NeverEnding Story: The Atreyu Edit, The

9.8 (5)
1208 1 2
Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
100 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
100 minutes
Time Added:
6 minutes
Subtitles Available:
Available in HD:
An extended version of the International Cut of this classic 80s fantasy.
I have a couple of previous projects concerning 1984’s The NeverEnding Story, my very first fanedit was a Hybrid Cut that added a few elements of the 94-minute International Cut (IC) to the 101-minute German Cut (GC); a later one was more akin to a preservation, taking the 2014 IC Blu-ray and almost entirely replacing the video using the much better-quality 2019 GC transfer.

On seeing the Hybrid Cut, a few viewers expressed a desire for a version that took the opposite tack, having the IC as a base then extending it with GC material: this keeps the opening cloud tank visuals and song as well as more of the additional music composed by Giorgio Moroder along with numerous other items.

This project is named after its true instigator, forum member Atreyu, who also served as the creative overseer; made custom English subtitles; did image clean-up on a few shots and AI voice processing necessary for presenting GC-exclusive dialogue in the IC style.
Additional Notes:
Source image for page poster chosen and modified by Atreyu. This edit is being used as the base for an updated version of the Hybrid Cut, which should be arriving next month.
Other Sources:
A new shot, not appearing in either official version of the film, was taken from an original theatrical trailer.
Special Thanks:
Special thanks to Atreyu for not only doing a lot of work but also being very patient while I got distracted with forays into other fantasy lands!

Thanks too to Dwight Fry for shepherding me through my first edit, the original Hybrid Cut, that this project was born from.
Release Information:
Special Features:
Atreyu has put together a reconstruction of a deleted scene that is not known to exist in any form beyond script pages and set photographs, where (the character) Atreyu comes across Parmenter the Shrinking Giant. This is included in the same folder as the edit.
Editing Details:
Exported Full HD video with 5.1 channel audio, optional English subtitles (disabled by default). These are compiled from multiple versions of official subtitles polished for the greatest accuracy, including brand new captioning and a restoration of green G’mork lines that was a DVD/VHS closed-caption exclusive (plus blue colouring of the Southern Oracle’s lines), and make clear certain dialogue that is more difficult to make out.

Primary video footage sourced from 2019 German Blu-ray release (with 4K disc, not used here) of German Cut (GC) “Die Unendliche Geschicte”, secondary footage from 2014 30th anniversary UK Blu-ray release of International Cut (IC) requiring colour correction to fit in. Used my earlier International Cut Remastered project files as the starting point, as this aligned the IC audio to video from the GC Blu-ray.

Creative choices; AI voice cloning for GC-exclusive G’mork lines; blue Auryn shot restoration; frame edge repair and subtitle production by Atreyu. Assembly by ParanoidAndroid.
Cuts and Additions:
Changes listed are generally relative to the German Cut, as this illustrates the International Cut additions more clearly.

0:00:00 Added fanedit warning plate.
0:00:09 Added “A ParanoidAndroid Production” plate.
0:00:19 Added “An Atreyu Edit” plate. Provided by Atreyu.
0:00:25 Open with IC title sequence and song, rather than black background and Doldinger music.
0:02:23 Fade to GC soundtrack to accommodate the extended scene of Bastian sitting on his bed and his father coming into the kitchen.
0:11:26 Used IC soundtrack for first part of Koreander’s call, slightly clearer.
0:11:43 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
0:12:00 Added shot of Bastian taking the book from IC.
0:12:01 Used shot of Koreander looking at the note from IC, with English text.
0:14:39 Switched to soundtrack from IC for duration of the scene with the Rockbiter, Teeny Weeny and Night Hob, has additional music from Giorgio Moroder compared to the GC and a less distracting voice for Teeny Weeny, requiring small trims to GC footage.
0:21:10 Added ~8 second segment from IC of the approaching Nothing.
0:22:25 Used IC soundtrack for Giorgio Moroder music for approach to Ivory Tower, slightly trimming down GC footage to match.
0:25:02 Added two shots of Fantasian creatures from IC.
0:25:13 Added shot of Fantasia creatures from IC.
0:25:37 Added shot of Fantasia creatures from IC.
0:30:10 Used IC sequence of Atreyu riding out, more upbeat music than GC and uninterrupted by G’mork introduction. First shot (with Ivory Tower in background) sourced from IC as it is a couple of frames longer than the GC equivalent
0:31:28 Used IC soundtrack over scene of Atreyu and Artax by the stream, has additional music from Giorgio Moroder.
0:33:42 Used IC version of the Swamps of Sadness scene (different music to GC) up to the point where Morla start rising five-and-a-half minutes later, slightly trimmed compared to GC.
0:40:24 Added side shot of Morla talking to Atreyu from IC.
0:45:26 Switched to IC soundtrack with Giorgio Moroder music for scene of Atreyu being chased by G’mork, requiring small trims to GC footage.
0:48:46 Switched to IC soundtrack with additional music from Giorgio Moroder for scene of Atreyu talking with Falkor, requiring small trims to GC footage.
1:01:29 Used segment of audio from IC to change dialogue from “It has to hurt if it’s to heal.” to “You could do with a dose of juicy vitamins too.”
1:04:28 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:04:42 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:04:49 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:05:01 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:05:54 Used IC soundtrack for Atreyu at the Southern Oracle, dialogue has reverb effect absent in GC.
1:08:55 Used AI-extracted IC “Yeah” as GC version sounded tinny.
1:12:05 Switched to IC soundtrack with Giorgio Moroder music at the shore and meeting the Rockbiter, requiring small trims to GC footage.
1:16:59 Switched to IC soundtrack for G’mork’s introduction, different groaning sounds to GC
1:17:20 Blended together elements from IC and GC soundtracks to extend music so a GC exclusive exchange between Atreyu and G’mork could be inserted. Reverb was added to both and the latter had different vocal tracks for the two versions (IC much deeper), so AI voice cloning was used to fill in the gaps. Voice cloning done by Atreyu.
1:20:37 Added a second GC-exclusive exchange between Atreyu and G’mork, again requiring mixing of the two soundtracks, reverb and AI voice cloning. Voice cloning done by Atreyu.
1:21:21 Switched to IC soundtrack, so part of GC version could be repurposed for a new shot
1:21:38 New shot inserted between Atreyu departing the ruins and Falkor diving into the water, blue-tinted shot of the Auryn exclusive to the original theatrical trailer only (extended x4 with Flowframes), meant to symbolise it being underwater. Audio from GC version of previous scene used to cover ~4 second period. Idea from Atreyu.
1:21:42 Switched to IC soundtrack for next 8 minutes, using Giorgio Moroder music for Falkor underwater, Ivory Tower approach and entry (both requiring slight trimming and latter having Falkor say “Go on”, which is not in the GC).
1:21:42 Added IC-exclusive overhead shot of water surface before Falkor is seen diving in, following shot shortened (as in IC) to avoid showing the puppet floating up again.
1:25:57 Cleaned up the matte painting around the Ivory Tower platform.
1:29:44 Switched to GC soundtrack, but added reverb to audio channels with dialogue whenever Atreyu or the Empress speaks to make it sound like IC, which is missing certain lines.
1:32:54 Dark border at frame edges removed from this shot. Done by Atreyu
1:32:54 Switched to IC soundtrack, different music to GC for Bastian and the Empress’ talk; clearer dialogue from Night Hob and Teeny Weeny.
1:36:05 Switched to GC soundtrack, avoids reverb from Falkor laughing and a stutter from Bastian on the last word of “Get 'em, Falkor! Let's see how you like it, chickens!” (1:36:43).
1:39:10 Overlaid portion of IC dialogue, Bastian more clearly audible.
1:37:46 Used IC version of the end credits, English text and title song again.

Faneditor Name:
Original Movie/Show Title:
Fanedit Type:
Original Release Date:
Original Running Time:
100 minutes
Fanedit Release Date:
Fanedit Running Time:
100 minutes
Time Added:
6 minutes
Subtitles Available:
Available in HD:
An extended version of the International Cut of this classic 80s fantasy.
I have a couple of previous projects concerning 1984’s The NeverEnding Story, my very first fanedit was a Hybrid Cut that added a few elements of the 94-minute International Cut (IC) to the 101-minute German Cut (GC); a later one was more akin to a preservation, taking the 2014 IC Blu-ray and almost entirely replacing the video using the much better-quality 2019 GC transfer.

On seeing the Hybrid Cut, a few viewers expressed a desire for a version that took the opposite tack, having the IC as a base then extending it with GC material: this keeps the opening cloud tank visuals and song as well as more of the additional music composed by Giorgio Moroder along with numerous other items.

This project is named after its true instigator, forum member Atreyu, who also served as the creative overseer; made custom English subtitles; did image clean-up on a few shots and AI voice processing necessary for presenting GC-exclusive dialogue in the IC style.
Additional Notes:
Source image for page poster chosen and modified by Atreyu. This edit is being used as the base for an updated version of the Hybrid Cut, which should be arriving next month.
Other Sources:
A new shot, not appearing in either official version of the film, was taken from an original theatrical trailer.
Special Thanks:
Special thanks to Atreyu for not only doing a lot of work but also being very patient while I got distracted with forays into other fantasy lands!

Thanks too to Dwight Fry for shepherding me through my first edit, the original Hybrid Cut, that this project was born from.
Release Information:
Special Features:
Atreyu has put together a reconstruction of a deleted scene that is not known to exist in any form beyond script pages and set photographs, where (the character) Atreyu comes across Parmenter the Shrinking Giant. This is included in the same folder as the edit.
Editing Details:
Exported Full HD video with 5.1 channel audio, optional English subtitles (disabled by default). These are compiled from multiple versions of official subtitles polished for the greatest accuracy, including brand new captioning and a restoration of green G’mork lines that was a DVD/VHS closed-caption exclusive (plus blue colouring of the Southern Oracle’s lines), and make clear certain dialogue that is more difficult to make out.

Primary video footage sourced from 2019 German Blu-ray release (with 4K disc, not used here) of German Cut (GC) “Die Unendliche Geschicte”, secondary footage from 2014 30th anniversary UK Blu-ray release of International Cut (IC) requiring colour correction to fit in. Used my earlier International Cut Remastered project files as the starting point, as this aligned the IC audio to video from the GC Blu-ray.

Creative choices; AI voice cloning for GC-exclusive G’mork lines; blue Auryn shot restoration; frame edge repair and subtitle production by Atreyu. Assembly by ParanoidAndroid.
Cuts and Additions:
Changes listed are generally relative to the German Cut, as this illustrates the International Cut additions more clearly.

0:00:00 Added fanedit warning plate.
0:00:09 Added “A ParanoidAndroid Production” plate.
0:00:19 Added “An Atreyu Edit” plate. Provided by Atreyu.
0:00:25 Open with IC title sequence and song, rather than black background and Doldinger music.
0:02:23 Fade to GC soundtrack to accommodate the extended scene of Bastian sitting on his bed and his father coming into the kitchen.
0:11:26 Used IC soundtrack for first part of Koreander’s call, slightly clearer.
0:11:43 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
0:12:00 Added shot of Bastian taking the book from IC.
0:12:01 Used shot of Koreander looking at the note from IC, with English text.
0:14:39 Switched to soundtrack from IC for duration of the scene with the Rockbiter, Teeny Weeny and Night Hob, has additional music from Giorgio Moroder compared to the GC and a less distracting voice for Teeny Weeny, requiring small trims to GC footage.
0:21:10 Added ~8 second segment from IC of the approaching Nothing.
0:22:25 Used IC soundtrack for Giorgio Moroder music for approach to Ivory Tower, slightly trimming down GC footage to match.
0:25:02 Added two shots of Fantasian creatures from IC.
0:25:13 Added shot of Fantasia creatures from IC.
0:25:37 Added shot of Fantasia creatures from IC.
0:30:10 Used IC sequence of Atreyu riding out, more upbeat music than GC and uninterrupted by G’mork introduction. First shot (with Ivory Tower in background) sourced from IC as it is a couple of frames longer than the GC equivalent
0:31:28 Used IC soundtrack over scene of Atreyu and Artax by the stream, has additional music from Giorgio Moroder.
0:33:42 Used IC version of the Swamps of Sadness scene (different music to GC) up to the point where Morla start rising five-and-a-half minutes later, slightly trimmed compared to GC.
0:40:24 Added side shot of Morla talking to Atreyu from IC.
0:45:26 Switched to IC soundtrack with Giorgio Moroder music for scene of Atreyu being chased by G’mork, requiring small trims to GC footage.
0:48:46 Switched to IC soundtrack with additional music from Giorgio Moroder for scene of Atreyu talking with Falkor, requiring small trims to GC footage.
1:01:29 Used segment of audio from IC to change dialogue from “It has to hurt if it’s to heal.” to “You could do with a dose of juicy vitamins too.”
1:04:28 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:04:42 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:04:49 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:05:01 Used shot of book from IC, with English text.
1:05:54 Used IC soundtrack for Atreyu at the Southern Oracle, dialogue has reverb effect absent in GC.
1:08:55 Used AI-extracted IC “Yeah” as GC version sounded tinny.
1:12:05 Switched to IC soundtrack with Giorgio Moroder music at the shore and meeting the Rockbiter, requiring small trims to GC footage.
1:16:59 Switched to IC soundtrack for G’mork’s introduction, different groaning sounds to GC
1:17:20 Blended together elements from IC and GC soundtracks to extend music so a GC exclusive exchange between Atreyu and G’mork could be inserted. Reverb was added to both and the latter had different vocal tracks for the two versions (IC much deeper), so AI voice cloning was used to fill in the gaps. Voice cloning done by Atreyu.
1:20:37 Added a second GC-exclusive exchange between Atreyu and G’mork, again requiring mixing of the two soundtracks, reverb and AI voice cloning. Voice cloning done by Atreyu.
1:21:21 Switched to IC soundtrack, so part of GC version could be repurposed for a new shot
1:21:38 New shot inserted between Atreyu departing the ruins and Falkor diving into the water, blue-tinted shot of the Auryn exclusive to the original theatrical trailer only (extended x4 with Flowframes), meant to symbolise it being underwater. Audio from GC version of previous scene used to cover ~4 second period. Idea from Atreyu.
1:21:42 Switched to IC soundtrack for next 8 minutes, using Giorgio Moroder music for Falkor underwater, Ivory Tower approach and entry (both requiring slight trimming and latter having Falkor say “Go on”, which is not in the GC).
1:21:42 Added IC-exclusive overhead shot of water surface before Falkor is seen diving in, following shot shortened (as in IC) to avoid showing the puppet floating up again.
1:25:57 Cleaned up the matte painting around the Ivory Tower platform.
1:29:44 Switched to GC soundtrack, but added reverb to audio channels with dialogue whenever Atreyu or the Empress speaks to make it sound like IC, which is missing certain lines.
1:32:54 Dark border at frame edges removed from this shot. Done by Atreyu
1:32:54 Switched to IC soundtrack, different music to GC for Bastian and the Empress’ talk; clearer dialogue from Night Hob and Teeny Weeny.
1:36:05 Switched to GC soundtrack, avoids reverb from Falkor laughing and a stutter from Bastian on the last word of “Get 'em, Falkor! Let's see how you like it, chickens!” (1:36:43).
1:39:10 Overlaid portion of IC dialogue, Bastian more clearly audible.
1:37:46 Used IC version of the end credits, English text and title song again.

User reviews

5 reviews
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
(Updated: March 03, 2024)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
(Note: Apologies - I actually saw the "Hybrid Cut" from last year, not the "Atreyu Edit.")

Paranoid Android was kind enough to send me a preview copy of this last summer. It's everything I already loved about the movie with a few extra nuances. While I do really enjoy the song with the clouds from the US version, it does make less sense to transition from that to Bastian waking up from his nightmare. And we still get to hear the song at the end.

A few deleted scenes make for a fresh coat of paint on a movie I already love. Bravo!

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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
Fantastic work. Really managed to bring new life to a classic by changing a few details that add up along the way to create something really special.
Best edit I've seen of this movie so far.

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(Updated: January 11, 2024)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I have been privileged enough to take in the spectacle that is the Atreyu Edit. I want to say for all but the intro music/'cloudtank' scene, which I prefer the longer cut of (unless I am mistaken the American cut is longer here) the entire movie's editing meets strongly with my approval and my excitement to have witnessed!

These are tasty additions, add much to the Story feel of the movie, rather than the needlessly cut-too-short action-oriented feel of the American cut I originally saw. The movie opens slower with Bastian in bed. Then having a longer, more nuanced conversation with his father, and finally shows us more of his struggle to get through the first half of the book. For the rest of the film, the sections with narration are seamless and better match up.

The closing dialogue with Rockbiter always seemed to come up relatively abruptly to me, as does the launch directly into Morla's scene from the simple narration/montage after Atreyu's quest is seen beginning at the Ivory Tower. As we know however from interviews and leaks from those involved, it was a troubled production and much must have been lost, considered and scrapped from inclusion, or fell by the wayside in editing originally. ParanoidAndroid details some of this in a post, and those pieces may have added something to the flow of the story in the movie, but we may never know. One of the cut scenes leading up to Morla I can see might have been left out for pacing issues. That makes sense to me, but I would have paid some sum just to sit in the editing room and see what they had of that scene before it was left out.

This edit takes the best of all releases, combines them, extends the movie in the most careful story-telling sort of way, and even includes some truly amusing prop-work of the Luck Dragon later in the movie you will have to see for yourself (it is too funny not to be included, you'll see!)

I really do like the Endless Cloudtank intro which plays through, if I recall correctly, the entire song of Limahl's Neverending Story up-front. I don't mind repeated, slowed, or otherwise extended visuals to create this outcome. Because this is mind-canon, and I rock out to this song every time it is put on, I'm going to be critical and end up with 9/9 ratings awarded to the editor on Visual/Audio editing.

This is the best cut of this movie I've ever seen. This is the cut I will one day share with my children, albeit I selfishly hope the editor sees fit to make the intro match my head-canon. Also, some work on Gmork's AI/matched insert voice work could be done to improve its quality to meet the rest. Perhaps adding some reverb and depth of field to it? Do those two things and it will be 10's across the board! Epic work! So much more story-feel retained here-a true tribute to the original book & author! Bravo!

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Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I really like this edit, way better than the original I saw back in the movie theater. I am not too picky for the sound or the video quality, I grow up with VSR movies back in 70th, so for me many-many excellent fan editors just doing better job than the movie promoters. Keep up the good job.

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(Updated: January 15, 2024)
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
This fanedit was sort of significant to me in that it was the first pure fantasy movie I've watched since my dad died in January 2020. We both enjoyed sci-fi but fantasy was more his thing, and he always enjoyed it when I downloaded extended editions for him. Army of Darkness Primitive Screwhead Edition and Big Trouble In Little China Fully Engorged were his favorites. I've watched plenty of sci-fi since then, but haven't downloaded or watched any fantasy, though I inherited several fantasy Blu-rays, with The Neverending Story among them.
So I decided to give this fanedit a whirl when I saw it, and I did not regret it. The edits are seamless, the part where the list of edits warns ahead of time about AI voice cloning seems perfectly natural to me, and overall, it feels like it could be an actual extended cut released on Blu-ray. Perhaps for the 40th anniversary, which just happens to be this year!
The only quibble I have is about the sound. The dialogue seems to be coming out of the right speaker much of the time. I don't know if that's an artifact of the source material (I haven't watched the original Blu-ray in years and never on a 5.1 system) or of the editing process, so I only docked one star for that. All-in-all, this is a dang near perfect edit.

EDIT: The updated version fixes the audio channel issues. This is now one of the most perfect fanedits I have ever seen, and I've seen quite a few even though I've only posted one or two reviews. Seriously, two good, big, strong thumbs up!

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Owner's reply January 14, 2024

Delighted that you enjoyed the edit, even with the audio issues. Found that the soundtrack was exported with the wrong setting and have corrected this, uploading fixed version now.

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