Digital Drift

Eternals: The Apostasy Edit
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"This was an eye-opening experience. Making the theatrical cut leaner and more focused, with fewer moments of offhand humour at times where it would otherwise step on the drama. I loved the MCU throughout the Infinity Saga, and since Endgame I have been feeling uneasy, and the need to go..."
Huntress: Dead On Arrival
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"This was a deeply welcome surprise. I had never heart of the Netflix movie "Kate" (2021) so, WakeupKeo's idea of lightly filing away her given name, switching in Birds of Prey footage seamlessly with the flashbacks to her past REALLY did make this feel authentic. Likewise, it was watching Mary..."
Wonder Woman: The Excellent Adventure Edit
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"Accomplishing the impossible here, WakeupKeo has streamlined one of the most mixed up of DC's troubled filmography, injecting it with new energy and paring away a lot of what was holding it back. I have yet to encounter an editor as capable of integrating new pop music into a film,..."
Steel of Man
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"Absolutely phenomenal colour re-grading. It's the Superman film that was hidden underneath Man of Steel. Intriguingly focused mystery Act 1, making Clark more otherworldly, almost an angelic presence, only to then draw us in close for Act 2 and his conflict. The only reason this doesn't get even higher marks..."
Star Wars: The Coaxium Heist
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"I remember being sat in the cinema in 2018 actively squinting at the massive screen. The digital grading was completely obscuring things like clothing and facial detail, rather important for a space adventure! So, watching THIS version tonight, colour-corrected by DigModiFicaTion I can finally, genuinely say, hand on heart that..."
Amleth's Saga
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"This blistering and brutal film felt even more focused with this subtle and seamless reconfiguration. Top marks for being able to deliver a weightier experience with a fresh colour balance. "
Captain Marvel: The Supreme Cut
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"This one both thrilled and saddened me. Because at only two minutes shy of the Theatrical runtime, Marvel had a considerably stronger introduction to their first solo lady superhero. Trimming away almost exactly as much noodling around as there were deleted scenes of personal character beats, with a tighter pace..."
Star Wars Episode IX: The Final Order
Reviewed by Digital Drift
"This is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the BEST re-edit of a movie I have seen. The idea of delving into this one that has frustrated me for years and trying to accomplish what Spencer HAS accomplished here has always filled me with dread. I know what I have..."