Reviews written by Calders
This is a really good edit and removes some of over used humor in the original films to make a version of the film that feels more emotional and has...
This is a great improvement on the original, perhaps largely due to reducing L3's involvement in the story (that is one annoying droid). But generally the film is improved...
I really enjoyed this edit. I've always been a bit on the fence about Dunkirk as it contains lots of great visuals but I don't think it carries the...
Wow... this was great! I've always been a fan of this genre and I have watched Ladyhawke a few times over the years but it's always left me...
I can't find any fault with this edit as it improves substantially on the original film without losing anything in the process. The film feels smoother and tighter with,...
This is a very good edit I like most of the choices the editor makes and the film flows nicely, its an enjoyable watch. Technically I didn't spot any...
This is an amazing edit... The last season of Game of Thrones was so bad it ruined the entire show for me. What this edit shows is that most...
This is a great Fan Edit. I have always disliked the unicorn scene, not just because Deckard being replicant contradicts most of the rest of the film but also...
This is a great edit of the film I particularly like the pacing improvements and moving the final scene earlier in the movie so that it doesn't undermine Ellie's voyage...