Watched episodes 1 and 2 with my mom and brother, who both read and loved the books (eventually lol). I myself couldn’t get through book 3, barely made it through 1 and 2 at all. So I’m not able to criticize changes from the source and whether they were good or bad, but I did enjoy it. I was a little worried that the acting was gonna not be too good in the first few minutes, but the characters did eventually settle in and I think they are fine. No one stands out as amazing, but they do a good enough job. Some of the CGI looked pretty bad here and there, like those rocks falling and I think a rock in the river? And some of the editing, specifically during the action scenes, felt unintelligible. Very messy, almost like Liam Neeson hopping a fence in Taken. I’d say my biggest complaint is the costuming and a bit of the set design. It all looks too clean imo. LOTR’s costuming and set design is perfect weathering. Fraying cloaks, worn trousers, used shirts, etc. But all these peasants should have more worn clothes. They are peasants after all. I’d imagine many of them should have hand me downs, or they’ve been worn and patched for several years. That’s the big thing that distracts me from getting immersed in the world, but everything else is fine enough and I hope I enjoy season 1 overall. How many episodes is each season?