Reviews written by gamertags
In High School this was one of my Favorite movies, this edit caught my attention immediately. I always felt the beginning was always the weakest part of the film, and...
These were a great watch. I loved the project. Some of these films were definitely easier than others. Some of them were probably simple changes, and others were,...
This was really well done, It's its own enclosed story, and it's hard to tell what's missing. Really well done. My only critique is...
So from a somewhat unique perspective, I haven't seen the full length version. I really enjoyed this edit of the film. The story didn't feel like it...
Music 12/10, There was a clear and concise story, managed to edit out over half of the movie without making it feel rushed or disjointed, A...
There is a heavy focus on the music throughout this edit. A lot of effort was put in the choices for the music throughout. It was a good soundtrack ...
It's funny, by pure coincidence, I saw vanishing point for the first time a week before watching this edit. This was good. I like...
This was Incredible. jumping back and forth, Just one crazy day, I Loved This, It's Like watching Pulp Fiction again for the first time. ...
So. . . out of all the episodes. I was probably most interested in this one. Jackie Brown is honestly my least favorite Quentin Tarantino movie. but mostly because it...
"Edited review," it's been bothering me. It's not a bad edit. It's the entirely of Butch's story. Rearanged to tell the narrative. ...
I loved this edit. Though I've haven't seen the original. It did make me curious so I plan on watching it. It was a fantastic edit. My only critique was...
Very enjoyable. more than the originals in a lot of ways. My only critique would have been to put the anime introduction in this episode.
This Cut of this film is phenomenal, masterfully done.
I appreciate multiple audio versions. Especially keeping holding out for a hero. I do wish the music was a little more in the forefront, it's somewhat understated. ...
When watching the original. I could definitely tell there was a good movie in there. But the story felt bloated and overly long. A lot of unnecessary landscape shots that...