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What is everybody reading?

I p icked up The Silmarillion again. I've tried reading it before, but usually right before bed and I found it really hard to follow. This time around I'm reading after work, and I'm really enjoying it.
After finishing The Dark Tower, I've finally started reading The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy part 6, And Another Thing...
As I've said before, book 5 was my favorite, and it's obviously hard to continue the story from there. Book 6 is interesting so far. Eoin Colfer had some big shoes to fill, and it's not surprising that so far he appears to frequently rely on just referencing previous books. He also does a weird thing that I've seen before, where a long running scifi franchise will reference popculture from after the original work released and act like it was always a thing. Here it's freely talking about (a fictional version of) the modern internet, and referring to a character as a goth in a modern sense. There's probably other instances too, it's not necessarily a problem it's just weird. I always think of the show Red Vs Blue, there was an episode where characters suddenly start talking about Facebook and it was really jarring.
Anyways, the story is interesting so far, I'm only a little ways in. It's nice to see more Zaphod, who was absent from the previous two books for some reason.
Took a detour to read the recent graphic novel of The Man Who Fell To Earth. It was decent, though half the time our protagonist looks nothing like Bowie, sometimes looking more like Benedict Cumberbatch. It moved very quickly, unlike what I recall from the movie. I never did watch the movie in its entirety, but I feel like the comic doesn't quite capture the film's style. I'm not really equipped to review this, or to read it in the first place, I just found it at the library and thought its existence was neat.

Basically my Bible.
Giving yet another going through.
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