsense.)
(Side note: removing the six month time gap definitely makes it feel like Ann moved on from Eddie in about a week. It comes off a little jarring, like maybe it's too quick, but I also think that works to show that she was emotionally checked out well before Eddie got her fired? Sometimes people move on quickly. Not that it's anyone's business but my college girlfriend of 2 years was dating someone new a week after we broke up. That happens...)
- Added my name to the editor credits.
- Added the extended version of the mid-credits scene where Eddie meets Cletus Kasady.
- Cut the Into The Spider-Verse teaser entirely. It's too disconnected for me. Moved the "To Be Continued..." comic panel to the end of the mid-credit's scene with Cletus.
- Sped up the rolling credits by 200%. There was originally 21 minutes of credits (counting the two credits scenes)! My credits are now only 10 minutes.

Other than the extended version of the mid-credits scene, the deleted scenes on the Blu-ray are unusable due to continuity errors they would create. There's only two deleted scenes and both of them are comedic and silly. One of them would be the first appearance of Venom, which is far less effective than first seeing him after the motorcycle accident.

Here is a sample clip of the Eddie Brock Report with 400% more MCU Easter Eggs!
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I bought a combo Blu-ray that included both Venom movies. Let There Be Carnage has so much more to offer in terms of deleted scenes, however the CGI on Carnage and Venom is unfortunately unfinished in a few. Still, I might mess around with fixing that movie once I have some time (I've got a busy few weeks so it'll be a while before I tackle it.)
My Venom edit is complete! After getting feedback from a few pre-release viewers, I've made some additional cuts to improve the pacing.

Cut Eddie on the cable car hearing Venom yell "Hungry!" and forcing him to stand (Moved the "hungry!" audio to when Eddie freaks out in the restaurant. Also trimmed the lobster eating moment by a few seconds)
Cut Eddie putting his hands up and down repeatedly while Venom says he's making them look bad. It's a silly moment in what should be a tense scene.
Cut Eddie telling himself he has a brain tumor after he beat up a bunch of Life Foundation thugs and fled to the ally way outside his apartment.
Cut over a minute out of the bike chase scene with the drones, including the moment Eddie is launched from the bike and Venom pulls him back to it.

I'm quite happy with this edit. The movie now cuts to credits at just 89 mins. While it doesn't completely redeem the movie, it does have a better flow and pace than the theatrical cut. If you absolutely hated the original version, you might not like this edit. But if you're like me and felt that the original version was a 6.5/10, then I would say this version is a solid 7.5/10.

Up next, I'll be tackling Let There Be Carnage! I've watched it a could times now and I've begun a cut list.
Hoping to release this soon (possibly in the coming week!) so stay tuned!
The Spider Venomverse movie we need 👍

Let There Be Carnage has so much more to offer in terms of deleted scenes, however the CGI on Carnage and Venom is unfortunately unfinished in a few. Still, I might mess around with fixing that movie once I have some time.
So, it's been almost a year since I made this comment and the truth is I won't have an edit of Let There Be Carnage any time soon. I've begun messing around with it, trimming some of the weakest scenes and tightening the pacing. However, I don't know if any amount of editing can save this movie.

If anything, I might aim to make it really short. Like a 1 hour special presentation.
If anything, I might aim to make it really short. Like a 1 hour special presentation.
What if... you reshaped it into a one hour television show episode? You could design it so the episode could end on a cliffhanger or have it be the second half of two parter.
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